

氏原, 邦博 ; 吉元, 誠 ; 和田, 浩二 ; 高橋, 誠 ; 須田, 郁夫 ; Ujihara, Kunihiro ; Yoshimoto, Makoto ; Wada, Koji ; Takahashi, Makoto ; Suda, Ikuo
出版情報: 日本食品科学工学会誌.  60  pp.159-164,  2013-04-15.  日本食品科学工学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/48410
概要: The effects of heating temperature and time on browning, DPPH-radical scavenging activity and polyphenollike activity of molasses from sugarcane were investigated. The browning, DPPH-radical scavenging activity and polyphenol-like activity of molasses heated to between 120℃ and 160℃ were increased in comparison with unheated molasses. The browning of molasses heated to 120℃ and 140℃ increased with heating time, and was nearly 9.5 times greater than unheated molasses after heating for 60 minutes. The browning of molasses heated to 160℃ exponentially increased after heating for 10 minutes, and was nearly 16.7 times greater than unheated molasses after heating for 20 minutes. The DPPH-radical scavenging activity of molasses heated to 120℃ for 50 minutes, 140℃ for 10 minutes, and 160℃ for 10 minutes was four times greater than that of unheated molasses. The alterations in DPPH-radical scavenging activity were similar to the polyphenol-like activity pattern with heat-processing. The heated molasses with the highest polyphenol-like activity, processed at 160℃ for 20 minutes, showed stronger antimutagenicity than unheated molasses. These results indicate that the heat-processing of sugarcane molasses is a viable method for the enhancement of food functions in sugarcane molasses.


鹿内, 健志 ; Shikanai, Takeshi
出版情報: 2010-05-31.  鹿内健志
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/17811
概要: 科研費番号: 19580298
研究概要(和文):GPS 機能付き携帯電話や農業機械に搭載したGPS 利用の農作業自動記録装置を用いたデータ記録
研究概要(英文) : The data recording system using a cellular phone with a GPS function and an automatic recording device which can be mounted in a tractor was developed. The data base which stores the farm work data of sugarcane cultivation of Okinawa was build. Moreover, in order to design up an efficient agricultural work plan, farm work flow was modeled using the mathematical model. The large scale sugarcane farm work by an agricultural production corporation was simulated using the model and the numerical solution of the optimal agricultural work plan is obtained.


川満, 芳信 ; Kawamitsu, Yoshinobu
出版情報: 2009-06-05.  川満芳信
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/11728
概要: 科研費番号: 18580017
研究概要:C_4 光合成経路を有し,単位葉面積当たりCO_2 固定能力が高いサトウキビ品種,サトウキビ近縁野生種
との雑種であるモンスターケーンおよびエリアンサスを用いて栽培期間内のバイオマス生産能力の違いを比較解明し,次に,その生産されたバイオマスをサトウキビの土壌改良資材として,またエネルギー源として変換することで,大気CO_2 を抑制,削減するシステムを構築した.


玉城, 麿 ; 鹿内, 健志 ; 赤地, 徹 ; 安谷屋, 賛 ; Tamaki, Maro ; Shikanai, Takashi ; Akachi, Toru ; Adaniya, Akira
出版情報: 農業機械学会誌 — Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery.  71  pp.104-114,  2009-05-01.  農業食料工学会 — The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/37085
概要: 沖縄のサトウキビ株出し圃場の欠株率は25%以上になる場合もあり,減収を抑制するためには補植が必要であることが示された。機械収穫作業時の株の損傷には茎の倒伏方向が大きく影響する。特に向刈りを実施した場合の損傷率は萌芽数の35%以上,追刈り時の 2倍以上になることが示された。補植作業は一般的に人力で行われているが,本研究では省力化を目的に小型トラクタ搭載型の補植機を開発した。本機はジャーガル,島民マージ土壌の株出し栽培圃場で利用可能であり,作業能率は人力作業に比べて14%向上することが示された。
The missing plant rate of sugarcane stock in the field in Okinawa might reach 25% or more. Supplementary planting was found necessary to prevent decreased production. The stalk inclination greatly infruences the damage to the sugarcane stock when harvesting by machine. In particular,the damage rate of sprouts in the field was 35% or more when machines harvest against the direction of lodging. This value became twice or more the damage rate from harvesting following lodging. Supplementary planting of sugarcane is generally done by human labor. In this study,w ed eveloped at ractor-pulled supplemental planter for reducing labor. This machine can be used with ratoon cane plant of Jagal and Shlmajiri marji soil and was demonstrated to be 14% more efficient than human labor.


鹿内, 健志 ; 官, 森林 ; 名嘉村, 盛和 ; 南, 孝幸 ; 上野, 正実 ; 赤地, 徹 ; 玉城, 麿 ; Shikanai, Takeshi ; Guan, Senlin ; Nakamura, Morikazu ; Minami, Takayuki ; Ueno, Masami ; Akachi, Toru ; Tamaki, Maro
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  40  pp.19-25,  2007-03.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015670
概要: In order to improve the sugarcane yield and encourage stable management, agricultural production corporations are requir ed to manage their work systematically and efficiently. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately comprehend the work that goes in the agricultural production corporations for the rational planning of farming operations. This study is aimed at developing a system for recording farming data with a cellular phone equipped with a GPS (Global Positioning System) function and an Internet connection. The built-in GPS function is used to produce a field map of the measured position to indicate the location of the operator. The data entered from the cellular phone are transferred to and stored on the server of the system via the Internet. The results of experiments conducted by the sugarcane-producing agricultural corporations revealed that the precision of the GPS function of the cellular phone was sufficient to identify the current working field. Using a cellular phone, a set of recorded farming data can be input in 1-2 minutes. The system is developed using low-cost hardware and software, and it has a low operating cost. This system can collect the necessary farming data such as the date, weather, working time, composition of work, and machines used in the field. Furthermore, by adopting database technology in this system, large quantities of data of the farmland that are scattered over a wide zone could be handled efficiently.


