

宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 移民研究 — Immigration Studies.  pp.23-42,  2021-03.  沖縄移民研究センター — Center for Okinawa Migration Studies
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/48627
概要: The purpose of this study was to determine the overall self-evaluation of international labor migration to Kuwait among Filipino female nurses working in Kuwait, and to determine when and where they plan to re-migrate in the future. The results of the questionnaire survey conducted in 2014 were compiled and analyzed. The results of the study can be summarized as follows. The results of the survey were summarized and analyzed as follows: First, I asked the nurses how they evaluated themselves overall as immigrants in Kuwait using a 5-point Likert scale. The mean rating was 3.6, which indicates that the nurses highly evaluated their immigration to Kuwait. By attribute, the overall rating tended to be higher for nurses working in public hospitals than in private hospitals, and the higher the level of satisfaction in the workplace, the higher the overall rating. Next, When I asked them when they plan to leave Kuwait, the most common answer was "about 3-5 years," at 37.5% of the total; within 10 years, 80% of the nurses planned torelocate from Kuwait. By attribute, it was statistically observed that the time of re-migration was earlier for those whose work affiliation was a private hospital than a public hospital, and for those whose overall immigrant rating was lower than for those whose overall immigrant rating was higher. As for the planned destination of re-migration, 53.4% of the total respondents were thinking were undecided. In other words, after working in Kuwait, the majority of the respondents plan to return to the Philippines. In the case of onward migration, the next destination is the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or the United Kingdom. These countries are economically, socially, and culturally "more desirable" for Filipino female nurses because they are English-speaking Christian societies, have better wages and employment conditions, and many of them allow permanent residency. However, re-migration to more desirable countries is not easy. In summary, Filipino female nurses enter Kuwait as a "transit point" in their stepwise international migration. Of course, some of them will then perform onward migration to "more desirable" countries, but many of them will continue to work in Kuwait for various reasons, and return migration back to the Philippines will become more prevalent in proportion to the length of their stay in Kuwait.


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 地理歴史人類学論集 — Journal of Geography, History, and Anthropology.  pp.21-39,  2019-03-31.  琉球大学国際地域創造学部地域文化科学プログラム — Faculty of Global and Regional Studies Geography, History and Anthropology Program University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/44333
概要: 本研究では、国土の最縁辺部に位置する沖縄県宮古島を研究対象地域として、2000 年代前半における宮古島からの季節労働移動を、組織的求人システムを構成する求人企業、職安、求職者、マスコミ企業といった各要素の動きから実態を明らかにすることを目的 としている。まず、2000年代前半における宮古島からの季節労働移動の概観を捉えるため、移動者数の推移と景気変動との関係、移動者の出身地や年齢などの特性について明らかにする。次に組織的求人システムにおける求職者と求人企業とが空間的に結合される場である宮古職安での現地選考会の状況について、職安や求人企業が提供した資料から紹介する。最後に製造業に就業する製造季節を取り上げ、季節移動における三つの経路ごとに移動形態と季節労働者の特性について検討することで、沖縄県に構築された季節労働者求人システムの中で、宮古島出身者の移動の特徴を考察する。


金城, 宏幸 ; 町田, 宗博 ; 宮内, 久光 ; 酒井, アルベルト 清 ; 花木, 宏直 ; Kinjo, Hiroyuki ; Machida, Munehiro ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu ; Sakai, A. Kiyoshi ; Hanaki, Hironao
出版情報: 移民研究 — Immigration Studies.  pp.93-114,  2019-03.  沖縄移民研究センター — Center for Okinawa Migration Studies
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/45309
概要: 紀要論文


