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Koganebuchi, Kae ; Sato, Kimitoshi ; Fujii, Kiyotaka ; Kumabe, Toshihiro ; Haneji, Kuniaki ; Toma, Takashi ; Ishida, Hajime ; Joh, Keiichiro ; Soejima, Hidenobu ; Mano, Shuhei ; Ogawa, Motoyuki ; Oota, Hiroki
Background:Ring finger protein 213 (RNF213) is a susceptibility gene of moyamoya disease (MMD). A previous case–control
study and a family analysis demonstrated a strong association of the East Asian-specific variant, R4810K (rs112735431), with MMD. Our aim is to uncover evolutionary history of R4810K in East Asian populations.\nMethods:The RNF213 locus of 24 MMD patients in Japan were sequenced using targeted-capture sequencing. Based on the sequence data, we conducted population genetic analysis and estimated the age of R4810K using coalescent simulation.\nResults:The diversity of the RNF213 gene was higher in Africans than non-Africans, which can be explained by bottleneck effect of the out-of-Africa migration. Coalescent simulation showed that the risk variant was born in East Asia 14,500–5100 years ago and came to the Japanese archipelago afterward, probably in the period when the known migration based on archaeological evidences occurred.\nConclusions:Although clinical data show that the symptoms varies, all sequences harboring the risk allele are almost identical with a small number of exceptions, suggesting the MMD phenotypes are unaffected by the variants of this gene and rather would be more affected by environmental factors.
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Itahashi, Syuichi ; Hatakeyama, Shiro ; Shimada, Kojiro ; Takami, Akinori
Intensive observation campaigns approximately 1 week long were conducted periodically from March 2010 to November 2015 a
t Cape Hedo, Okinawa, Japan. The maximum daily mean sulfate aerosol (SO_4^<2->) concentrations surpassed 15 µg m^<–3> in spring 2012. In this study, source apportionment for these high concentrations was conducted using an air quality model with the tagged tracer method, and the main source was identified as volcanoes in March and as anthropogenic emissions from China in April. In March, the prevailing northerly wind transported a volcanic SO_2 plume with a low conversion ratio to Cape Hedo. The impacts of 15 volcanoes in Japan were estimated, and a substantial impact from Sakurajima, which accounted for more SO_2 than anthropogenic emissions from Japan, was found. Because the model had difficulty capturing the highest concentration, three sensitivity simulations were performed to consider the uncertainty of the volcanic SO_2 emission amounts and injection heights, revealing the importance of the injection height in addition to the SO_2 emission amount. Throughout April, contributions from anthropogenic emissions from China were found; hence, this source was further divided into 31 provincial scales. Shandong and Jiangsu Provinces, which are the first and seventh largest emission sources in China, respectively, were identified as significant sources at Cape Hedo. These sources showed day-to-day variation in their contributions, and the highest contribution from Shandong Province occurred on April 23, whereas that from Jiangsu Province occurred on April 22.
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Tatsuta, Shiori ; Shimada, Kojiro ; Chan, K. Chak ; Kim, Pyo Yong ; Lin, Neng-Huei ; Takami, Akinori ; Hatakeyama, Shiro
We observed the size distributions of mass concentration, ionic composition, and trace metal concentration in aerosols c
ollected at an urban site in Kumamoto Prefecture (KM) and a rural site at Cape Hedo in Okinawa Prefecture (HD) between 2012 and 2015. To evaluate the contribution of transboundary nitrate and locally emitted nitrate in the aerosols at Kumamoto, we distinguished between days of transboundary air pollution from East Asia and days of local air pollution on the basis of a threshold for Pb concentration and the ratio Pb (in 0.5 < projected area diameter (Dp) < 1.0 µm)/Cu (in 2.5 < Dp < 10 µm). Fine nitrate (particulate NH_4NO_3) did not arrive at HD from the Asian continent even under long-range transport conditions. Fine nitrate emitted in Kumamoto and its vicinity also was not transported to HD, even in an air mass that passed over KM and reached HD within one day. Almost all fine nitrate was converted to coarse nitrate during transport by dissociation of fine nitrate and adsorption of HNO_3 on larger aerosol particles. Transboundary nitrate existed largely in the particle size range of 0.5 < Dp < 10 µm, and the contribution of transboundary nitrate in the particle size range of 0.1 < Dp < 0.5 µm was about 20% even under long-range transport conditions. The contribution of transboundary nitrate in particles with Dp < 2.5 µm at KM was approximately 50%, 50%, and 80% in spring, autumn, and winter, respectively.
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Itahashi, Syuichi ; Hatakeyama, Shiro ; Shimada, Kojiro ; Tatsuta, Shiori ; Taniguchi, Yuta ; Chan, K. Chak ; Kim, Pyo Yong ; Lin, Neng-Huei ; Takami, Akinori
An intensive observation campaign at Cape Hedo, Okinawa, Japan was conducted from late October to early November 2015 to investigate the behavior of long-range transported atmospheric pollutants. During this period, sulfate
(SO_4^<2->) was the dominant aerosol component. The sources of SO_4^<2-> were estimated by using the air quality model with the tagged tracer method. The main source of high SO_4^<2-> concentration varied day-to-day. When the westerly wind was dominant (October 27), the main source was anthropogenic SO_2 emissions in China. When the northerly wind prevailed (November 1), the impact of volcanoes in western Japan was significant and the conversion ratio from SO_2 to SO_4^<2-> was lowest, at less than 70%, because of the faster transport. During the latter part of the campaign, the northerly to easterly winds were prominent, and the impacts of Korea, Japan, and ships on SO_4^<2-> observed at Cape Hedo were also clear. When the contributions from Korea, Japan, and ships were the highest (November 4), the conversion ratio was also the highest, at greater than 95% because of long-range transport. The modeled sources of volcanoes and ship emissions corresponded well with the observed coarse-mode SO_4^<2-> and V/Mn ratio, respectively. The mutual evaluation of sources from model and observations enable SO_4^<2-> sources to be estimated with higher confidence.
