

木村靖二, 岸本美緒, 小松久男監修
出版情報: 東京 : 山川出版社, 2018.4-2023.7
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出版情報: 東京 : 中央公論美術出版, 2017.2-2023.12
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出版情報: 京都 : 晃洋書房, 2019.10-2023.3
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天児, 慧(1947-)
出版情報: 東京 : 東京大学出版会, 2015.2-2022.8
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出版情報: 東京 : 東洋経済新報社, 2015.7-2022.6
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出版情報: 東京 : 日本評論社, 2014.3-2022.5
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Michael Dine
出版情報: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2022
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edited and introduced by Peter Catapano and Rosemarie Garland-Thomson ; foreword by Andrew Solomon
出版情報: New York : Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2021
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杏林大学 [編] = Kyorin University
出版情報: 三鷹 : 杏林大学, 2019-2021
巻次(年次): 36巻 (2019.2)-38巻 (Mar. 2021)
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出版情報: 東京 : 河出書房新社, 2014.11-2020.2
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[紫式部著] ; 角田光代訳
出版情報: 東京 : 河出書房新社, 2017.9-2020.2
シリーズ名: 日本文学全集 / 池澤夏樹編 ; 04-06
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岸本誠司, 村上信五, 春名眞一編集
出版情報: 東京 : 医学書院, 2018.5-2020.5
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Jennifer L. Eberhardt
出版情報: London : Windmill Books, 2020
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Carol Gilligan, David A.J. Richards
出版情報: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020
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出版情報: 東京 : 明石書店, 2019.3-2020.4
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オウィディウス [著] ; 高橋宏幸訳
出版情報: 京都 : 京都大学学術出版会, 2019.5-2020.5
シリーズ名: 西洋古典叢書
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出版情報: 東京 : 花鳥社, 2019.10-2020.7
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K. P. C. Vollhardt, N. E. Schore [著] ; 大嶌幸一郎 [ほか] 訳
出版情報: 京都 : 化学同人, 2019.12-2020.3
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土居英二, 浅利一郎, 中野親徳編著
出版情報: 東京 : 日本評論社, 2019.2-2020.1
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田上智宜, 松田康博編
出版情報: 東京 : 東京大学東洋文化研究所附属東洋学研究情報センター, 2019.3-2020.3
シリーズ名: 東洋学研究情報センター叢刊 ; 28, 30
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出版情報: Yokosuka : Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, [2015]-[2020]
巻次(年次): 2014 (2014)-2018 (2018)
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出版情報: 東京 : 日本工業新聞新社, 2010.4-2020.4
巻次(年次): 43巻4号 (2010.4)-53巻4号 (2020.4) = 通巻506号 (2010.4)-通巻626号 (2020.4)
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出版情報: 東京 : 藤原書店, 2019.12-2020.2
シリーズ名: Bourdieu library
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出版情報: 東京 : 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2018.1-2020.10
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髙良, 美沙希 ; 大田, 伊久雄 ; 木島, 真志 ; Takara, Misaki ; Ota, Ikuo ; Konoshima, Masashi
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46984
概要: 木育とは2004年に北海道で誕生した「日常に木を取り入れる」取組である.沖縄県では,2014年に策定された「沖縄県森林・林業アクションプラン」において県産材の利用促進という観点から木育を推進しており,県内各地で様々な木育活動が展開されている .本研究では,県内で木育活動を実施している様々な団体への聞き取り調査と,木育イベントへの参加者などに対するアンケート調査をもとに,県内の木育活動の現状と課題を明らかにし,今後の沖縄県に必要な木育の展開について考察することを目的とした.聞き取り調査の結果から県内の木育活動の目的は林業振興・環境教育・幼少教育の3つに分類できることが分かった.また,木育講座の要望は増加傾向にあるものの,木育を担う人材が不足していることが明らかになった.木育イベント参加者へのアンケート調査の結果からは,森林散策や動植物の観察会等,森林を活用したイベントなどが望まれていることが明らかになり,現状の木工体験を中心とした木育活動に加えて新たなメニュー開発が課題であることが分かった.


金城, 光菜野 ; 木島, 真志 ; 大田, 伊久雄 ; Kinjo, Hinano ; Konoshima, Masashi ; Ota, Ikuo
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — THE SCIENCE BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS.  pp.23-32,  2019-12-31.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46985
概要: 日本国内における戸建住宅の多くは木造であるが,沖縄県だけは例外的にRC造が主流であり,木造住宅は極めて少ない.しかし,近年では県内でも木造住宅の着工戸数が増加してきており,2017年には1,000戸を超え,戸建て住宅における木造率も35%に まで増加している.そこで本研究では,沖縄県における木造住宅生産者を探し出して聞き取り調査を行い,誰がどのような工法でどれだけの木造住宅を建てているのかの実態を把握した.その結果,沖縄県内の木造住宅生産者は大別して県内の建築業者と県外の建築業者に分けられ,どちらも同程度の建築戸数実績となっていることがわかった.ただし,県内業者では年間建築戸数が20戸以下の比較的小規模な業者と20戸以上の大規模業者が拮抗しているのに対し,県外業者では圧倒的に大規模業者による建築実績が大きいことが判明した.さらに,多くの生産者が2008年以降に木造住宅の建築を開始しており,木造住宅建築に関わる業者数が急激に増加していることがわかった.現状における木造住宅の普及に関する問題点としては,人材不足,施工側の取り組み意識の消極性,消費者側の木造に対する不信感の払拭などが挙げられる.今後も沖縄県における木造住宅木造着工数は増加を続けることが見込まれるが,木造住宅を支える人材の育成や沖縄仕様の家づくりの研究,さらに木造住宅の安全性についての積極的なPR等が必要である.


芝, 正己 ; Shiba, Masami
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — THE SCIENCE BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS.  pp.33-40,  2019-12-31.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46986
概要: Der Schlüssel zur Forstästhetik liegt in der Idee, die Holzproduktionsaktivitäten mit der Schaffung wunderschöner Wälder in Einklang zu bringen, d. h. "Harmonie zwischen Wirtschaftlichkeit und Schönheit von Bewirtschaftungsforst".Dieser Gedanke wird im Kontext sozioökonomischer und kultureller Fragestellungen zum Umgang mit Wäldern diskutiert, die im Laufe der 100-jährigen deutschen Waldentwicklung einen hohen ökonomischen Stellenwert haben und die dadurch verloren gegangene Schönheit der regionalen Landschaft widerspiegeln. Es wurde von Riches Buch und seiner tatsächlichen Waldschöpfung genährt. Schließlich wird die Forstästhetik von der Gesellschaft durch die Heimatschutzbewegung bewertet und akzeptiert, eine sogenannte lokale Landschaft, die sich aus deutschem Naturschutz, Ackerland und Wäldern zusammensetzt. In diesem Aufsatz habe ich zunächst den Hintergrund der Entstehung der Forstästhetik in Bezug auf den Entwicklungsprozess der deutschen Forstwirtschaft und verwandter Gebiete wie Aufklärung und Romantik erörtert, die sich zu dieser Zeit hauptsächlich in Europa entwickelten. Insbesondere durch Goethes Amtsgeschäfte als Gerichtsberater während der Weimarer Zeit verwies er auf den Austausch mit Forstklassiker „ Cotta“ und „König“ sowie anderen wichtigen Oberforestmeister, Wildmeister und Hofjäger, und auf Verbindungen zu Ausschüssen für Forst- und Jagdwirtschaft.Schließlich betrachte ich entstand 1902 das Buch『Forstästhetik』von Salish und 2005 das Buch 『Waldästhetik über Forstwirtschaft, Naturschuzt und die Menschenseele』 von Stölb, aus der Perspektive einer inhaltlichen Neufassung-Umschrift oder Transkription.


仲間, 勇栄 ; Nakama, Yuei
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — THE SCIENCE BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS.  pp.41-50,  2019-12-31.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46989
概要: The campus of the University of the Ryukyus is approximately 1.26 million square meters at present. It spans three admin istrative districts: Nishihara Town, Nakagusuku Village, and Ginowan City. Before relocation, the area was a forest mainly owned by Nishihara Town and Nakagusuku Village. The Nishihara forest was called “Tanabaruyama” during the Ryukyu Kingdom period, and it was a “Somayama” where tea gardens and trees planted exclusively for the Kingdom were cared by the Imperial Palace of Shuri. “Somayama” means the mountain that provided the kingdom with wood. Since the Senbaru campus stratum contained old formations such as old Yanbaru-type Nago and Kayo strata, plants like Itajii (Castanopsis sieboldii), Okinawa Urajirogashi (Quercus miyagii), etc. found in acidic soils of Yambaru were used to be growing. However, due to topographical changes, the Itajii trees have now disappeared and only a few Okinawa Urajirogashi can be seen around Senbaru Pond. In this Senbaru district, the mountain managers began to live during the period of the Ryukyu Kingdom, and many migrants from Shuri have settled in since Meiji era. These settlers used to live along the river in Senbaru, making use of the blessings bestowed by the rivers and mountains until around the late 1960s before the University of the Ryukyus moved. They lived mainly by growing sugarcane. Even now, the Ryukyu Kingdom’s tea garden, wells, sacred places, tombs, ruins, and the many traces of life the people who settled there in later years are still left behind in this Senbaru campus. Now, few people know the historical sites still there. I believe that restoring the history and culture of our roots and conveying these to students will be a place for rediscovering living science and also a fundamental part of university education.


新里, 孝和 ; 陳, 碧霞 ; 芝, 正巳 ; Shinzato, Takakazu ; Chen, Bixia ; Shiba, Masami
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — THE SCIENCE BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS.  pp.51-63,  2019-12-31.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46990
概要: 紀要論文


Horie, Miki ; Takaragawa, Hiroo ; Kawamitsu, Yoshinobu
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — THE SCIENCE BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS.  pp.65-70,  2019-12-31.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46991
概要: In order to shorten the cultivation period of pineapple, a crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plant, it is important to increase the rate of CO2 exchange rate and improve dry matter production, especially at the early growth stage. When plants are grown under hydroponic conditions, absorption of nutrients and plant water availability are generally increased, and in the case of CAM plants, hydroponics could be expected to improve growth rate through promoting stomatal open during daytime. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of culture method (hydroponic and soil culture) on diurnal changes in gas exchange rate and CO2 balance in pineapple. The daily CO2 balance under hydroponics tended to be higher than under soil culture, especially in Phase-4. This was due to a shortened Phase-3 and a prolonged Phase-4 under hydroponics compared to soil culture. In Phase-4, the CO2 exchange rate was significantly correlated with stomatal conductance, indicating CO2 balance was affected by stomatal activity. Rubisco consumption activated under hydroponic culture may have shortened the duration of Phase-3 when stomatal opening was suppressed. The CO2 balance tended to be increased because of the shortening of Phase-3, resulting in higher dry matter productivity. From these results, it is suggested that hydroponic culture could promote growth in pineapple. However, net assimilation rate under soil culture was equivalent to that under hydroponics. Further study is needed to reveal the relationship between hydroponic cultivation and whole-plant photosynthetic ability.