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 移民研究 — Immigration Studies.  pp.55-86,  2019-11.  沖縄移民研究センター — Center for Okinawa Migration Studies
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/45286
概要: The purpose of this study is to clarify the existence form of female nurses in the host society who moved from Philippin es, which is the world's most dispatching country of migrant workers, to Kuwait in the Middle East. Their living space is classified into three: working space, residential space, and social space. All of those are examined the actual condition in there and satisfaction of each space quantitatively. Much of the research that has been done so far on the work side of the nurses, and very little on their daily life. It is assumed that it is an important viewpoint to consider Philippine female nurses working in Kuwait from both sides, which are labor and life. By getting the permission of Kuwait Health Ministry, I conducted a questionnaire survey in the field and received 187 valid responses. As a result of analyzing and examining these, the following were clarified. Most of the informants work 6 days a week on hospital shifts, including night shifts. In doing so, they keep sending a large sum of their salary to their families in the Philippines. They are satisfied with the work they do in the workplace but are strongly dissatisfied with their working hours and wages. Their common underlying grievances result from ethnic issues such as the disparity in treatment between them and their Kuwaiti colleagues. Their percentage of unmarried is very high, and they continue to live in shared rooms in an old hospital dormitory. When they get married and form a household, they get out the hospital dormitory and start renting an apartment. At that time, they prioritized proximity to the workplace and the Philippine community, those were regarded as local conditions for choosing a place of residence. Their utilization of Philippine facilities was high for food and low for fashion. The event participation rate of the Philippine community was only a little over 30%. Only approximately 30% of the respondents had non-Philippine friends and had little interaction with other ethnic groups. Looking at these results spatially, it can be said that the living space of Philippine female nurses working in Kuwait is extremely small. This is caused by their occupation. Nurses move to the host society under a contract as immigrants and they have jobs and housing in the host society by making the contract. Furthermore, since their residence has located in a hospital or in a nearby hospital dormitory, they basically do not need to commute to their work. Even if a problem occurs in daily life, Philippines in hospitals and hospital accommodations are so many that they can easily connect each other and, can leverage them as their human capital. In other words, the spatial characteristics of migrant nurses can be seen in the fact that the working space, residential space, and social space required for immigrants to live in the host society are almost the same.


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 国際琉球沖縄論集 — International Review of Ryukyuan and Okinawan Studies.  pp.15-38,  2018-03-30.  琉球大学国際沖縄研究所 — International Institute for Okinawan Studies
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/42365
概要: 本研究は、1914 年から30 年間にわたり、日本が統治した南洋群島を対象地域とし、公共施設(行政的機能)と会社本社(経済的機能)という2 種類の近代的施設の立地を分析することで、中心地の成立と展開からみた南洋群島の地域形成を明らかにするも のである。南洋群島の中心地は、日本が統治を開始した直後の7地区から統治末期には54地区へと増加した。また、統治開始直後には、低次な中心地が並列するだけであったが、その後中心地間の格差が広がり、統治の最終段階では、高次から低次まで6 階層に分化するまでになった。南洋群島は島嶼型植民地であるため、中心地化も島嶼性が認められた。
This research targeted at Micronesia, south sea islands that Japan governed for over 30 years since 1914 and clarified the regional formation of Micronesia from the viewpoint of the formation and development of the central places by analyzing the location of two types of modern facilities such as public facilities and corporate headquarters. The central places of Micronesia increased from seven districts when Japan began to govern, to 54 districts in the end of the governance. In addition, in the beginning of governance, low-level central places were only arranged in parallel. However, the regional difference expanded and in the end of the governance, it was differentiate into 6 stages, from high-level to low-level. Since Micronesia was islands type colony, formation and development in central places were recognized as insularity.


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 人間科学 = Human Science.  pp.17-50,  2017-03.  琉球大学法文学部 — Faculty of Law and Letters University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/36765
概要: 本研究では近代期の宇検村を研究対象地域とし、移民の移動パターンと移動要因、移動プロセスなどを概説的に紹介した上で,宇検村からの移民送出の特徴について考察することを目的としている。近代期における奄美大島宇検村からの移民は、移住システム理論の枠 組みで説明ができる。すなわち、宇検村の人口圧は極めて高いという内部条件に加えて、戦間期における慢性的に続く経済不況という外部環境による刺激を受け、村民の生活は困窮した。このような地域的な状況に対して、宇検村の人々は移民をすることで対応した。移民先は1920年代までがブラジルへ、1930年代前半は南洋群島へ、そして、1938(昭和13)年以降は満州へと、その時々の国際関係や日本の対外進出といった政治・社会状況に対応して移民先が変わっていた。ブラジル移民の事例では、宇検村出身者はブラジル渡航後に同郷ネットワークにより、居住地域に特徴が見られた。また、チェーンマイグレーションと呼ばれる連鎖移動も認められた。移住システム理論では,マクロ構造とミクロ構造の聞には、多数の「メソ構造」とよばれるような中間的メカニズムを重視する。従来の移民研究では、このメソ構造として、移民会社の役割が強調されてきたが、宇検村では移民送出に行政機関である宇検村役場が積極的に関与して、官民一体となった移民送出システムが構築されていたことが特徴としてあげられる。


