

石垣, 長健 ; 新里, 孝和 ; 新本, 光孝 ; 呉, 立潮 ; Ishigaki, Choken ; Shinzato, Takakazu ; Aramoto, Mitunori ; Wu, Lichao
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.23-27,  2007-12.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/5808
概要: Recently, increase commercializing of boar meat has been rising in Japan because of increase demand for gourmet tastes, tourists interested in trying boar meat, and village revitalization, etc. The present study was undertaken to identify the relationships between the Ryukyuan wild boar and the forest plants on Iriomote Island, and to identify how best to hunt boar while maintaining a supply for future consumption as its popularity increases. As a result of the investigation, is was found that the diet chiefly contained feed of which there were 30 species of plant and nuts such as acorns. Boar meat's difference in quality depends upon the feed and the season when it eats. The boar's unique smell is not the result of the fat but a result of substances in the boar's blood. While thinking about the ideal way of preserving the environment, ecosystem, and traditional ways of the people who live there, it may be important to develop a way to best hunt wild boar while preserving the sanctity of the aforementioned.


石垣, 長健 ; 新里, 孝和 ; 新本, 光孝 ; Ishigaki, Choken ; Shinzato, Takakazu ; Aramoto, Mitsunori
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.11-18,  2006-12.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/570
概要: 西表島に生息するイノシシは,ニホンイノシシに比較して小形のリュウキュウイノシシである。イノシシ猟は西表島の自然と人間の生活の共存の中で維持されてきた。西表島におけるイノシシ猟の伝統的な技術の変遷をたどり,現在,住民が行っているイノシシ猟の方 法とそれに係る生息数などの実状を明らかにし,安定的で持続的なイノシシ猟の需要を図ることを目的とした。調査の結果,イノシシの狩猟資格者が多くなりそれに伴ってイノシシの生息数が急速に減少している実状にある。イノシシ猟は圧し罠猟,イヌ猟,ハネ罠猟,銃器と変遷しており,現在は,銃器猟,ハネ罠猟があり,西表島では罠猟が盛んである。ハネ罠猟は,西表島独特のワイヤーを用いて,チボ,竹,ニンギョウ,ツメ,さし木の6個の部品を使って仕掛ける。なかでもチボは最も重要で,20種の樹種が用いられ,最適な樹種にはシマミサオノキ(Randia canthioides)など6種がある。猪垣は,石積み,斜面の掘削,木柵などがあり,石積み材料には砂岩やサンゴ木柵材料にはサガリバナ(Barrintonia rasemosa)が利用されている。健全なイノシシ猟のためには,伝統的な自然との共存のあり方を再検討する必要がある。
The wild boars that live in Iriomote Island are Ryukyuan wild boars, which are smaller than Japanese wild boars. The wild boar hunting has been maintained in Iriomote Island by the islanders who coexist with the island's natural resources. This paper traces the transitions of the traditional techniques of the wild boar hunting in Iriomote Island, and clarifies such facts as the number of living wild boars, and the methods of wild boar hunting employed by the islanders. It is hoped that this research will contribute to sustainable and stable wild boar hunting on the island. Our investigation reveals that as the number of wild boar hunters has increased, the number of living wild boars has decreased rapidly. The method of wild boar hunting has changed over the years in the following order: pressure-trap hunting, dog hunting, hane-trap hunting, and sporting-gun hunting. Currently, hane traps and sporting guns are widely used, but the trap method is most popular in Iriomote. A hane trap consists of six parts: chibo, bamboo, ningyoo, tsume, stepped tree, and a wire that is peculiar to Iriomote island. Of these, chibo is most important, and 20 kinds of trees are used for it. Among these trees, six kinds, such as shimamisaonoki (Randia canthioides) are most suitable. As for boar-fences, there are those that are made of stones, those that are made by making a hollow in a slope, those that are made by wood, etc. Sandstone and coral are used for stone fences, and sagaribana (Barrintonia rasemosa) is used for wood fences. It is necessary to reexamine the traditional way of coexistence between humans and nature in order to maintain wild boar hunting in Iriomote Island.