

淡野, 将太 ; TANNO, Syota ; 中尾, 達馬 ; NAKAO, Tatsuma ; 廣瀬, 等 ; HIROSE, Hitoshi ; 城間, 吉貴 ; SHIROMA, Yoshitaka
出版情報: 琉球大学教育学部紀要.  pp.9-15,  2023-08-31.  琉球大学教育学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002020019
概要: 本研究は,教員養成課程における入学前教育の実施と評価を行なった。6名を対象に入学前教育を実施し,事前及び事後の変化に関する自己評価を検討した。その結果,思考力,表現力,大学で学ぶ意欲,小学校教育に対する意欲・関心,及び,小学校教員としての適 性について6名全員が向上したと回答し,有意水準5%の二項検定は有意だった。判断力に関する自己評価は5名が向上したと回答し,有意水準5%の二項検定は有意ではなかった。ただし,判断力が向上しなかったと回答した参加者の自由記述は,入学前教育によって判断力の向上が動機づけられたことを示した。これらを総合して本研究の入学前教育の有効性を考察した。 続きを見る


知念, 秀明 ; Chinen, Hideaki ; 中尾, 達馬 ; Nakao, Tatsuma
出版情報: 琉球大学教育学部紀要=Bulletin of Faculty of Education University of the Ryukyus.  pp.85-94,  2022-03.  琉球大学教育学部
概要: 本研究の目的は,高校生827名(高校1年生289名,2年生277名,3年生261名)を対象に,1学期のはじめ(4月)と2学期のはじめ(9月)に行われる実力テストの際に,キャリア意識尺度を実施し,⒜ 学年や性別によるキャリア意識の違い,⒝ 全 体,学年別,男女別にキャリア意識と学力との関連性を明らかにすることであった。調査の結果,以下の5点が示された。すなわち,⒜ 女子は,男子に比べて,キャリア意識の4領域全ての得点が有意に高かった。⒝ 高校1年生や3年生は,2年生に比べて,キャリア意識の4領域全ての得点が有意に高かった。⒞ 人間関係形成,将来設計,意思決定については,1年生においてのみ,第1回調査(4月)に比べて,第2回調査(9月)の方が得点は有意に低かった。⒟ 人間関係形成と意思決定は,第1回調査時点では,高校1年生と3年生の得点間に有意差はなかったが,第2回調査時点では,高校3年生は,高校1年生に比べて,得点が有意に高かった。⒠ 実力テスト合計点は,情報活用,将来設計,意思決定と有意な弱い正の相関があった。本研究の学術的貢献は,⒜ 学年進行に伴うキャリア意識のU字型の変化は,1年生の1学期にはじまることを実証したこと,⒝ 「学力とキャリア意識は連動しているというよりは,むしろ,関連性が弱く,それぞれが独立したものとして存在している可能性が高い」という知念・中尾(2018)の主張を全学年において確認したことである。
The purpose of this study was (a) to reveal the differences in career awareness and (b) to clarify the relationship between career awareness and academic achievement in high school students by grade and gender. Participants were 827 A-high school students in Okinawa (289 tenth graders,277 eleventh graders, and 261 twelfth graders). The main findings were as follows: (a) High school girls scored higher on all four fields of career awareness than high school boys significantly; (b)Tenth graders and twelfth graders scored significantly higher in all four fields of career awareness than eleventh graders; (c) The scores for relationship formation, future planning, and decision making were significantly lower in the second survey (September) than in the first survey (April) only for tenth graders; (d) There was no significant difference between the scores of tenth graders and twelfth graders in relationship formation and decision making at the first survey (April). However, twelfth graders had a significantly higher score in these fields than tenth graders in the second survey (September). (e) The total test score has a significant positive correlation with information utilization, future planning, and decision making, but the degree of correlations was weak. This study had two academic contributions: (a) The study demonstrated that the U-curve change in career awareness as the school year progresses started the tenth graders’ first semester. (b) the study confirmed Chinen and Nakao’s (2018) suggestion that academic achievement and career awareness are weakly related and are likely to exist independent of each other rather than being linked in all graders.