宮内, 久光 ; 稲, 綾香 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu ; Ina, Ayaka
出版情報: 移民研究 — Immigration Studies.  pp.49-84,  2017-08.  沖縄移民研究センター — Center for Okinawa Migration Studies
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/37290
概要: In the globalized modern, a new trend is emerging in the international migrant of labor. In other words, the migration o f workers with advanced skills and the role of women are increasing. As a profession occupying a large proportion of the workers with advanced skills and the women, a nurse is usable. Especially, Philippines is the largest exporter of nurses. On the other hand,Middle East countries have accepted many Filipino nurses. The migration of population has been studied in three aspects, a migration stream, exterior environment and individuals of migrants. However, the research of the individuals of migrants did not proceed because carrying out a field survey is difficult in Middle East countries.In this research, we conduct questionnaires on Filipino female nurses who moved the international labor to Kuwait and clarify the aspects of individuals of migrants such as their family backgrounds, careers of migration and migratory process quantitatively. In addition, following the consideration, this research aims to make a geographical schematic diagram on the mechanism of the bilateral international migrations of labor.First of all, their birthplaces are dispersed throughout the Philippines, but in particular the Metropolitan Area, Manila and its adjacent Central Luzon Region are relatively large. Both regions are economically rich and related to the fact that there are many families that are rich enough to allow the children to go to college. Of their siblings, 1.2 people have experience immigrating to foreign countries. Approximately 30% of the respondents to the questionnaire have experienced migration to Kuwait.They are all go to university and are studying for four years at nurse training course. The location of the university is concentrated in the Metropolitan Area of Manila, but also distributed throughout the country. Even women born in rural areas can learn nursing at universities in the same region. After graduation, after they gained experience of nurses in the Philippines, they moved to Kuwait in the late 20s.Third, we consider a migratory process. As the reason why they decided to work in a foreigncountry, about 70% of respondents answered high salary and 40% would like to raise their expertise at advanced medical settings. Moreover, when moving to Kuwait, the number of people invited from relatives and friends who lives in Kuwait was 40%, and we could confirm that the social network is important for the movement. In addition, there are many people who are using employment agencies, and we can also confirm the importance of such mediators.Therefore, by using a Push-Pull Theory as a prerequisite, we presented a model of a migration mechanism with sufficient conditions of Migration System Theory.


金城, 宏幸 ; 浜崎, 盛康 ; 町田, 宗博 ; 宮内, 久光 ; 酒井, アルベルト 清 ; Kinjo, Hiroyuki ; Hamasaki, Moriyasu ; Machida, Munehiro ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu ; Sakai, Alberto
出版情報: 移民研究 — Immigration Studies.  pp.115-144,  2016-10.  沖縄移民研究センター — Center for Okinawa Migration Studies
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/36892
概要: 紀要論文


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 移民研究 — Immigration Studies.  pp.69-76,  2015-02.  沖縄移民研究センター — Okinawa Migration Studies Center
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/30874
概要: 紀要論文


宮内, 久光 ; 大朝, 礼子 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu ; Ootomo, Reiko
出版情報: 地理歴史人類学論集 — Journal of Geography, History, and Anthropology.  pp.3-21,  2014-03-31.  琉球大学法文学部 — Faculty of Law and Letters, University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/32786
概要: 本研究は,那覇市首里地区を対象とし,主要街路沿いの建築物の外壁や屋根,シーサーという景観要素の色彩について現地調査を行った。その結果,大きく二つの「地域の色」が確認できた。第1の「地域の色」は,白系無彩色を基調色とするもので,コンクリート造 の個人住宅が卓越する街路沿いでみられる。1960年代以降,沖縄では台風の被害を防ぎ,かつ,米軍施設や外人住宅の建築技術が転用できるコンクリート建造物が盛んに造られた。この色は戦後の沖縄の歴史的,社会的な文脈が埋め込まれ,一般住民により造られた「戦後沖縄の地域の色」である。第2の「地域の色」は,琉球石灰岩をモチーフとした赤~黄の暖色系を基調色とするもので,店舗や事務所,集合住宅が多く立地する幹線道路沿いでみられる。この色は戦前期まで存在した首里地区本来の「伝統的な地域の色」といえる。そして,この「伝統的な地域の色」は,景観行政により復活した創られた色である。このように,首里地区には造られた「戦後沖縄の地域の色」と,創られた「伝統的な地域の色」という二つの「地域の色」が併存していることが明らかになった。