関根, 健太郎 ; 綱取, 汐音 ; 斎藤, 明莉 ; 諏訪, 竜一 ; 田場, 聡 ; Sekine, Ken-Taro ; Tsunatori, Shion ; Saito, Akari ; Suwa, Ryuichi ; Taba, Satoshi
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — THE SCIENCE BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS.  pp.71-79,  2019-12-31.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46992
概要: Agriculture in Okinawa, an area located in the subtropical climate zone, is pest prone owing to the warm and humid clima te of the region. While it is possible to produce crops with high market demand using differences in climatic zones—cultivated products varying regionally—, the cultivation system in each location is unique. In addition, there is a paucity of basic academic knowledge to facilitate improvements in agricultural productivity. In order to promote regional agriculture, it is essential to gather technologies and knowledge from universities, national and prefectural research institutions, and private companies, to work together to solve the problems and meet the needs of local producers. It is also crucial to develop leaders to promote regional agriculture development. Therefore, the University of the Ryukyus has established the Okinawa Crop Protection Network, to share information on agricultural issues among industry, academia, and the private sector. The aim is to build a collaborative research network that contributes to regional development, and to use this network as a basis for human resource development to groom local leaders. This paper describes the history and future prospects of this vital network


谷口, 真吾 ; 松本, 一穂 ; Bam, Razafindrabe ; 亀山, 統一 ; Taniguchi, Shingo ; Matumoto, Kazuho ; Kameyama, Norikazu
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — THE SCIENCE BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS.  pp.81-82,  2019-12-31.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46993
概要: 紀要論文


酒井, 一人 ; 仲村渠, 将 ; Sakai, Kazuhito ; Nakandakari, Tamotsu
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — THE SCIENCE BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS.  pp.83-83,  2019-12-31.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46994
概要: 利水工学研究室の赤土流出研究は名誉教授吉永安俊先生の取組みに端を発している.本報告では,その当時から今日に至るまでの赤土流出を研究する取組みを紹介した.


木村, 匠 ; Kimura, Sho
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — THE SCIENCE BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS.  pp.85-85,  2019-12-31.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46995
概要: 紀要論文


平良, 英三 ; 鹿内, 健志 ; Taira, Eizo ; Shikanai, Takeshi
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — THE SCIENCE BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS.  pp.87-87,  2019-12-31.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46996
概要: バイオシステム工学分野では,農業機械学,農業情報工学,農産施設工学を基礎とする講義科目を提供している.亜熱帯島嶼環境に適した機械化と情報化を核とする高度農業生産技術,バイオマス利用技術,農産物などの加工・高付加価値化技術の研究開発を行ってお り,近年は,スマート農業やスマート・フードチェーンシステムとして注目されている.


波平, 知之 ; 陳, 碧霞 ; モハメドアムザド, ホサイン ; 赤嶺, 光 ; 高嶋, 敦史 ; Namihira, Tomoyuki ; Chen, Bixia ; Mohammad Amzad, Hossain ; Akamine, Hikaru ; Takashima, Atsushi
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — THE SCIENCE BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS.  pp.89-90,  2019-12-31.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46997
概要: 紀要論文


Sudo, Takahiro
出版情報: Ryukyu mathematical journal.  32  pp.1-78,  2019-12-27.  Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus — 琉球大学理学部数理科学教室
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/45185
概要: We would like to review and study the basic noncommutative geometry by Khalkhali, but only partially as contained in the first chapter.


Kise, Yuya ; Kuniyoshi, Yukio ; Ando, Mizuki ; Maeda, Tatuya ; Inafuku, Hitoshi ; Yamashiro, Satoshi
出版情報: Annals of Vascular Diseases.  12  pp.537-540,  2019-12-25.  ©2019 The Editorial Committee of Annals of Vascular Diseases.
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002019984
概要: Deep hypothermia in thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm operations is considered extremely useful for ensuring sufficient time to reconstruct the segmental arteries feeding the spinal cord. However, because the amplitude of motor evoked potentials (MEPs) decrease or disappear during deep hypothermia, feasible methods for assessing spinal cord circulation have not yet been reported. Performing additional segmental arterial reconstructions that rely on MEPs is also impractical. In the present case, to ascertain spinal cord circulation under deep hypothermia, we intraoperatively measured the reconstructed segmental arterial pressure in real time and investigated whether sufficient spinal cord blood flow had been attained. 続きを見る


Abe, Norie ; 阿部, 典恵
出版情報: Virchows Archiv.  476  pp.701-709,  2019-12-23.  University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46671
概要: As visual quantification of the density of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) lacks in precision, digital image analy sis (DIA) approach has been applied in order to improve. In several studies, TIL density has been examined on hematoxylin and eosin (HE)-stained sections using DIA. The aim of the present study was to quantify TIL density on HE sections of core needle biopsies using DIA and investigate its association with clinicopathological parameters and pathological response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive breast cancer. The study cohort comprised of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer, all treated with neoadjuvant anti-HER2 therapy. DIA software applying machine learning-based classification of epithelial and stromal elements was used to count TILs. TIL density was determined as the number of TILs per square millimeter of stromal tissue. Median TIL density was 1287/mm^2 (range, 123–8101/mm^2). A high TIL density was associated with higher histological grade (P = 0.02), estrogen receptor negativity (P = 0.036), and pathological complete response (pCR) (P < 0.0001). In analyses using receiver operating characteristic curves, a threshold TIL density of 2420/mm^2 best discriminated pCR from non-pCR. In multivariate analysis, high TIL density (> 2420/mm^2) was significantly associated with pCR (P < 0.0001). Our results indicate that DIA can assess TIL density quantitatively, machine learning-based classification algorithm allowing determination of TIL density as the number of TILs per unit area, and TIL density established by this method appears to be an independent predictor of pCR in HER2-positive breast cancer.


Rosenberg, Yael ; Doniger, Tirza ; Harii, Saki ; Sinniger, Frederic ; Levy, Oren
出版情報: iScience.  22  pp.477-488,  2019-12-20.  Cell Press
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/47239
概要: Life on earth has evolved under constant environmental changes; in response to these changes, most organisms have develo ped an endogenous clock that allows them to anticipate daily and seasonal changes and adapt their biology accordingly. Light cycles synchronize biological rhythms and are controlled by an endogenous clock that is entrained by environmental cues. Light is known to play a key role in the biology of symbiotic corals as they exhibit many biological processes entrained by daily light patterns. In this study, we aimed at determining the effect of constant dim light on coral's perception of diel and monthly cycles. Our results show that under constant dim light corals display a loss of rhythmic processes and constant stimuli by light, which initiates signal transduction that results in an abnormal cell cycle, cell proliferation, and protein synthesis. The results emphasize how constant dim light can mask the biological clock of Acropora digitifera.


Nagata, Masashi ; 永田, 仁
出版情報: Journal of Thoracic Disease.  12  pp.308-318,  2019-12-20.  University of the Ryukyus — 琉球大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46625
概要: Background: Our previous report described how postoperative progression of sarcopenia predicted longterm prognosis after complete resection of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in heavy smokers. However, there are currently no effective means to treat progressive sarcopenia. In this study, we aimed to confirm our previous findings in a larger population and to identify factors associated with postoperative progression of sarcopenia to propose possible preventative measures.Methods: This retrospective study analyzed the data of 1,095 patients who underwent curative lobar resection for NSCLC at Kanagawa Cancer Center. We divided patients into four groups according to sex and Brinkman index (BI) above or below 600. Six-month postoperative changes in the skeletal muscle index (SMI) were calculated and associations between clinicopathological factors including changes in SMI and mortality from postoperative 6 months were examined. Only in groups in which postoperative depletion of SMI was shown to be associated with the prognosis, we identified clinicopathological factors associated with depletive SMI.Results: The overall survival rates of 1,095 patients were 89.8% and 82.5% at 3 and 5 years, respectively. The median 6-month change in SMI was –3.4% (range, −22.3% to +17.9%). Multivariate analysis revealed that poor prognosis was independently predicted by a large reduction in the SMI (cut-off value: −10%) in males with a BI ≥600. In 391 heavy-smoking males, factors associated with a postoperative change in SMI ≤−10% were history of other cancers (including gastric cancer) low forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV 1.0, cut-off value: 1,870 mL), and prolonged operation time (cut-off value: 200 minutes).Conclusions: Perioperative measures to prevent postoperative sarcopenia are appropriate for heavy smokers. We obtained some clues regarding countermeasures, one of which may be avoiding long-time operation. Further studies including clinical trials to assess perioperative anti-sarcopenia treatments, are needed.


Naito, Tadasuke ; Ushirogawa, Hiroshi ; Fukushima, Takuya ; Tanaka, Yuetsu ; Saito, Mineki
出版情報: Virology Journal.  16  2019-12-19.  Springer Nature
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/47226
概要: Background: EOS plays an important role in maintaining the suppressive function of regulatory T cells (Tregs), and induc es a regulated transformation of Tregs into T helper-like cells, which are capable of secreting proinflammatory cytokines in response to specific inflammatory signals. Meanwhile, significant reduction in Treg activity along with production of proinflammatory cytokines has been reported in patients with HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP).\nMethods: In this study, to examine whether there is an alteration in EOS expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) derived from HTLV-1-infected individuals especially HAM/TSP, we investigated the expression of HTLV-1 tax genotype, proviral load (PVL), and the mRNA expression of tax, HBZ and EOS in HTLV-1 infected individuals including adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL), HAM/TSP, or asymptomatic carriers. The expression levels of EOS mRNA and protein in various HTLV-1-infected or uninfected human T-cell lines were also investigated.\nResults: EOS was highly expressed at the protein level in most HTLV-1 infected T-cell lines, and was augmented after the HTLV-1 regulatory factor Tax was induced in a Tax-inducible JPX-9 cell line. Immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated a physical interaction between EOS and the viral regulatory protein Tax, but not HBZ. Meanwhile, there was a significant decrease in EOS mRNA levels in PBMCs of HTLV-1 infected individuals irrespective of their clinical statuses. We found an inverse correlation between EOS mRNA levels and HTLV-1 PVL in ATL patients, and positive correlations between both EOS mRNA load and PVL, and EOS and HBZ mRNA load in HAM/TSP patients, whereas this correlation was not observed in other clinical statuses.\nConclusions: These findings suggest that both Tax and HBZ can alter the expression of EOS through undetermined mechanisms, and dysregulated expression of EOS in PBMCs of HTLV-1 infected individuals may contribute to the pathological progression of HTLV-1-associated diseases, such as ATL and HAM/TSP.