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上里, 賢一 ; Uezato, Kenichi
科研費番号: 16520214
平成16年度~18年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))成果報告書 研究概要(和文):琉球王国時代に琉球で作られた漢詩(琉球漢詩)は、日本、中国、朝鮮、安南等の地域と密接な関係を持っている … 。琉球の詩人がこれらの地域を実際に訪れて作品を作ったり、詩人との贈答をしたり、琉球を訪れた中国や日本の詩人が、琉球を題材にした作品を残したりしている。本研究では、中国とベトナムの調査を実施して多くの漢文資料を入手した。中国蘇州市では、琉球最初の漢詩集『中山詩文集』の編纂者程順則の父親程泰柞の墓 (蘇州市上方山にある)と、関連地点の調査をした。福建省福州市では、福建師範大学附属図書館で、『琉球詩課』その他の琉球関係資料の閲覧と資料収集に当たった。『琉球詩課』は、清代に琉球から北京の国子監に派遣された留学生の作品を集めて、指導に当たった教師が批評を付し版行した貴重な資料である。ベトナムのホーチミン市・ハノイ市では、ホーチミン図書館とハンナム研究院等において資料の調査と収集に当たった。その資料の一部は、研究成果報告書に収録している。本研究の成果の一部は、台湾大学や台湾中央研究院などにおけるシンポジウムで発表した。研究成果報告書には発表論文の一部を掲載した。本研究によって、中国とベトナムで入手した資料については、引き続き分析・検討し、本研究の課題である「東アジア漢字文化圏の中における琉球漢詩の位置」について、その内容を深めるのに役立てていきたい。 研究概要(英文) : Chinese style poetry (Ryukyu Kanshi), written during the era of the Ryukyu kingdom, has a close relation with poetry in the neighbor countries such as Japan, China, Korea, and Vietnam. In the past, Ryukyuan poets composed poems when they visited these places. Chinese and Japanese poets visited the Ryukyus and wrote poems on places they visited in the Ryukyus. I collected a number of materials related to Chinese style poetry through my fieldwork in China and Vietnam. In Soshu, China, I visited the tomb of Tei Taiso, father of Tei Junsoku. Tei Junsoku is an editor of "Chuzanshibunshu", the first collection of Chinese style poetry in the Ryukyus. In Fukushu, Fukken-sho, in the library of Fukken University I went through books and other written materials on "Ryukyusika" and other materials related to Chinese style poetry and the Ryukyus. "Ryukyusika" is a collection of poems written by Ryukyuans in Peking. It was published with critiques of their masters during the era of the Shin Dynasty. In Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, Vietnam, I also visited the Ho Chi Minh library and other institutes to investigate materials related to Chinese style poetry. A part of the collected materials is shown in the report earlier. A part of my research results has been presented at symposiums at Taiwan University and Academia Sinica Taiwan. 研究報告書 続きを見る |
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John Dill Ross
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Iwahashi, Roki ; 岩橋, 培樹
This paper introduces a theoretical model based on a fairly new viewpoint on education, by which people are informed of
their expected outcomes of future education. According to the model, the effect of the recent rapid development in East Asian countries, on the demand of education is examined, using panel data of 10 East Asian countries. We believe that our framework offers the key to an understanding of the interdependent relation between schooling and economic development in recent East Asia. It is also found that the impact of the economic development on educational demand is larger for boys, particularly in tertiary education.
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古川, 雅英 ; 赤田, 尚史 ; 卓, 維海 ; 郭, 秋菊 ; 楢崎, 幸範 ; 床次, 眞司 ; Furukawa, Masahide ; Akata, Naofumi ; Zhuo, Weihai ; Guo, Qiuju ; Narazaki, Noriyuki ; Tokonami, Shinji
In order to investigate the characteristics on natural radioactivity of loess, desert sand and eolian dust origin soil d
istributed in East Asia, analyses for ^<238>U, ^<232>Th and ^<40>K concentrations by ICP-MS and ICP-AES, and for major chemical composition, SiO_2, Al_2O_3, K_2O, etc., by XRF have been performed on 48 samples collected from the wide area of China and three prefectures of Japan. The results for loess samples indicated that the concentrations of natural radioactive elements and major chemical composition are almost homogeneous over Chinese Loess Plateau. Also the results suggested that the basic material of the red soils developed on Quaternary limestone in Okinawa prefecture, southwestern part of Japan, is not weathering residual from the base rock, but the eolian dust from the high background radiation area in the southeastern part of China. These observations could give important keys to understand the origin place of the eolian dust in East Asia during the Quaternary.
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Gilbert Rozman
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Colin Mackerras, editor