下地, 敏洋 ; 島袋, 恒男 ; Shimoji, Toshihiro ; Shimabukuro, Tsuneo
出版情報: 高度教職実践専攻(教職大学院)紀要.  2  pp.47-65,  2018-03-09.  琉球大学大学院教育学研究科
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/41531
概要: Purpose of the Study: The authors report the result of questionnaire survey on interests and values of public high schoo l students in Okinawa. Design and Methods: The authors carried out the questionnaire survey about high school students’ interests and values at 6 prefectural high schools in Okinawa. Respondents (N=1323) completed the questionnaire. Questions of each category were analyzed with Cluster analysis and the results were shown by the correlations among each category. Results: Forty-four percent of the students did not study at home at all, 70% would like to go universities or graduate schools after graduating high schools. 70.8% have already decided their future jobs, 85.5% tend to talk about their school life and future jobs with their family members, 89.7% have friends to discuss their difficulties. 36.9% have time to consult their future with teachers. Generally, girls tend to decide their future, communicate with their parents and friends compared with their counterparts. The number of students who would like to enter universities tend to decrease with grades, but have more opportunities to talk about their future with their parents with grades. Implications: It is a good way for high school students to have more chances to talk about many topics with their parents and teachers to improve their motivation toward self-study and future jobs. In addition, carrier education should be introduced in high schools effectvely.


下地, 敏洋 ; Shimoji, Toshihiro
出版情報: 琉球大学教育学部紀要=Bulletin of Faculty of Education University of the Ryukyus.  pp.213-222,  2017-02.  琉球大学教育学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/36568
概要: This article aims at considering the possibility of introducing educational gerontology into Japanese high schools as a regular class based on the results of the questionnaire of the understanding of the elderly and the observation of the classes.\nThe classes were given to assess the understanding of the elderly through lectures and Palmore's Facts on Aging Quiz for students of three high school students in Okinawa. The results show that high school students involved don't understand the real aging process and the elderly well. Attitudes learned early in the life stage have great influences in thinking and\nbehavior styles toward ourselves and others. It is important for students to learn the elderly and the actual aging process because the actual aging process has variety,and it is based on individuals. However,introducing educational gerontology programs into high schools has several Problems such as teacher training programs to teach gerontology,teacher's qualifications,and School curriculums.


長谷川, 裕 ; Hasegawa, Yutaka
出版情報: 2003-03.  長谷川裕
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/11807
概要: 科研費番号: 13610309
高校生だった頃、学校体験、進路意識等について質問紙調査を行っている)を対象にした調査を通じて、沖縄の若者たちの進路分化やその際の意識のあり方等を掴むことを目的としたものである。作業は、(1)統計的調査、(2)インタビュー調査、(3)理論的研究の3つの分野にわたって進められた。 (1)については、2001年度末に質問紙を配布し、2002年度前半に質問紙回収から第1次分析までの作業を行った。(2)については、(1)の回答者を学歴及び現在の職業を基準に類型化し、それを踏まえて対象者を選定し、インタビュー調査を実施した。(3)については、イギリスの社会学者A・ギデンズの著書の読解を通じて、「後期モダニティ」の時代において、今回の調査の対象者である若者たちの「自己アイデンティティ」がどのように構成されているか、この時代のグローバル化の進展という情況との関わりの中、「沖縄」というローカリティが彼ら/彼女らの自己アイデンティティの中でどのように意味づけられているのかという、私にとっては新しい分析の視点が得られた。『研究成果報告書』では、主として(1)の結果について、上の第1次分析を発展させた形で報告した。そこでは、回答者である若者たちが、「どのような自己イメージを抱いているか」、「職業生活についてどのような考えをもっているか」、「自分の人生にとってどのようなことを重要なこととして考えているか」、「今現在自分が置かれている状況をどのように見ているか」、「『沖縄』に対してどのような思いを抱いているか」、それら全体から推測される彼ら/彼女らの「自己アイデンティティ」の有り様、性の違いによるそれらの差異、分化した進路の違いによるそれらの差異などについて、得られた知見を提示した。
研究概要:This study is aimed, through the research on the youth, who entered high schools in Okinawa Prefecture in 1994, and on whose school experiences and career awareness I researched as a member of a survey project at the time when they were high school students, for grasping their career differentiation and their awareness accompanying it. The work of the study was composed of (1) statistical survey, (2) interview, and (3) theoretical studies. In (1), I distributed questionnaires in the 2001 fiscal year, and collected answered questionnaires and do the primary analysis on them in the first half of the 2002 fiscal year. In (2), I had interviews with the youth, selected from the respondents of the (1) survey, categorized on their academic background and their current occupations, which among many knowledges procured through the (1) survey. In (3), by reading works of Giddens, A., a Sociologist in UK, I acquired a new -for me- analytical point of view; how are 'self-identities' of the youth, objects of this research, constructed against the background of the age of 'late modernity'? What meanings does the locality of 'Okinawa' take in their self-identity in relation to the context of the advance of globalization in this age? In the report of this study, I wrote mainly on the result of (1), developing the primary analysis. I presented there the below knowledges obtained through the research; What self images do they have? What conceptions do they have with regards to their job life? How do they look on how they are currently situated? What do they think of 'Okinawa'? What are their 'self-identities' inferred from these knowledges? What differences do they assume by gender, and by the differentiated careers?