西山, 桂一 ; 島田, 拓 ; 吉田, 譲 ; 田村, 常雄 ; Nishiyama, Keiichi ; Shimada, Taku ; Yoshida, Yuzuru ; Tamura, Hisao
出版情報: Fauna Ryukyuana.  52  pp.1-9,  2019-11-24.  Ryukyu University Museum, Fujukan — 琉球大学資料館 (風樹館)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46840
概要: The harvestman species, Parabeloniscus caudatus Suzuki, 1973 (Opiliones, Epedanidae), has been recorded from Okinawa-jim a Island, Miyagi-jima Island and Ikei-jima Island of the central Ryukyus, Japan. This species is considered to be highly dependent on cave environments (Shimojana 1978; 1979). Our survey found new habitats of P. caudatus from Amami-oshima, Tokunoshima and Okinawa-jima islands in the central Ryukyus, Japan. An unidentified Parabeloniscus species has previously been reported from Amami-oshima and Tokunoshima islands, and our study confirmed for the first time that P. caudatus is distributed on these islands. We also found the species under stones in the forests outside caves. A previous study reported the presence of eyeless individuals (Shimojana 1979). The current study also found eyeless individuals from two separate caves.


佐藤, 大義 ; Sato, Taigi
出版情報: Fauna Ryukyuana.  52  pp.11-13,  2019-11-24.  Ryukyu University Museum, Fujukan — 琉球大学資料館 (風樹館)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46841
概要: 沖縄島の羽地内海からシマノハテマゴコロガイPeregrinamor gastrochaenans Kato & Itani, 2000を採集した.本種はミナミアナジャコUpogebia carinicauda (Stimpson, 1860 ) の頭胸甲腹面に付着して生活するチリハギ科の二枚貝であり,宿主が熱帯から亜熱帯にかけて広く分布するのに対して本種は模式産地である奄美大島のみでしか見出されていない極めて分布の狭い種として知られていた.今回,沖縄島から採集されたことによって本種の分布は沖縄島まで拡大したが,沖縄島における生息状況はよく分っておらず状況把握に向けた今後の研究が望まれる.
Peregrinamor gastrochaenans Kato & Itani, 2000, a symbiotic bivalve with Upogebia carinicauda (Stimpson, 1860), is recorded from Haneji Inland Sea, Okinawa Island, Japan. This represents the first record from Okinawa Island and the second record of the species after one from Amami-Ohshima Island. The distributional range of the species is expanded to the south.


前之園, 唯史 ; Maenosono, Tadafumi
出版情報: Fauna Ryukyuana.  52  pp.15-22,  2019-11-24.  Ryukyu University Museum, Fujukan — 琉球大学資料館 (風樹館)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46842
概要: 沖縄諸島の沿岸域からツェンナーガニ属(新称) Zehntneriana Ng & Takeda, 2010の3種[アシナガツェンナーガニ(改称)Z. miyakei (Takeda, 1972),オガサワラツェンナーガニZ. novaein sulicola (Takeda & Kurata, 1977),ビロードツェンナーガニZ. tadafumii Lee, Kim & Ng, 2015]の標本を採集した.これら3種のうち,アシナガツェンナーガニは沖縄島からの初記録であり,オガサワラツェンナーガニは琉球列島から初記録である.本稿ではこれら3種に加えて,琉球列島からの採集記録もあるアマクサツェンナーガニZ.amakusae (Takeda & Miyake, 1969)を含めた計4種について,分布記録,生息環境およびこれまでに提唱された和名についての情報を整理した.さらに, Z. serrata Ng & Lin, 2015も加えた日本・台湾産のツェンナーガニ属5種の検索表も与えた.
Three species of the pilumnid genus, Zehntneriana Ng & Takeda, 2010, viz. Z. miyakei (Takeda, 1972), Z. novaeinsulicola (Takeda & Kurata, 1977), Z. tadafumii Lee, Kim & Ng, 2015, were collected from the Okinawa Island Group, central Ryukyus, Japan. Zehntneriana miyakei and Z. novaeinsulicola are recorded for the first time from Okinawa Island and the Ryukyu Islands, respectively. Distributional records, habitats and standard Japanese names of the above three species and Z. amakusae (Takeda & Miyake, 1969) are summarized. An identification key to the five species of Zehntneriana in the Japan and Taiwan is also provided.


Yamagishi, Makoto ; Hori, Makoto ; Fujikawa, Dai ; Ohsugi, Takeo ; Honma, Daisuke ; Adachi, Nobuaki ; Katano, Harutaka ; Hishima, Tsunekazu ; Kobayashi, Seiichiro ; Nakano, Kazumi ; Nakashima, Makoto ; Iwanaga, Masako ; Utsunomiya, Atae ; Tanaka, Yuetsu ; Okada, Seiji ; Tsukasaki, Kunihiro ; Tobinai, Kensei ; Araki, Kazushi ; Watanabe, Toshiki ; Uchimaru, Kaoru
出版情報: Cell reports.  29  pp.2321-2337,  2019-11-19.  Cell Press
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/45873
概要: Although global H3K27me3 reprogramming is a hallmark of cancer, no effective therapeutic strategy for H3K27me3-high mali gnancies harboring EZH2(WT/WT) has yet been established. We explore epigenome and transcriptome in EZH2(WT/WT) and EZH2(WT/Mu) aggressive lymphomas and show that mutual interference and compensatory function of co-expressed EZH1 and EZH2 rearrange their own genome-wide distribution, thereby establishing restricted chromatin and gene expression signatures. Direct comparison of leading compounds introduces potency and a mechanism of action of the EZH1/2 dual inhibitor (valemetostat). The synthetic lethality is observed in all lymphoma models and primary adult T cell leukemia-lymphoma (ATL) cells. Opposing actions of EZH1/2-polycomb and SWI/SNF complexes are required for facultative heterochromatin formation. Inactivation of chromatin-associated genes (ARID1A, SMARCA4/BRG1, SMARCB1/SNF5, KDM6A/UTX, BAP1, KMT2D/MLL2) and oncovirus infection (HTLV-1, EBV) trigger EZH1/2 perturbation and H3K27me3 deposition. Our study provides the mechanism-based rationale for chemical dual targeting of EZH1/2 in cancer epigenome.


呉屋, 英樹 ; Goya, Hideki
出版情報: 言語文化研究紀要 : Scripsimus.  pp.1-22,  2019-10-31.  琉球大学国際地域創造学部国際言語文化プログラム — Faculty of global and regional studies global languages and cultures program University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/45148
概要: According to the new Course of Study (2017, 2018) in Japan, promoting learners’ autonomous learning through Active Learn ing in English lessons has been gaining much attention these days. In general, pair-work or group-work application in a classroom setting is frequently utilized in actual English language teaching practices, and deeper learning outcome is expected to happen as a result of such collaborative activities. However, a simple employment of such teaching framework does not guarantee pedagogical benefits as much as expected. The present study aimed to construe how English teachers serving at public high schools perceived a principle of active learning. More specifically, the study surveyed 53 in-service English teachers to clarify how they interpreted the principle of deep learning stated in the new Course of Study, how they reflected the principle in their actual practices, what concerns they had when converting the principle into the form of teaching practices. The results gained from KH Coder indicated that despite much concern about the autonomous as well as interactive behavior of high school students, the teachers’ responses showed a lack of clear interpretation of deep leaning. With the finding in mind, the study discusses a necessity of awareness-raising activities so that ALBT can further develop theoretically and pedagogically in an EFL context.


東矢, 光代 ; 當間, 千夏 ; Toya, Mitsuyo ; Toma, Chinatsu
出版情報: 言語文化研究紀要 : Scripsimus.  pp.23-45,  2019-10-31.  琉球大学国際地域創造学部国際言語文化プログラム — Faculty of global and regional studies global languages and cultures program University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/45147
概要: This paper reports the results of Beliefs, Events and Values Inventory (BEVI) analyses for two groups of students at the University of the Ryukyus: those who began a course in a newly established minor, the Global Shinryo Program, and those who were studying Media English as part of their required coursework. The analyses produced three graphs generated by the BEVI administration system: an aggregate profile, a decile profile, and a profile contrast. The results revealed that both groups shared similar patterns: high in Self Awareness (Scale 11), Sociocultural Openness (Scale 15), and Global Resonance (Scale17). Both groups tended to be liberal in Religious and Gender Traditionalisms (Scales 13and 14). These altogether indicate that students in both groups are highly competent in dealing with cross-cultural experiences and carrying out intercultural collaboration. Conversely, the scales oriented toward inner self and core values, such as Scales 7 and 8, highlighted a difference existing in Scale 8 (Socioemotional Convergence). Their decile profiles and profile contrasts illustrated that there exists a considerable degree of variance within the same group of students. Understanding this variance and devising ways to support those who are unready for global experiences will be a critical task of instructors and administrators.


鈴木, 正士 ; Suzuki, Masashi
出版情報: 言語文化研究紀要 : Scripsimus.  pp.47-78,  2019-10-31.  琉球大学国際地域創造学部国際言語文化プログラム — Faculty of global and regional studies global languages and cultures program University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/45146
概要: En el episodio, Marcela aparece descrita como una mujer discreta y recatada. Sin embargo, en el cap. XII, Pedro, un cabr ero, dice sobre ella: “aquella endiablada moza de Marcela.” En el mundo cristiano el término “diablo” es una palabra radical. Además, en el cap. XIII, Ambrosio, un amigo de Grisóstomo, califica a Marcela de “enemiga mortal del linaje humano.” La razón por la que le dirigen a Marcela estas palabras tan severas, se debe a que Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616) la critica fuertemente. Cervantes, que alberga sus dudas hacia la devoción excesiva, critica veladamente a Marcela, quien desea de todo corazón el matrimonio con Dios, es decir la unión con Dios, y rechaza el matrimonio con los hombres. Para ello, describe a Grisóstomo como enamorado de Marcela y, al ser rechazado por ella, acaba suicidándose. Cervantes fue claramente influido por el pensamiento humanista de Desiderio Erasmo (1467?-1536). En el ideario humanista de Erasmo se valora mucho el matrimonio humano. En el texto de Don Quijote no aparece concretamente cómo murió Grisóstomo, pero se da a entender que se suicidó. Si así fuera, tendría que ir al infierno porque cometió un pecado mortal, el suicidio. En resumen, irónicamente Marcela se ha convertido en el diablo que hizo caer a Grisóstomo, humano, en el infierno, porque ella anhela el matrimonio con Dios y rechaza la petición de matrimonio de Grisóstomo. En el episodio del funeral de Grisóstomo, Cervantes critica la devoción fanática e intolerancia religiosa en la España del siglo XVII, a través de Marcela y Grisóstomo, que acaba muerto por la exagerada devoción religiosa de ella.