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 国際琉球沖縄論集 — International Review of Ryukyuan and Okinawan Studies.  pp.79-105,  2014-03-28.  琉球大学国際沖縄研究所 — International Institute for Okinawan Studies
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/30155
概要: 紀要論文


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 地理歴史人類学論集 — Journal of Geography, History, and Anthropology.  pp.43-52,  2012-03-30.  琉球大学法文学部 — Faculty of Law and Letters, University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/32785
概要: 紀要論文


宮内, 久光 ; 仲本, いつ美 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu ; Nakamoto, Itsumi
出版情報: 移民研究 — Immigration Studies.  pp.97-122,  2011-03.  琉球大学国際沖縄研究所移民研究部門
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/22610
概要: This study researched the organization WUB (Worldwide Uchinanchu Business Network), which was formed by Okinawan descent businessmen, and investigated WUB's activities, membership, features and function from its establishment until present day. The results are as follows. WUB was founded in Hawaii in 1997. As of 2011, there are 22 WUB chapters located in: Japan, Latin America, North America, Asia, and Europe, with various activities. WUB's history can be divided into three phases: the founding period (1997-1999), the development period (1999-2007), and the transition period (2008 - present). During the foundation period, the name of the association, board members, rules, and business plans were discussed. During the development period, international economic/business exchange/meetings were actively conducted at WUB worldwide conferences. Also, some WUB chapters created new businesses. During the transition period, WUB became involved with not just the business area, but also non- business areas, such as cultural activities and assisting in the development of young Okinawans. WUB members are in the business of: agriculture, manufacturing, the service industry, IT, foreign trade, etc. Therefore, WUB provides a platform for various kinds of business exchange and networking. WUB chapters hold meetings and business activities which build fellowship between members. Also, there is communication and business exchange between different chapters. However, there are small chapters which are not as active. Recognized functions of WUB include: (1) providing a connection between the Okinawa Prefectural Government and overseas Okinawans, (2) connecting Okinawan people all over the world mentally, spiritually, and culturally, (3) providing economic benefit via business exchange, (4) awarding WUB scholarships and other assistance and support, and (5) creating fellowship.
正誤表追加 : 2014年6月20日


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 移民研究 — Immigration Studies.  pp.115-122,  2010-03.  琉球大学国際沖縄研究所移民研究部門
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/16767
概要: 紀要論文


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 人間科学 = Human Science.  pp.131-165,  2009-03.  琉球大学法文学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/10167
概要: 紀要論文


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 移民研究 — Immigration Studies.  pp.113-122,  2009-03.  琉球大学移民研究センター — Center for Migration Studies, University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/10887
概要: 紀要論文


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 人間科学 = Human Science.  pp.35-66,  琉球大学法文学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/2877
概要: 紀要論文


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 人間科学 = Human Science.  pp.57-92,  琉球大学法文学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/2876
概要: This paper includes postwar developments of human geographical studies on isolated islands in Japan. In the table the st udies were divided into two groups: studies to investigate the true nature of uniqueness observed on isolated islands paying attention to the islands themselves and studies of isolated islands from the perspectives of systematic geographic views. As a result, the following problems have been identified. The former studies adhere to the special features of isolated island, many of them describe phenomena seen on the isolated islands or analyze the phenomena but failed to elucidate mechanism or theory of such phenomena to deepen the studies. Few of the former studies focused on large scaled examinations to compare a whole region of the isolated islands with other regions or compare mountain villages with other types of villages. On the other hand, only few studies paid attentions to differences among the isolated islands conducting micro level studies and adopted measuring techniques.