上野, 正実 ; 平良, 英三 ; 川満, 芳信 ; Ueno, Masami ; Taira, Eizo ; Kawamitsu, Yoshinobu
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  41  pp.3-14,  2007-08.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015678
概要: 論文


外間, 数男 ; 村上, 昭人 ; Hokama, Kazuo ; Murakami, Akito
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  41  pp.101-108,  2007-08.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015687
概要: 論文


上野, 正実 ; 川満, 芳信 ; 菊地, 香 ; 岡安, 崇史 ; Ueno, Masami ; Kawamitsu, Yoshinobu ; Kikuchi, Koh ; Okayasu, Takashi
出版情報: 2006-03.  上野正実
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/12348
概要: 科研費番号: 16830176
までの"光センシング"技術を適用した。 1)接触計測:サトウキビの栄養診断に必要な葉内のN, C, P, K, Mg, Ca,水分などの成分を分光反射・吸光度特性によって迅速に計測する光センシング技術,特にNIR解析技術を開発した。生育段階の個葉について継続的に栄養成分を計測し,検量線の精度が十分にあることを確認した。さらに,茎の細裂試料および搾汁液についても同様の分析を行い,測定可能な栄養構成成分を明らかにした。 2)近接計測:野外観測用可視・近赤外分光装置を用いてサトウキビ葉身の分光反射特性を350nm-2500nmの範囲で測定を行い,水ストレスや窒素養分による分光反射特性の違いを検討した。 3)近距離計測:階層的センシングの一方法として期待される低空からの観測の可能性について検討するために,南大東島でサトウキビ圃場の生育状況の画像を取得した。この画像によってサトウキビの生育状況および雑草などの繁茂状態を詳細に分析できることが明らかになった。 4)中距離計測:ハイパースペクトル画像を取得し,ピクセル単位で栄養成分を求める手順を自動化し,実用的なスケールを模索する手順をまとめた。 5)遠距離計測:高解像度画像QuickBird衛星画像およびIKONOS衛星画像を利用し,北大東島・南大東島の圃場地図の作成,NDVI(植生指数)の解析,かんがい施設の配置状況の解析を行った。これらの結果は圃場地図に地理情報システム(GIS)を用いてマッピングした。 6)これらの結果に基づいて測定対象物と光センサとの距離と測定可能な成分および測定精度との関係を検討した。 7)補完的計測:北大東島に設置した気象観測ロボット3基からのモニタリングデータを用いて圃場の蒸発散量など推定し,光センシング結果との比較を行った。
研究概要:Optical sensing methods were applied with varying the sensor-target object distance in order to establish the precise cultivation system for sugarcane as follows. 1)Contact measurement : The optical sensing especially NIR measurement techniques were developed using the properties of reflection and absorption spectra data for the diagnosis of sugarcane nutrition. The contents of N, C, P, K, Mg, Ca and water could be measured with good agreement. Calibration equations satisfied enough accuracy by the sequential measurements of sugarcane leaves in the various growing stages. NIR measurement was carried out not only shredded sugarcane samples but extracting juice samples, and then the measurable components were clarified. 2)Close range measurement : The spectrum data of cane leaves were measured with the wavelength range from 350nm to 2500nm using a portable spectrometer. The degrees of water stress and nutrition were availably detected by the spectrum data. 3)Short distance measurement : The feasibility study was carried out to check whether the small size unmanned helicopter was useful or not for the sensing of growing conditions from short distance. Some images of sugarcane field were taken and processed in Minami-Daito Island. The growing conditions were observed well. 4)Intermediate distance measurement : The image processing methods by a hyper spectrum camera were investigated to detect the nutrition condition of sugarcane field. 5)Long distance measurement : High-resolution satellite images by QuickBird and IKONOS were applied to field map drawing, NDVI analysis and others in Minami-Daito and Kita-Daito Islands. The mapping was carried using the results. 6)Complementary measurement : Three sets of robotic weather station were placed in Kita-Daito Island, and weather data were collected. Evapo-transpiration was estimated and compared with the remote sensing data. Finally, the relations of the measurement distance and measurable components and accuracy were discussed.


謝花, 治 ; Jahana, Osamu
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  39  pp.83-85,  2005-12.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015666
概要: 論文


松嶋, 卯月 ; 佐藤, 昌憲 ; 加藤, 博史 ; 福澤, 康典 ; 川満, 芳信 ; Matsushima, Uzuki ; Sato, Masanori ; Kato, Hirofumi ; Fukuzawa, Yasunori ; Kawamitsu, Yoshinobu
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  38  pp.3-6,  2004-08.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015652
概要: 医療用X線CTおよびMRIを用いてサトウキビ茎を三次元で観察し次の結果を得た.1)未造影のX線CTにおける茎横断面画像のコントラストは低く,組織の観察は困難であった.しかし,ヨウ化カリウム水溶液を用いた造影によってコントラストを高めることが 可能であった.2)MRIによって得られた画像は,分解能が高く周皮と皮層の判別および維管束分布の観察が可能であった.3)得られる画像情報が異なるX線CTおよびMRIを同時に行うことによって,サトウキビの三次元観測がより多元的に行われると考えられた.