Keith, Barry ; Murray, Adam
出版情報: 言語文化研究紀要 : Scripsimus.  pp.79-88,  2019-10-31.  琉球大学国際地域創造学部国際言語文化プログラム — Faculty of global and regional studies global languages and cultures program University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/45145
概要: 紀要論文


Fukuta, Yoshimichi ; Mary, Jeanie Telebanco-Yanoria ; Hayashi, Nagao ; Yanagihara, Seiji ; Catherine, Wanjiku Machungo ; Makihara, Daigo
出版情報: Plant Disease.  103  pp.3181-3188,  2019-10-21.  The author(s) declare no conflict of interest
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002019959
概要: A total of 99 isolates of rice blast (Pyricularia oryzaeCavara) were col-lected from 2010 to 2015 from four regions in Kenya: Kirinyaga Countyand Embu County, Kisumu County, Tana River County, and MombasaCounty. The pathogenicities of these isolates were clarified based onthe reaction patterns of Lijiangxintuanheigu and differential varieties(DVs) targeting 23 resistance genes. The frequency of virulent isolateswas high for DVs forPib,Pia,Pii,Pi3,Pi5(t),Pik-s,Pik-m,Pi1,Pik-h,Pik,Pik-p,Pi7(t),Pi19(t), andPi20(t); low for DVs forPish,Pi9(t),Piz-5,andPiz-t; and intermediate for the remaining DVs forPit,Piz,Pita-2,Pita,andPi12(t). These blast isolates were classified into threecluster groups: Ia, Ib, and II. The frequencies of virulent isolates to DVsforPit,Pii,Pik-m,Pi1,Pik-h,Pik,Pik-p,Pi7(t),Piz,andPi12(t) dif-fered markedly between clusters I and II, and those of DVs forPib,Pit,Pia,Pi3,Pita-2,Pita,andPi20(t) differed between Ia and Ib. The frequen-cies of cluster groups in the four geographical regions were different. Atotal of 62 races were found, with 19 blast isolates categorized into onerace (U63-i7-k177-z00-ta003), whereas the other races included onlysome isolates in each. 続きを見る


Hojo, Masaru
出版情報: Entomological Science.  22  pp.398-403,  2019-10-09.  The Entomological Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/47726
概要: Fungus‐growing termites (subfamily Macrotermitinae) cultivate the symbiotic basidiomycete fungus Termitomyces in their f ungus comb to digest cellulosic materials and to supply nitrogen‐rich fungal diet. In Japan, the fungus‐growing termite Odontotermes formosanus is found on the Yaeyama Islands and Okinawa Island, Okinawa Prefecture. Odontotermes formosanus is thought to have been recently and artificially introduced to Okinawa Island as its distribution is discontinuous and restricted to small areas. Previous DNA analyses revealed that two types of Termitomyces, namely Termitomyces sp. Type A and Termitomyces sp. Type B, whose fruiting bodies correspond to Termitomyces microcarpus‐like pseudorhiza‐lacking small mushroom and Termitomyces intermedius, respectively, are cultivated by O. formosanus on the Yaeyama Islands. However, information about the Termitomyces types cultivated by O. formosanus on Okinawa Island is limited. To define the fungal types cultivated by O. formosanus on Okinawa Island, I developed a diagnostic polymerase chain reaction method using primer sets specific to the nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences consisting of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) and 5.8S rDNA of Termitomyces not using fungal mycelium, but using the termite gut metagenome including fungal DNA as a template. The results indicated that the same two Termitomyces types from Iriomote Island are cultivated by O. formosanus on Okinawa Island. The distribution pattern of Termitomyces types on Okinawa Island showed that Termitomyces sp. Type A is limited to the mountainous side of Sueyoshi Park, despite Termitomyces sp. Type B being widely distributed in the area in which O. formosanus is found. This finding implies that O. formosanus on Okinawa Island was recently introduced from Iriomote Island to Sueyoshi Park.


Xu, Yanyan ; 徐, 妍妍
出版情報: International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.  14  pp.2283-2290,  2019-10-08.  University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46665
概要: Purpose: To evaluate the advantages of ultra-high-resolution computed tomography (U-HRCT) scans for the quantitative mea surement of emphysematous lesions over conventional HRCTscans. Materials and methods: This study included 32 smokers under routine clinical care who underwent chest CT performed by a U-HRCT scanner. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was diagnosed in 13 of the 32 participants. Scan data were reconstructed by 2 different protocols: i) U-HRCT mode with a 1024×1024 matrix and 0.25-mm slice thickness and ii) conventional HRCT mode with a 512×512 matrix and 0.5-mm slice thickness. On both types of scans, lesions of emphysema were quantitatively assessed as percentage of low attenuation volume (LAV%, <−950 Hounsfield units). LAV% values determined for scan data from the U-HRCT and conventional HRCT modes were compared by the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test. The association between LAV% and forced expiratory volume in 1 s per forced vital capacity (FEV_1/FVC) was assessed by the Spearman rank correlation test. Results: Mean values for LAV% determined for the U-HRCT and conventional HRCT modes were 8.9 ± 8.8% and 7.3 ± 8.4%, respectively (P<0.0001). The correlation coefficients for LAV% and FEV_1/FVC on the U-HRCT and conventional HRCT modes were 0.50 and 0.49, respectively (both P<0.01). Conclusion: Compared with conventional HRCT scans, U-HRCT scans reveal emphysematous lesions in greater detail, and provide slightly increased correlation with airflow limitation.


平良, 勝保 ; Taira, Katsuyasu
出版情報: 2019-09-30.  琉球大学 — University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44890
概要: 学位論文


Pedro Munoz, Ramirez ; ペドロ ムニョス, ラミレス
出版情報: 2019-09-30.  University of the Ryukyus — 琉球大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44891
概要: 学位論文


井川, 浩輔 ; Igawa, kosuke
出版情報: 琉球大学経済研究=Ryukyu University Economic Review.  pp.1-19,  2019-09-30.  琉球大学国際地域創造学部 — FACULTY OF GLOBAL & REGIONAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44928
概要: 紀要論文


Tokushima, Takeshi
出版情報: 琉球大学経済研究=Ryukyu University Economic Review.  pp.21-24,  2019-09-30.  琉球大学国際地域創造学部 — FACULTY OF GLOBAL & REGIONAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44945
概要: 貿易問題のメインテーマとして貿易不均衡があるが、国際貿易理論における貿易収支は、均衡を前提としている。国際貿易理論における貿易とは、輸出財と輸入財の等価交換である。その前提の下で、比較優位財の生産に特化することで、貿易利益が得られる。 />紀要論文 続きを見る


Vilay, Phoutnalong
出版情報: 2019-09-20.  University of the Ryukyus — 琉球大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46465
概要: 学位論文


Crystal, Amiel M.Estrada
出版情報: 2019-09-20.  University of the Ryukyus — 琉球大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46466
概要: 学位論文


Tabata, Souhei ; Miyazato, Kouya ; Hoshino, Kunikazu ; Arakaki, Shingo ; Hokama, Akira ; Fujita, Jiro
出版情報: CLINICAL IMAGE.  130  pp.66-67,  2019-09-17.  Copyright by Medycyna Praktyczna, Kraków 2020


Park, Kyung Bae ; パク, キョンベ
出版情報: 2019-09-13.  University of the Ryukyus — 琉球大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44886
概要: 学位論文


Arezoo, Mottaghi ; アレズー, モッタギ
出版情報: 2019-09-13.  University of the Ryukyus — 琉球大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44889
概要: 学位論文


長坂, 康史 ; Nagasaka, Yasushi
出版情報: 2019-09-13.  琉球大学 — University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44885
概要: 学位論文


大島, 千幸 ; 瑤寺, 裕 ; Oshima, Kazuyuki ; Tamadera, Yutaka
出版情報: Fauna Ryukyuana.  51  pp.1-7,  2019-09-12.  Ryukyu University Museum, Fujukan — 琉球大学資料館 (風樹館)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46836
概要: Five species of Mantodea, Mantis religiosa (Linnaeus, 1758), Statilia nemoralis (Saussure, 1870), Tenodera fasciata (Oli vier, 1792), T. angustipennis Saussure, 1869 and Amantis nawai (Shiraki, 1908) are newly added to the mantis fauna of Ie-jima Island, Okinawa, Japan. In this study, T. fasciata was the most abundant among mantis species; a few adults, a number of nymphs and an ootheca of this species were observed in autumn 2018. A number of nymphs and a few adults of M. religiosa were collected from grasslands together with T. fasciata. Specimens of only adult stage were confirmed for S. nemoralis, T. angustipennis and A. nawai; S. nemoralis was attracted by artificial light, T. angustipennis was found from grassland, and A. nawai was found on dried leaf litter of the forest floor.


小林, 大純 ; 内田, 晃士 ; 鈴木, 廣志 ; 藤田, 喜久 ; Kobayashi, Hirozumi ; Uchida, Koji ; Suzuki, Hiroshi ; Fujita, Yoshihisa
出版情報: Fauna Ryukyuana.  51  pp.9-12,  2019-09-12. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46837
概要: A stygobiotic atyid shrimp, Antecaridina lauensis (Edmondson, 1935), was collected from anchialine caves in Tokunoshima, Okinoerabu-jima and Hateruma-jima islands of the Ryukyu Islands, southwestern Japan. These records represent the first discoveries of A. lauensis from respective islands and slightly extend the geographical range of this species northward.


藤田, 喜久 ; Fujita, Yoshihisa
出版情報: Fauna Ryukyuana.  51  pp.13-14,  2019-09-12.  Ryukyu University Museum, Fujukan — 琉球大学資料館 (風樹館)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46838
概要: Two stygobiotic shrimp species, Metabetaeus minutus (Whitelegge, 1897) (Alpheidae) and Halocaridinides trigonophthalma ( Fujino & Shokita, 1975) (Atyidae), are recorded for the first time on the basis of specimens from Yonaguni-jima Island, Yaeyama Island Group, southern Ryukyus, Japan. The two species were found in an anchialine pool in a cave, together with Antecaridina lauensis (Edmondson, 1935), Tuerkayana rotunda (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) and T. hirtipes (Dana, 1851).


西垣, 孝治 ; 安次嶺, 要 ; Nishigaki, Koji ; Ashimine, Kaname
出版情報: Fauna Ryukyuana.  51  pp.15-17,  2019-09-12.  Ryukyu University Museum, Fujukan — 琉球大学資料館 (風樹館)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46839
概要: A specimen of Halocaridinides trigonophthalma (Fujino & Shokita, 1975) (Caridea: Atyidae) was collected from underground water at Iejima Island, Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. The present report represents the first record of the species from the island. This report also notes morphological characteristics of the collected specimen and the environmental features of the site.