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 人間科学 = Human Science.  pp.55-87,  琉球大学法文学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/2865
概要: 紀要論文


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 人間科学 = Human Science.  pp.83-121,  琉球大学法文学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/2855
概要: 1990年代に入り、沖縄県では新しい観光形態の一つであるエコツーリズムが導入された。本稿では、まず先例研究の定義例から、エコツーリズムの目的、対象地(目的地)、環境に対する責任の3点から考察した。次に、沖縄県におけるエコツーリズムの導入と現 状について、行政の取り組みとエコツーリズム協会の設立を紹介した。2002年の段階では、離島市町村の行政レベルでエコツーリズムの取り組みはあまり行われていないが、今後、沖縄振興策の具体的政策としてエコツーリズムが県内各地に導入されることが予想された。最後に、エコツーリズムに基づく観光の先進地である竹富町西表島で、住民にその評価を尋ねたところ、エコツーリズムは自然環境の保全や、観光業の発展には弱い正の評価が認められた。しかし、雇用や所得の増加など、経済的な効果にはあまり貢献をしていないと認識されていた。


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 人間科学 = Human Science.  pp.171-192,  琉球大学法文学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/2838
概要: 紀要論文


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 人間科学 = Human Science.  pp.299-335,  琉球大学法文学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/2836
概要: 紀要論文


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu ; 宮崎, 大 ; Miyazaki, Dai
出版情報: 沖縄地理.  pp.11-24,  沖縄地理学会 — The Okinawa Geographical Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002017627
概要: 本研究ではマリンレジャー観光地化が進んでいる沖縄県座間味島において,マリンレジャー事業所の経営形態と分布について1997年調査と比較してこの20年間でどのように変容したのかを明らかにした.また,経営者にアンケート調査を行い,現状評価と顧客認 識について新たに検討した. 2015年現在,座間味島には32店のマリンレジャー事業所が立地している. 1997年調査時より転業,廃業した事業所は少なく,事業の継続性は高い.経営者の出身地は6割弱が島外出身者であり, 1997年調査と比較してその割合が高まってきている. 1997年調査では,全事業所がスキューパダ、イピングのガイドサービスをしていたが,その後に開設された事業所の中には,スキューパダイピングのガイドサービスをしない事業所が5店ある.2000年代以降,座間味島のマリンレジャー産業は,それまでのスキューパダ、イピングガイドサービス一辺倒から, SUPやカヤックなど新しいマリンレジャーを取り込んで、,提供サービスの多様化が進んできている.座間味集落内でマリンレジャー事業所や民宿等の宿泊施設の分布変化をみると,座間味島出身者によるマリンレジャー事業所は多くが民宿併設で,集落内部,特に港に近い集落南側に多く分布している.一方で,沖縄県外出身者の事業所は1980年代から1990年代にかけて,集落の北端,西端の道路に面した空き地に設立していく.それが, 2000年代以降になると,集落の東側の空き地にも設立されていく. 2012年以降は日本経済が順調に推移したうえに,外国人観光客の増加,国立公園指定など島の観光を取り巻く社会的条件に恵まれて観光客は増加している.しかし,マリンレジャー事業者の中には,スキューパダイピング以外のマリンレジャーを楽しむ層が増えただけと認識している人もいる.マリンレジャー経営者は日本人の若年層の個人客が顧客のターゲットとして考えており,外国人や団体客を重視していない傾向がみられる.特に,ダイビングガイドサービスを専門とする経営タイプにこの傾向が顕著である.その理由として,危険なスポーツであるスキューパダイビングは,ガイドと常にコミュニケーションを取ることが求められており,言葉が通じない外国人には対応できないためである. 続きを見る


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 沖縄地理.  pp.17-34,  沖縄地理学会 — The Okinawa Geographical Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002017642
概要: 本稿ではこれまで発表された離島を対象とした人文地理学の学術論文625本の情報をデータベース化し,それを用いて発表年や研究分野などを集計することで,全国の離島研究のなかでの沖縄離島論文の特徴と位置づけを明らかにした.沖縄離島を対象とした地理学 研究は,134本の論文が発表された.これは全離島論文の21%を占める.すなわち,沖縄離島の研究は,スタートこそ1962年と遅かったが,その後半世紀を経て日本の離島研究の中で最も蓄積が多い海域となった.また,地理学が研究テーマとして扱い始めた時期が比較的新しい医療,知覚・行動,観光,交通などの研究分野で沖縄離島を対象とした研究が多い.このように系統地理学を基盤とする第2の型では離島研究全体をリードしているが,島の空間そのものを対象とする第1の型の研究の蓄積は弱い.沖縄離島を対象とした134論文のうち,沖縄離島全域を対象として,離島地域の構造や特質の解明を目的とする論文が1割程度と少なく,多くは個別の島を対象とした論文が多いこと,4つに分類した圏域別にみると,北部圏から八重山圏まで万遍なく研究対象地域に選ばれていることが明らかになった.今後,沖縄の離島研究が,世界の島嶼研究の先導になるには,海外の研究者と連携をとり,国内の「離島研究」からグローバルな視点の「島嶼研究」へと進化させること.その際,今日的な島の課題と問題解決型の研究を行うこと,が必要になるであろう. 続きを見る


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu ; 由井, 義通 ; Yui, Yoshimichi
出版情報: 沖縄地理.  pp.41-60,  沖縄地理学会 — The Okinawa Geographical Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002017669
概要: 本研究は,沖縄県内のコールセンターで働く女性の就業状況を明らかにすることを目的としている.研究方法としては,228 人のインフォーマントから回収したアンケート票を集計して,定量的な考察を行うと同時に,聞き取りで得た彼女たちの語りから定性的に 就業の状況を紹介することで実態に迫るアプローチを採用している.本研究で明らかにしようとしている就業状況とは,コールセンターに就業するまでの経路,コールセンターへの通勤状況,コールセンターでの雇用形態,コールセンターでの勤務状況,そして,勤務目的と職場評価の6 点である。これらの就業状況について,アンケート集計から全体の結果を紹介するとともに,女性を世帯タイプや居住地,雇用形態の違いにより特性分類したうえで,特性分類別に比較検討した。最後に,コールセンターで働く女性が仕事と生活をどのように両立させているのかを,聞き取りから紹介する。 続きを見る


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu ; 知念, 美佐子 ; Chinen, Misako
出版情報: 沖縄地理.  pp.1-19,  沖縄地理学会 — The Okinawa Geographical Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002017680
概要: 本稿では沖縄県における厳しい経営環境に対して建設業者の対応の一つとしての新分野進出に焦点を当て,新分野進出の形態を明らかにするとともに,それに対する経営判断の把握とその背景にある地域的要因を考察した.業者の進出先は本業に近い建設業の関連分野 と農林水産業に特化していた.地域別にみると,中南部の業者は建設関連業へ,北部・先島諸島の業者は農林水産業へ進出する業者の割合が高かった.建設関連分野へ進出する業者の多くは経営資源の中でも技術者の技術を活用し,新分野と本業との相乗効果を出すことによって本業を強化させることを目的としているところが多かった.一方,建設業以外の産業への進出した業者は,初期投資がかかる分野が多いことを反映し,建設関連分野に進出した業者に比べ比較的資本金が大きい業者が多かった. 続きを見る


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 沖縄地理.  pp.33-51,  沖縄地理学会 — The Okinawa Geographical Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002017712


宮城, 由香 ; Miyagi, Yuka ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu ; 宮内, 久光
出版情報: 沖縄地理.  pp.61-77,  沖縄地理学会 — The Okinawa Geographical Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002017718


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 沖縄地理.  pp.47-59,  沖縄地理学会 — The Okinawa Geographical Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002017721
概要: The system to send temporary workers from Okinawa to Japan proper has been established in Okinawa Prefecture by a group of the government and private sector. The aim of this study is to examine the structure of the system from perspectives of space. Naha district is the largest source of supplying laborers in Okinawa absolutely. Many of the help-wanted companies have their local employees. They attend local job selection meetings sponsored by a job placement office for hiring activities. It is beneficial for hiring companies to meet job hunters at a job placement office since many job hunters gather, and they can exchange job hunters with other companies in the same line of business. The help-wanted companies send their employees in Naha Office to local hiring activities in Okinawa, Nago, Miyako and Yaeyama. Especially, Companies' hiring activities in Nago, Miyako, Yaeyama tend to come to a full scale only when Naha area fails to supply needed temporary laborers. The study clearly reveals that Okinawa's system to send temporary workers to Japan proper comprises of the main system formed around Naha City metropolitan area and the sub-system formed in Non-metropokitan district. 続きを見る


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 沖縄地理.  pp.21-41,  沖縄地理学会 — The Okinawa Geographical Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002017736


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu ; Oshiro, Miki ; 大城, 美樹
出版情報: 沖縄地理.  pp.17-34,  沖縄地理学会 — The Okinawa Geographical Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002017739
概要: 沖縄県の離島を対象に,コンビニの立地展開とそこで発生したチェーン間競合について検討した.その結果,日本本土や沖縄本島の都市部はもとより,同じ条件不利地域である農山村とも異なる,離島におけるコンビニ立地の特異性が3点確認できた.1点目はローカ ルチェーンとナショナルチェーンでは物流システムが異なり,それが後者の離島進出への制約条件となっていること.2点目は離島にドミナント方式をとるナショナルチェーンが進出した場合は,島は限られた空間であるため,チェーン間競合が極めて激しくなること,3点目は離島の共同体意識の強さが消費者の購買行動にも反映されていること,である. 続きを見る