Horinouchi, Tomoko ; Nozu, Kandai ; Yamamura, Tomohiko ; Minamikawa, Shogo ; Nagano, China ; Sakakibara, Nana ; Nakanishi, Koichi ; Shima, Yuko ; Morisada, Naoya ; Ishiko, Shinya ; Aoto, Yuya ; Nagase, Hiroaki ; Takeda, Hiroki ; Rossanti, Rini ; Kaito, Hiroshi ; Matsuo, Masafumi ; Iijima, Kazumoto
出版情報: Scientific Reports.  9  2019-09-03.  Springer Nature
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/45627
概要: X-linked Alport syndrome (XLAS) is a congenital renal disease caused by mutations in COL4A5. In XLAS cases suspected of being caused by aberrant splicing, transcript analysis needs to be conducted to determine splicing patterns and assess the pathogenicity. However, such analysis is not always available. We conducted a functional splicing assay using a hybrid minigene for seven COL4A5 intronic mutations: one was identified by us and six were found in the Human Gene Mutation Database. The minigene assay revealed exon skipping in four variants, exon skipping and a 10-bp insertion in one variant, and no change in one variant, which appeared not to be pathogenic. For one variant, our assay did not work. The results of all three cases for which transcript data were available were consistent with our assay results. Our findings may help to increase the accuracy of genetic test results and clarify the mechanisms causing aberrant splicing.


Miura, Kaori ; Shimada, Kojiro ; Sugiyama, Taichi ; Sato, Kei ; Takami, Akinori ; Chan, K. Chak ; Kim, Sun In ; Kim, Pyo Yong ; Lin, Neng-Huei ; Hatakeyama, Shiro
出版情報: Scientific Reports.  9  pp.12591-,  2019-08-29.  Springer Nature
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002019365
概要: This paper reports the long term observation of particle-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at Cape Hedo Atmosphere and Aerosol Monitoring Station, a remote site in the Western Pacifc Ocean, from 2008 to 2015. This is the first long-term study that evaluated the contribution of long-range transport of PAHs in East Asia. No obvious trend (P>0.05) was found in a particular season over the years. However, there are seasonal variations of PAH concentrations with higher in spring and winter. The higher PAH are attributed to air masses from the area including part of China. Source apportionment using three different approaches, i.e., PAH compositional pattern analysis, PAH diagnostic ratio analysis and positive matrix factorization modeling, showed the combined high contribution of biomass burning (18%, 14%) and coal combustion (33%, 24%) in spring and winter. In addition, the contribution of ship emissions (35%) was relatively high in spring, whereas that of vehicle emissions (36%) was relatively high in winter. The contribution of coal combustion to PAH has decreased throughout the years, likely due to changes in energy structure in China. The contribution of biomass burning to PAH has showed no trend, being stable, and that of vehicular emissions has increased. 続きを見る


Takaesu, Yoshikazu ; Watanabe, Koichiro ; Numata, Shusuke ; Iwata, Masaaki ; Kudo, Noriko ; Oishi, Satoru ; Takizawa, Takeya ; Nemoto, Kiyotaka ; Yasuda, Yuka ; Tagata, Hiromi ; Tsuboi, Takashi ; Tsujino, Naohisa ; Hashimoto, Naoki ; Matsui, Yuki ; Hori, Hikaru ; Yamamori, Hidenaga ; Sugiyama, Nobuhiro ; Suwa, Taro ; Kishimoto, Taishiro ; Hishimoto, Akitoyo ; Usami, Masahide ; Furihata, Ryuji ; Iwamoto, Kunihiro
出版情報: Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences.  73  pp.642-648,  2019-08-22.  © 2019 The Authors. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002019949
概要: Aim: Although treatment guidelines for pharmacological therapy for schizophrenia and major depressive disorder have been issued by the Japanese Societies of Neuropsychopharmacology and Mood Disorders, these guidelines have not been well applied by psychiatrists throughout the nation. To address this issue, we developed the ‘Effectiveness of Guidelines for Dissemination and Education in Psychiatric Treatment (EGUIDE)’ integrated education programs for psychiatrists to disseminate the clinical guidelines. Additionally, we conducted a systematic efficacy evaluation of the programs. Methods: Four hundred thirteen out of 461 psychiatrists attended two 1-day educational programs based on the treatment guidelines for schizophrenia and major depressive disorder from October 2016 to March 2018. We measured the participants’ clinical knowledge of the treatment guidelines using selfcompleted questionnaires administered before and after the program to assess the effectiveness of the programs for improving knowledge. We also examined the relation between the participants’ demographics and their clinical knowledge scores. Results: The clinical knowledge scores for both guidelines were significantly improved after the program. There was no correlation between clinical knowledge and participant demographics for the program on schizophrenia; however, a weak positive correlation was found between clinical knowledge and the years of professional experience for the program on major depressive disorder. Conclusion: Our results provide evidence that educational programs on the clinical practices recommended in guidelines for schizophrenia and major depressive disorder might effectively improve participants’ clinical knowledge of the guidelines. These data are encouraging to facilitate the standardization of clinical practices for psychiatric disorders. 続きを見る


武田, 正倫 ; 小松, 浩典 ; 鹿谷, 法一 ; 前之園, 唯史 ; 成瀬, 貫 ; Takeda, Masatsune ; Komatsu, Hironori ; Shikatani, Norikazu ; Maenosono, Tadafumi ; Naruse, Tohru
出版情報: Fauna Ryukyuana.  50  pp.1-69,  2019-08-16.  Ryukyu University Museum, Fujukan — 琉球大学資料館 (風樹館)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46861
概要: 1985–1987年,沖縄島中城湾の知念漁港および当添漁港において,漁業者が設置した刺し網にかかったカニ類を収集した「鹿谷コレクション」について,ケブカガニ科以外の全種を同定し,写真付きリストにまとめた.カラッパ属Calappa(カラッパ科 )8種についてはすでにTakeda & Shikatani (1990)によってまとめられ,また,イボテガニ属Actumnus(ケブカガニ科)の2新種についてはTakeda & Komatsu(2017)により記載されている.本報告では,既報のこれら10種を除いて,23科87種を認めた.そのうち,コブヒメカイカムリ(新称)Epigodromia rugosa McLay,1993(カイカムリ科),ミナミジュウイチトゲコブシガニ(新称)Arcania brevifrons Chen, 1989およびミナミコブシガニ(新称)Soceulia alainia Galil, 2006(以上2種はともにコブシガニ科),ミナミツノガニ(新称)Hyastenus elatus Griffin & Tranter, 1986(モガニ科),ミナミノコギリガニ(新称)Schizophrys dahlak Griffin & Tranter, 1986(ケアシガニ科),Portunus (Xiphonectes) aff. spiniferus Stephenson & Rees, 1967(ワタリガニ科)の6種が日本新記録種であり,種名が確定した5種に新たな和名を提唱した.近年,刺し網漁を行う漁業者が減少し,また度重なる沿岸環境の改変により,中城湾においてカニ類等を同様な方法で採集することは難しい状況であることからも,本コレクションは非常に重要な資料である.
One of the authors (NS) made extensive collections of shallow water brachyurans (= crabs) of Nakagusuku Bay, southeastern Okinawa Island, from gill net at Chinen and Tozoe fishery ports between 1985 and 1987. Takeda & Shikatani (1990) already reported seven known and one new species of the genus Calappa (Calappidae), and recently Takeda & Komatsu (2017) described two new Actumnus species (Pilumnidae) from this collection. However, most of the specimens collected have still not been reported on. The present report enumerates the brachyuran species other than some remaining specimens of the family Pilumnidae, with photographs and taxonomic comments. Of the recorded species, Epigodromia rugosa McLay, 1993 (Dromiidae), Arcania brevifrons Chen, 1989 (Leucosiidae), Soceulia alainia Galil, 2006 (Leucosiidae), Hyastenus elatus Griffin & Tranter, 1986 (Epialtidae), Schizophrys dahlak Griffin & Tranter, 1986 (Majidae) and Portunus (Xiphonectes) aff. spiniferus Stephenson & Rees, 1967 (Portunidae) are new to Japanese waters.


Nagano, China ; Sako, Mayumi ; Kamei, Koichi ; Ishikura, Kenji ; Nakamura, Hidefumi ; Nakanishi, Koichi ; Omori, Takashi ; Nozu, Kandai ; Iijima, Kazumoto
出版情報: BMC Nephrology.  20  2019-08-02.  Springer Nature
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/45876
概要: Background: Eighty percent of children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome respond well to steroid therapy, but up to 50% of patients with steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome exhibit frequently relapsing (FRNS) or steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome (SDNS). Several studies identified the chimeric anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody rituximab as an effective treatment for patients with complicated FRNS/SDNS. Recent studies suggested that rituximab could also be a first-line treatment for early-stage uncomplicated FRNS/SDNS, although further studies are required to confirm its efficacy and safety. Methods/design: We are conducting a multicenter, double-blind, randomized placebo controlled trial to investigate the efficacy and safety of rituximab for the treatment of childhood-onset early-stage uncomplicated FRNS/SDNS. Patients will be allocated to receive two 375 mg/m(2) doses (maximum dose: 500 mg) of either rituximab or placebo. Investigators are permitted to request the disclosure of a subject's allocation code if he or she exhibits treatment failure. Additionally, if placebo-treated subjects display early relapse (a sign of treatment failure), they have the option to receive rituximab in an unblinded phase. The primary endpoint is relapse-free survival during the observation period. Discussion: The results will provide important data on the use of rituximab for patients with uncomplicated FRNS/SDNS. In the future, rituximab treatment will enable most patients with uncomplicated FRNS/SDNS to discontinue or reduce steroid therapy without relapse, and it is possible that rituximab could represent an immunosuppressive therapy for these diseases.


Hokama, Noboru ; 外間, 登
出版情報: Hematological Oncology.  37  pp.527-530,  2019-07-29.  University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46669
概要: Xanthine oxidase (XO) is a rate limiting enzyme for production of uric acid. The activity of XO in plasma is reported to elevate in patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia and cardiovascular diseases. Such an increase in plasma XO activity was also demonstrated in patients with a variety of cancers. However, there have been few reports evaluating the plasma XO activity in patients with hematological malignancies during course of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) and chemotherapies. We explored the relationship between plasma XO activity and clinical symptoms/biochemical parameters in 10 patients with hematological malignancies. The XO activity was measured by a highsensitivity fluorescence technique. Plasma XO activity in hematological malignancies before chemotherapy was not elevated compared to healthy subjects. In patients receiving allo-HSCT, no apparent increase in plasma XO activity was observed at the appearance of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Noticeably, however, the value of plasma XO activity was closely associated with that of serum level of liver transaminases in the course of allo-HSCT and chemotherapies. To our knowledge, the present study is the first to investigate consecutively the value in plasma XO activity in patients with hematological malignancies. Despite small numbers analyzed, value of plasma XO activity was tightly associated with that of serum level of liver transaminases in the course of allo-HSCT and chemotherapies, suggesting that the value may reflect liver damage related with a variety of therapeutic interventions.


Ito, Masahiko ; Noumi, Masatoshi
出版情報: Journal of Mathematical Physics.  pp.1-31,  2019-07-25.  American Institute of Physics
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/47406
概要: We establish a determinant formula for the bilinear form associated with the elliptic hypergeometric integrals of type B Cn by studying the structure of q-difference equations to be satisfied by them. The determinant formula is proved by combining the q-difference equations of the determinant and its asymptotic analysis along the singularities. The elliptic interpolation functions of type BCn are essentially used in the study of the q-difference equations.


高木, 基裕 ; 登山, 賢斗 ; 山田, 裕貴 ; 酒井, 治己 ; Takagi, Motohiro ; Toyama, Kento ; Yamada, Yuuki ; Sakai, Harumi
出版情報: Fauna Ryukyuana.  49  pp.1-11,  2019-07-19.  Ryukyu University Museum, Fujukan — 琉球大学資料館 (風樹館)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46832
概要: クサフグを本州,四国,九州および沖縄島より採集し,マイクロサテライトDNA多型を用いて遺伝的多様性と分化の程度を調べた.沖縄島の標本群の有効アリル数の平均値は10.0で,他の標本群の14.2–16.5と比較して低かった.沖縄島の標本群は他の 全ての標本群との間で黒潮による障壁が原因と考えられる遺伝的異質性が認められた.また,足摺岬周辺の標本群と他の標本群との間でも異質性が認められた.
Genetic diversity and divergence of the grass puffer Takifugu alboplumbeus in the Japan Arc (Honshu Island, Shikoku Island, Kyushu Island and Okinawa-jima Island) were surveyed using four microsatellite loci. Average allelic richness of Okinawa-jima Island was 10.0, being lower than richness (14.2–16.5) of the other populations. Significant genetic difference was observed between the Okinawa-jima Island population (ONS) and the other populations caused by the Kuroshio barrier. Significant genetic differences were also observed between Ashizuri (southwest Shikoku Island; KTM and KTS) populations and the other populations.


岡部, 晴菜 ; 小林, 希実 ; 東, 直人 ; 徳武, 浩司 ; 宮原, 弘和 ; 内田, 詮三 ; Okabe, Haruna ; Kobayashi, Nozomi ; Higashi, Naoto ; Tokutake, Koji ; Miyahara, Hirokazu ; Uchida, Senzo
出版情報: Fauna Ryukyuana.  49  pp.13-22,  2019-07-19.  Ryukyu University Museum, Fujukan — 琉球大学資料館 (風樹館)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46833
概要: ザトウクジラ(Megaptera novaeangliae)は冬季に低緯度海域へ繁殖回遊することが知られており,特に沖縄島周辺海域では,12月から4月にかけて本種の来遊が確認される.これに伴い,同時期の沖縄島周辺では,本種が死亡した状態で海 浜等に打ち上げられる「漂着」や沿岸に設置された定置網による「混獲」が時折確認される.本稿では,1996年から2018年までに確認された沖縄島周辺におけるザトウクジラの漂着及び混獲について報告する.過去22年間の調査で,本種の漂着が7例,混獲(読谷村定置網)が5例,計12例が確認された.全漂着及び混獲は1月上旬から4月上旬の間に確認され,特に本種の来遊盛期とされる2月中旬から下旬に増加する傾向にあった.漂着については,1996年から2014年までの19年間で3件のみの確認であったが,2015年以降は毎年確認されるようになり,近年,漂着頻度が増加傾向にあることが伺えた.また,漂着した全個体は体長3.6–10.3m,推定年齢0–-6歳の未成熟個体であり,他海域と同様に未成熟個体の漂着数が成熟個体よりも多い傾向にあった.定置網による混獲は,全5頭であったが,いずれも1週間以内に自力もしくは介助を得て網外へ脱出した.本種の尾鰭腹面の模様と形状を自然標識とする個体識別法にて,混獲個体の尾鰭写真と混獲以降に沖縄周辺で確認された1563個体分の写真を照合したところ,5個体のうち3個体が混獲の翌年以降も沖縄島周辺へ再来遊していることが確認され,その生存が確認された.
Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) are known to migrate to lower latitudes for breeding in winter including in waters around Okinawa Island between December and April. Around the same period of time, dead strandings and “bycatch” of humpback whales that are caught accidentally in fixed nets placed in coastal waters are also occasionally observed around Okinawa Island. In this paper, we report on humpback whale strandings and bycatches confirmed around Okinawa Island between 1996 and 2018. A total of 12 cases consisting of 7 strandings and 5 bycatches (in a fixed net placed in the coastal waters of Yomitan-son) were recorded during the approximately 22-year study period. All the strandings and bycatches took place between early January and early April, and their occurrence increased in the peak season for the arrival of humpback whales into Okinawan waters between the middle and the end of February. Only three dead strandings of humpback whales were recorded between 1996 and 2014, whereas one dead stranding each has been observed for 4 consecutive years since 2015; the frequency of the strandings seems to be increasing in recent years. All the stranded humpback whales were 3.6–10.3 meters in length and estimated to be 0–6 years old; therefore, they were considered sexually immature. These results indicate that the number of strandings of immature whales is larger than that of mature ones, and this trend agrees with those reported from other regions of the world. Regarding bycatches, we confirmed 5 individuals caught incidentally in a fixed net; however, all such whales were able to get out from the net alive on their own or with help within a week. Comparison of the photographs of the ventral fluke pattern and shape of these bycatch whales and those of 1563 individuals recorded from around Okinawa after the release of the above 5 whales indicates that 3 out of 5 whales were sighted again around Okinawa Island after the release and confirmed to be alive.


高木, 基裕 ; 高尾, 勇斗 ; 水野, 晃秀 ; 家山, 博史 ; Takagi, Motohiro ; Takao, Yuto ; Mizuno, Kouki ; Ieyama, Hiroshi
出版情報: Fauna Ryukyuana.  49  pp.23-37,  2019-07-19.  Ryukyu University Museum, Fujukan — 琉球大学資料館 (風樹館)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46834
概要: ミトコンドリアDNA COI領域における遺伝的多型解析を行い,ドロアワモチ貝類の遺伝的多様性と分化を検出することを目的とした.得られたハプロタイプよりデンドログラムを構築したところ,明瞭に8つのクラスターが形成された.愛媛県のドロアワモチ, ジャコテンアワモチ,長崎県のドロアワモチ,熊本県のヤベガワモチ集団が同一のクラスターに含まれ,これらが同種である可能性が示唆された.沖縄県のキボシアワモチ属集団は,異なる3つのクラスターを形成した.ヒメアワモチおよびセンベイアワモチは,それぞれ1つのクラスターを形成した.イソアワモチ類は2つの異なるクラスターに分かれ,一方は鹿児島県および沖縄県集団を,他方は沖縄県の安部海岸からの2個体のみからなる集団を,それぞれ形成した.
We conducted genetic polymorphism analysis of the mitochondrial DNA COI region aiming to detect the genetic diversity and divergence of Onchidiidae in Japan. A dendrogram constructed from obtained haplotypes formed eight clear clusters. Onchidium sp. A and Onchidium sp. C in Ehime Prefecture, Onchidium sp. A in Nagasaki Prefecture, and Onchidium sp. B in Kumamoto Prefecture were included in the same cluster, suggesting that they are conspecific. The population of Paraonchidium spp. in Okinawa Prefecture formed three different clusters. Platevindex A. and Onchidella kurodai formed respective clusters. The Peronia spp. were divided into two clusters; one cluster was from Kagoshima Prefecture and Okinawa Prefecture, whereas another one was of two individuals from Abu coast, Okinawa Prefecture.


前田, 勇樹
出版情報: 2019-07-18.  琉球大学附属図書館
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44706
概要: 2019年7月18日開催の第2回さいえんす御殿発表資料です。


出版情報: 2019-07-18.  琉球大学附属図書館
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44705
概要: 沖縄県立図書館で公開されている聖人上のデータをもとに、琉球大学附属図書館でデザインした資料です。2019年7月18日 さいえんす御殿で発表した資料です。


Shinzato, Hotaka ; 新里, 輔鷹
出版情報: Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment.  15  pp.1983-1991,  2019-07-15.  University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46666
概要: Background: Conventional categorical criteria have limitations in assessing the prevalence and severity of depressive mi xed state (DMX). Thus, we have developed a new scale for screening and quantification of DMX and examined the symptomatological structure and severity of DMX in individuals with major depressive episode (MDE). Methods: Subjects were 154 patients with MDE (57 males and 97 females; age 13–83 years). Our original Japanese version of the self-administered 12-item questionnaire to assess DMX (DMX-12), together with the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Self- Report Japanese version (QIDS-SR-J) and global assessment of functioning, were administered to each participant. The symptomatological structure of the DMX-12 was examined by exploratory factor analysis. Multiple regression analyses were used to analyze factors contributing to the DMX-12 scale. The relationships of this scale with categorical diagnoses (mixed depression by Benazzi and mixed features by DSM-5) were also investigated. Results: A three-factor model of the DMX-12 was extracted from exploratory factor analysis, namely, “spontaneous instability”, “vulnerable responsiveness”, and “disruptive emotion/behavior”. Multiple regression analyses revealed that age was negatively correlated with total DMX-12 score, while bipolarity and the QIDS-SR-J score were positively correlated. A higher score on the disruptive emotion/behavior subscale was observed in patients with mixed depression and mixed features. Conclusion: The DMX-12 seems to be useful for screening DMX in conjunction with conventional categorical diagnoses. Severely depressed younger subjects with potential bipolarity are more likely to develop DMX. The disruptive emotion/behavior subscale of the DMX-12 may be the most helpful in distinguishing patients with DMX from non-mixed patients.


Yamaguchi, Satoshi ; 山口, 怜
出版情報: International Journal of Cardiology.  287  pp.73-80,  2019-07-15.  University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46667
概要: Background Left ventricular (LV) wall thickening relative to the LV radius, known as a concentric LV structure, is a mec hanism that compensates for pressure overload and is related to the risk of cardiovascular events and heart failure. The prognostic value of a concentric LV structure, however, has not been examined in acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF). Methods This single-center, observational, retrospective, cohort study analyzed 385 consecutive patients hospitalized due to ADHF. On hospital admission, relative wall thickness (RWT) and the ratio of LV mass to LV end-diastolic volume (LVM/LVEDV) were measured by transthoracic echocardiography as markers of a concentric LV structure. The association of either RWT or LVM/LVEDV with all-cause death as the primary outcome was analyzed. Results During the follow-up period (median, 235 days), 95 (25%) patients died. The high-RWT group had a poorer prognosis than the low-RWT group (log-rank test, P = 0.009). High RWT was a significant risk (HR: 1.95, 95% CI: 1.28–2.97, P = 0.002) in the Cox proportional hazard model analysis adjusted by the Get With The Guideline score, which is an established risk score. In contrast, there was no significant difference in survival between the low and high-LVM/LVEDV groups (P = 0.42). In the non-severe valvular disease subgroup, patients with high RWT consistently showed worse survival than the low- RWT group (P = 0.028 by log-rank test, HR: 1.96, 95% CI: 1.24–3.11, P = 0.004). There was no significant difference in survival between the low and high-LVM/LVEDV groups (P = 0.42). Conclusions A concentric LV structure represented by a high RWT was associated with a poor prognosis in ADHF. The lack of association between LVM/LVEDV and mortality may result from methodological issues.


Shiroma, Yoshitaka ; Hirao, Shigekazu ; Akata, Naofumi ; Furukawa, Masahide ; Miyake, Hitoshi ; Hayashi, Hiroshi ; Saze, Takuya ; Tanaka, Masahiro
出版情報: Plasma and Fusion Research.  14  2019-07-11.  The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research — プラズマ・核融合学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/47468
概要: The latest measurement of the absorbed dose rate in air was performed at the National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS ) site during the period for the first deuterium plasma experiment conducted in Large Helical Device (LHD). The arithmetic mean of the absorbed dose rates in air for 222 measurement points at the NIFS site was 43 nGy h^<−1>. Very little change was observed in the distribution maps of the absorbed dose rates in air before and after the deuterium experiment in the LHD. In addition, the absorbed dose rates in air around the buildings were distributed at similar high levels before and after the deuterium experiment. A radionuclide analysis of soil and broken stone was conducted using a high-purity Ge semiconductor detector. The absorbed dose rates in air at the NIFS site were mainly defined by the radiation from the ground and the building material around the measurement points. The effect of the deuterium experiment was so small that it was undetectable in this study.


Price, N. N. ; Muko, S. ; Legendre, L. ; Steneck, R. ; van Oppen, M. J. H. ; Albright, R. ; Ang, P., Jr. ; Carpenter, R. C. ; Chui, A. P. Y. ; Fan, T-Y ; Gates, R. D. ; Harii, S. ; Kitano, H. ; Kurihara, H. ; Mitarai, S. ; Padilla-Gamino, J. L. ; Sakai, K. ; Suzuki, G. ; Edmunds, P. J.
出版情報: Marine Ecology Progress Series.  621  pp.1-17,  2019-07-04.  Inter-Research
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/47247
概要: Despite widespread climate-driven reductions of coral cover on tropical reefs, little attention has been paid to the pos sibility that changes in the geographic distribution of coral recruitment could facilitate beneficial responses to the changing climate through latitudinal range shifts. To address this possibility, we compiled a global database of normalized densities of coral recruits on settlement tiles (corals m^<-2>) deployed from 1974 to 2012, and used the data therein to test for latitudinal range shifts in the distribution of coral recruits. In total, 92 studies provided 1253 records of coral recruitment, with 77% originating from settlement tiles immersed for 3-24 mo, herein defined as long-immersion tiles (LITs); the limited temporal and geographic coverage of data from short-immersion tiles (SITs; deployed for <3 mo) made them less suitable for the present purpose. The results from LITs show declines in coral recruitment, on a global scale (i.e. 82% from 1974 to 2012) and throughout the tropics (85% reduction at <20° latitude), and increases in the sub-tropics (78% increase at >20° latitude). These trends indicate that a global decline in coral recruitment has occurred since 1974, and the persistent reduction in the densities of recruits in equatorial latitudes, coupled with increased densities in sub-tropical latitudes, suggests that coral recruitment may be shifting poleward.


Taira, Takayuki ; Fuchigami, Tatsuya ; Hayashi, Misuzu ; Kamizato, Kouta ; Teruya, Kouji ; Kakinohana, Manabu
出版情報: JA Clinical Reports.  2019-06-29.  SpringerOpen
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002019671
概要: Background: INTELLiVENT®-ASV (iASV) is a respiration mode on the Hamilton G5. The ventilator uses a closed-loop mechanis m that automatically adjusts settings related to oxygenation and ventilation. Case presentation: A 47-year-old man underwent reconstruction surgery with free musculocutaneous flap for tongue resection. After surgery, the patient entered the ICU, and the iASV, which automatically changed only the percent minute volume (%MV) in respiration mode, was selected. On the second day, ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) was diagnosed, and the antibiotic treatment was changed. Using the settings of the iASV, automated FiO2 and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) control were added to the ventilator mode. The patient’s oxygenation was improved. Conclusions: In a patient who developed VAP after surgery, ventilation was continued using iASV, and automated changes in PEEP and FiO2 settings were successfully made according to the open lung strategy, under short-staffed circumstances. 続きを見る


Nakamura, Yuichiro ; Miyata, Yasuyoshi ; Matsuo, Tomohiro ; Shida, Yohei ; Hakariya, Tomoaki ; Ohba, Kojiro ; Taima, Takenobu ; Ito, Akihiro ; Suda, Tetsuji ; Hakomori, Sen-itiroh ; Saito, Seiichi ; Sakai, Hideki
出版情報: Glycoconjugate Journal.  36  pp.409-418,  2019-06-26.  Springer Nature
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/47508
概要: Stage-specific embryonic antigen-4 (SSEA-4), a specific marker for pluripotent stem cells, plays an important role in th e malignant behavior of several cancers. Here, SSEA-4 expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibody RM1 specific to SSEA-4 in 181 and 117 prostate cancer (PC) specimens obtained by biopsy and radical prostatectomy (RP), respectively. The relationships between SSEA-4 expression in cancer cells or the presence of SSEA-4-positive tumor-infiltrating immune cells (TICs) and clinicopathological parameters were analyzed. SSEA-4 expression in cancer cells was significantly associated with Gleason score, local progression, and lymph node and distant metastasis. In RP specimens, high SSEA-4 expression in cancer cells and the presence of SSEA-4-positive TICs were significant predictors of pT3, i.e., invasion and worse biochemical recurrence (BCR) after RP, respectively, in univariate analysis. In contrast, combination of high SSEA-4 expression in cancer cells and the presence of SSEA-4-positive TICs was an independent predictor for pT3 and BCR in multivariate analysis. Biologically this combination was also independently associated with suppression of apoptosis. Thus, the co-expression of SSEA-4 in cancer cells and TICs may have crucial roles in the malignant aggressiveness and prognosis of PC. Invasive potential and suppression of apoptosis may be linked to SSEA-4 expression.


Morichika, Kazuho ; 森近, 一穂
出版情報: Cancer Science.  110  pp.2982-2991,  2019-06-25.  University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46668
概要: Adult T‐cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) is a mature T‐cell neoplasm, and is divided into 2 indolent (smoldering and chroni c) and 2 aggressive (acute and lymphoma) clinical subtypes. Based on previous integrated molecular analyses suggesting the importance of the JAK‐STAT pathway in ATLL, we attempted to clarify the clinicopathological significance of this pathway. Clinical and morphological findings were reviewed in 116 cases with ATLL. The nuclear localizations of phosphorylated STAT3 (pSTAT3), pSTAT5, and pSTAT6 were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Targeted sequencing was undertaken on the portion of STAT3 encoding the Src homology 2 domain. Expression of pSTAT3 was observed in 43% (50/116) of ATLL cases, whereas pSTAT5 and pSTAT6 were largely undetected. Cases with the lymphoma type showed significantly less frequent pSTAT3 expression (8/45, 18%) than those with the other subtypes (41/66, 62%; P < .001). STAT3 mutations were detected in 36% (10/28) and 19% (12/64) of cases with the smoldering and aggressive types of ATLL, respectively. The correlation between STAT3 mutation and pSTAT3 expression was not significant (P = .07). Both univariate and multivariate analysis revealed that pSTAT3 expression was significantly associated with better overall survival and progression‐free survival in the smoldering type of ATLL, whereas STAT3 mutation was not related to a line of clinical outcome. Collectively, our data show that only the lymphoma type showed a low prevalence of tumor cells positive for pSTAT3 expression, and raises the possibility that pSTAT3 expression is a novel biomarker to predict better prognosis in the smoldering type of ATLL.


Sugita, Katsuhiro
出版情報: 琉球大学経済学ワーキングペーパーシリーズ — Ryukyu Economics Working Paper Series.  pp.1-13,  2019-06-25.  琉球大学国際地域創造学部経済学プログラム — Economics Program, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44627
概要: This paper examines how vector autoregression model by Bayesian model averaging method can improve forecasting performan ce. Bayesian model averaging selects significant variables in vector autoregression model that contains many insignificant variables, and thus alleviates over-parameterization problem. For empirical application, macroeconomic data for three countries - US, UK and Japan - are examined. I find that the Bayesian model averaging method can improve forecasting performance.


Phan, Chin Soon ; Kamada, Takashi ; Ishii, Takahiro ; Hamada, Toshiyuki ; Vairappan, Charles Santhanaraju
出版情報: Natural Product Communications.  14  2019-06-25.  SAGE Publications Inc
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44845
概要: A new sesquiterpene, capgermacrene H (1) was isolated together with 7 other compounds, capgermacrenes A-G (2-8), from a population of soft coral Capnella imbricata collected from Mantanani Island, Sabah, Malaysia. The structure of this metabolite was elucidated based on spectroscopic data such as nuclear magnetic resonance and high-resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Capgermacrene A (2) showed potent cytotoxicity against adult T-cell leukemia, S1T cells at half-maximal inhibitory concentration of 0.79 µg/mL.


Hojo, Masaru ; Shigenobu, Shuji ; Maekawa, Kiyoto ; Miura, Toru
出版情報: Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.  111  2019-06-20.  Elsevier
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/47405
概要: In the evolutionarily-derived termite subfamily Nasutitermitinae (family Termitidae), soldiers defend their nestmates by discharging polycyclic diterpenes from a head projection called the “nasus.” The diterpenes are synthesised in the frontal gland from the precursor geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP), which is generally used for post-translational modification of proteins in animals. In this study, we constructed a comprehensive gene catalogue to search for genes involved in the diterpene biosynthesis by assembling RNA sequencing reads of Nasutitermes takasagoensis, identifying eight gene copies for GGPP synthase (GGPPS). The number of gene copies is much larger in contrast to other related insects. Gene cloning by reverse transcription-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends confirmed that seven GGPPS genes (NtGGPPS1 to NtGGPPS7) have highly variable untranslated regions. Molecular phylogenetic analysis showed that theNtGGPPS7gene was grouped with homologs obtained from ancestral termites that have only a single copy of the gene, and theNtGGPPS6gene was grouped with homologs obtained from a basal lineage of termitids, in which soldiers do not synthesise diterpenes. As the sister group to this clade, furthermore, a monophyletic clade included all the other NtGGPPS genes (NtGGPPS1toNtGGPPS5). Expression analyses revealed thatNtGGPPS7gene was expressed in all the examined castes and tissues, whereas all the other genes were expressed only in the soldier head. These results suggest that gene duplication followed by subfunctionalisation of the GGPPS genes might have accompanied the evolution of chemical defence in the nasute termite lineage.


Noguchi, Hirofumi ; Miyagi-Shiohira, Chika ; Nakashima, Yoshiki ; Kinjo, Takao ; Kobayashi, Naoya ; Saitoh, Issei ; Watanabe, Masami ; Shapiro, A. M. James ; Kin, Tatsuya
出版情報: Molecular Therapy - Methods and Clinical Development.  13  pp.243-252,  2019-06-14.  Cell Press
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002019645
概要: We recently demonstrated the generation of mouse induced tissue-specific stem (iTS) cells through transient overexpressi on of reprogramming factors combined with tissue-specific selection. Here we induced expandable tissue-specific progenitor (iTP) cells from human pancreatic tissue through transient expression of genes encoding the reprogramming factors OCT4 (octamer-binding transcription factor 4), p53 small hairpin RNA (shRNA), SOX2 (sex-determining region Y-box2), KLF4 (Kruppel-like factor 4), L-MYC, and LIN28. Transfection of episomal plasmid vectors into human pancreatic tissue efficiently generated iTP cells expressing genetic markers of endoderm and pancreatic progenitors. The iTP cells differentiated into insulin-producing cells more efficiently than human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). iTP cells continued to proliferate faster than pancreatic tissue cells until days 100–120 (passages 15–20). iTP cells subcutaneously inoculated into immunodeficient mice did not form teratomas. Genomic bisulfite nucleotide sequence analysis demonstrated that the OCT4 and NANOG promoters remained partially methylated in iTP cells. We compared the global gene expression profiles of iPSCs, iTP cells, and pancreatic cells (islets >80%). Microarray analyses revealed that the gene expression profiles of iTP cells were similar, but not identical, to those of iPSCs but different from those of pancreatic cells. The generation of human iTP cells may have important implications for the clinical application of stem/progenitor cells. 続きを見る


Feng, Yejun ; Wang, Yishu ; Silevitch, D. M. ; Yan, J. -Q. ; Kobayashi, Riki ; Hedo, Masato ; Nakama, Takao ; Onuki, Yoshichika ; Suslov, A. V. ; Mihaila, B. ; Littlewood, P. B. ; Rosenbaum, T. F.
出版情報: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.  116  pp.11201-11206,  2019-06-04.  National Academy of Sciences
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/47031
概要: The magnetoresistance (MR) of a material is typically insensitive to reversing the applied field direction and varies qu adratically with magnetic field in the low-field limit. Quantum effects, unusual topological band structures, and inhomogeneities that lead to wandering current paths can induce a cross-over from quadratic to linear MR with increasing magnetic field. Here we explore a series of metallic charge- and spin-density-wave systems that exhibit extremely large positive linear MR. By contrast to other linear MR mechanisms, this effect remains robust down to miniscule magnetic fields of tens of Oersted at low temperature. We frame an explanation of this phenomenon in a semiclassical narrative for a broad category of materials with partially gapped Fermi surfaces due to density waves.


Yokoyama, Sumi ; Takahashi, Tomoyuki ; Ota, Masakazu ; Kakiuchi, Hideki ; Sugihara, Shinji ; Hirao, Shigekazu ; Momoshima, Noriyuki ; Tamari, Toshiya ; Shima, Nagayoshi ; Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko ; Fukutani, Satoshi ; Nakasone, Shunya ; Furukawa, Masahide ; Tanaka, Masahiro ; Akata, Naofumi
出版情報: Plasma and Fusion Research.  14  2019-06-03.  The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research — プラズマ・核融合学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/47466
概要: To estimate the environmental transfer of tritium into the atmosphere and to establish tritium analysis techniques, this study improves our previous compartment model and proposes new analytical technique based on the microwave heating method and a water-sample purification technique using ion resin. This article introduces a new conceptual approach for estimating environmental tritium behavior.


Nakashima, Yoshiki ; Nahar, Saifun ; Miyagi-Shiohira, Chika ; Kinjo, Takao ; Kobayashi, Naoya ; Kitamura, Shinji ; Saitoh, Issei ; Watanabe, Masami ; Fujita, Jiro ; Noguchi, Hirofumi
出版情報: International Journal of Molecular Sciences.  20  2019-05-30.  MDPI
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002019643
概要: Although cell therapy using adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (AdMSCs) regulates immunity, the degree to which cell quality and function are affected by differences in immunodeficiency of donors is unknown. We used liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry (LC MS/MS) to identify the proteins expressed by mouse AdMSCs (mAsMSCs) isolated from normal (C57BL/6) mice and mice with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). The protein expression profiles of each strain were 98%-100% identical, indicating that the expression levels of major proteins potentially associated with the therapeutic effects of mAdMSCs were highly similar. Further, comparable levels of cell surface markers (CD44, CD90.2) were detected using flow cytometry or LC MS/MS. MYH9, ACTN1, CANX, GPI, TPM1, EPRS, ITGB1, ANXA3, CNN2, MAPK1, PSME2, CTPS1, OTUB1, PSMB6, HMGB1, RPS19, SEC61A1, CTNNB1, GLO1, RPL22, PSMA2, SYNCRIP, PRDX3, SAMHD1, TCAF2, MAPK3, RPS24, and MYO1E, which are associated with immunity, were expressed at higher levels by the SCID mAdMSCs compared with the C57BL/6 mAdMSCs. In contrast, ANXA9, PCBP2, LGALS3, PPP1R14B, and PSMA6, which are also associated with immunity, were more highly expressed by C57BL/6 mAdMSCs than SCID mAdMSCs. These findings implicate these two sets of proteins in the pathogenesis and maintenance of immunodeficiency. 続きを見る


Tsurui, Kaori Sato ; Sato, Yukuto ; Kato, Emi ; Katoh, Mitsuho ; Kimura, Ryosuke ; Tatsuta, Haruki ; Tsuji, Kazuki
出版情報: Ecology and Evolution.  9  pp.5991-6002,  2019-05-29.  Wiley
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44865
概要: Batesian mimicry is a well-studied adaptation for predation avoidance, in which a mimetic species resembles an unpalatab le model species. Batesian mimicry can be under positive selection because of the protection gained against predators, due to resemblance to unpalatable model species. However, in some mimetic species, nonmimetic individuals are present in populations, despite the benefits of mimicry. The mechanism for evolution of such mimetic polymorphism remains an open question. Here, we address the hypothesis that the abundance of mimics is limited by that of the models, leading to mimetic polymorphism. In addition, other forces such as the effects of common ancestry and/or isolation by distance may explain this phenomenon. To investigate this question, we focused on the butterfly, Papilio polytes, that exhibits mimetic polymorphism on multiple islands of the Ryukyus, Japan, and performed field surveys and genetic analysis. We found that the mimic ratio of P. polytes was strongly correlated with the model abundance observed on each of the five islands, suggesting negative frequency-dependent selection is driving the evolution of polymorphism in P. polytes populations. Molecular phylogenetic analysis indicated that the southern island populations are the major source of genetic diversity, and the middle and northern island populations arose by relatively recent migration. This view was also supported by mismatch distribution and Tajima's D analyses, suggesting a recent population expansion on the middle and northern islands, and stable population persistence on the southern islands. The frequency of the mimetic forms within P. polytes populations is thus explained by variations in the model abundance rather than by population structure. Thus, we propose that predation pressure, rather than neutral forces, have shaped the Batesian mimicry polymorphism in P. polytes observed in the Ryukyus.


Toyama, Yuko
出版情報: 2019-05-22.  University of the Ryukyus — 琉球大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44565
概要: 学位論文


Kaneshiro, Yukako ; 兼城, 縁子
出版情報: 2019-05-22.  University of the Ryukyus — 琉球大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44566
概要: 学位論文


Sugita, Katsuhiro
出版情報: 琉球大学経済学ワーキングペーパーシリーズ — Ryukyu Economics Working Paper Series.  pp.1-18,  2019-05-14.  琉球大学国際地域創造学部経済学プログラム — Economics Program, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44365
概要: This paper compares multi-period forecasting performances by direct and iterated method using a Bayesian vector autoregr essions with the stochastic search variable selection (SSVS) priors. The forecasting performances are evaluated using the artificially generated data with both nonstationary and stationary process. In theory direct forecasts are more efficient asymptotically and more robust to model misspecification than iterated forecasts, and iterated forecasts tend to bias but more efficient if the one-period ahead model is correctly specified. From the results of the Monte Carlo simulations, iterated forecasts tend to outperform direct forecasts, particularly with longer lag model and with longer forecast horizons. Implementing SSVS prior generally improves forecasting performance over unrestricted VAR model for either nonstationary or stationary data. As an illustration, US macroeconomic data sets with three variables are examined to compare iterated and direct forecasts using the unrestricted VAR model and the SSVS VAR model. Overall, iterated forecasts using model with the SSVS generally best outperform, suggesting that the SSVS restrictions on insignificant parameters alleviates over-parameterized problem of VAR in one-step ahead forecast and thus offers an appreciable improvement in forecast performance of iterated forecasts.


Kinjo, Tadatsugu ; Mekaru, Keiko ; Nakada, Miyuki ; Nitta, Hayase ; Masamoto, Hitoshi ; Aoki, Yoichi
出版情報: Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology.  2019  2019-05-13.  Hindawi
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/46945
概要: We report a case of Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) where prenatal diagnosis was not made even with major anomaly. A 3 3-year-old Japanese woman was referred to our institution at 23 weeks of gestation because of fetal forearm defect. Ultrasound examination revealed short forearms and short humeri and femurs (–2.1 SD). The fetal estimated body weight was 450 g (–1.3 SD). Fetal MRI at 26 weeks of gestation revealed short forearms and hypoplasty of hand fingers. Fetal growth restriction became evident thereafter, leading to intrauterine fetal death occurring at 29 weeks of gestation. A stillbirth baby was of 798 g in body weight and 33.0 cm in length. External examination showed a low hairline, synophrys, low-set ear, hypertrichosis, and smooth long philtrum with thin lips. The neck appeared short and broad. Finally, CdLS was diagnosed. The prenatal diagnosis might be possible as the arm findings were totally characteristic in a small fetus, regardless of whether an overhanging upper lip was identified. Because CdLS is a rare condition, it is important to consider its possibility as a part of differential diagnosis.


Chinen, Yasutsugu ; Nakamura, Sadao ; Kaneshi, Takuya ; Nakayashiro, Mami ; Yanagi, Kumiko ; Kaname, Tadashi ; Naritomi, Kenji ; Nakanishi, Koichi
出版情報: Human Genome Variation.  6  2019-05-13.  Springer Nature
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/45906
概要: Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is a cohesinopathy caused by genetic variations. We present a female with SMC1A-associ ated CdLS with a novel SMC1A truncation mutation (p. Arg499Ter), transposition of the great arteries, and periodic intractable seizures from 40 months of age. A review of the literature revealed that a seizure-free period after birth of at least 15 months is required for these patients to be able to walk, irrespective of the epileptic course.


Koyama, Satoshi ; 小山, 智士
出版情報: PLoS ONE.  14  2019-05-07.  University of the Ryukyus — 琉球大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/48495
概要: 学位論文