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 沖縄地理.  pp.27-40,  沖縄地理学会 — The Okinawa Geographical Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002017744
概要: The system to send temporary workers from Okinawa to Japan proper has been established in Okinawa Prefecture by a group of the government and private sector. The system involves job hunters, help-wanted companies, a job placement, and mass media. The aim of this study is to examine the history and structure of the system from perspectives of time.Okinawa’s present system to send temporary workers has its origin in a system established during the United States military administration. Under the US military administration, the system is named the formative period. After return to Japan proper, many people were sent factory in Japan proper as temporary worker. To a bubble economy in 1990, the system is named the expansion period. The constituent factors of the system went through changes in 1990’s. The advertisement tool for help-wanted companies changed from newspapers to weekly magazines. The help-wanted companies changed from manufacturers to businesses under contract and temporary personnel services. Suddenly, the whole world was left gasping by the Great Depression in 2008. Help-wanted companies have withdrawn from Okinawa and no one has been able to sent factory in Japan proper. Before 2008 the system is named the turning period, and after 2008 that is named the standstill period. The factors in changing the system are point out economic trends and labor policies. 続きを見る


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu ; Yui,Yoshimichi ; 由井, 義通
出版情報: 沖縄地理.  pp.45-56,  沖縄地理学会 — The Okinawa Geographical Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002017747
概要: 「女性の仕事」としての特性を顕著に有するコールセンター業に着目し,沖縄県を事例に女性の就業状況や女性への就業支援について行政側や企業側の視点から現状を明らかにした.コールセンター業は社員の男性が運営・管理部門を,非正規雇用の女性がオペレータ ー部門という性による役割分担が明瞭であり,女性の昇進の道は正社員登用制度などが設けられているものの,それを選択する主婦層はほと人いない.コールセンターへの就活は公的機関が,採用後は企業がハード面,ソフト面で様々な就業支援していることが明らかになった. 続きを見る


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 沖縄地理.  pp.81-88,  沖縄地理学会 — The Okinawa Geographical Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002017751


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 沖縄地理.  pp.17-32,  沖縄地理学会 — The Okinawa Geographical Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002017760
概要: 本研究では 2000 年代に沖縄県から日本本土へ移動をした季節労働経験者 130 人に聞き取り調査を行い,彼らの証言から,移動プロセスにおける移動者の意思決定要因について共通性と個別性を,定量的,定性的の両面から明らかにした.さらに,移動先 での労働や日常生活の状況について,彼らが語った証言からは,本土での季節労働経験が彼らの本土観と,それに相対する沖縄観を醸成,強化したことが読み取れた. 続きを見る


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 島嶼研究.  pp.41-64,  日本島嶼学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3267
概要: The objectives of this study are to discover: (1)the management form of manufacturers of special products, (2)the curren t status of the development and market of special products, and (3)the relationship between the manufacturers and wholesalers of special products that are developed on remote islands of Okinawa Prefecture. The studies may be summarized as stated below.\nThe numbers of manufacturers or entrepreneurs of special products on remote islands depend on the population of the islands where their factories are located. The numbers of manufacturers on the islands of Kume-jima and Ie-jima are relatively higher. The manufacturers are utilizing the resources of their own islands to make special and unique products. The initiatives of these businesses are taken by nongovernmental bodies or their owners. Many of the factories employ ten or less workers and considered as small business entities. A large number of the manufacturers began their businesses in and after 1980's, and the same trend is obvious nationwide. Approximately 60% of these manufacturers show increased sales during the past five years, which is thought to be related to today's health-oriented trend that has been observed since the latter half of 1990's and so-called Okinawa boom.\nThere are two problems to be solved concerning the production of special goods on remote island of Okinawa. First, it is difficult to develop unique and attractive special products. Secondly, it is difficult to expand a market for the products. Therefore, it is vital to establish a structure for the development and market of the products based on the cooperation between manufacturers and wholesalers paying attention to the existing support and assistance given to makers by wholesalers. Okinawa Prefectural Public Corporation for Products, which collect goods from whole areas of Okinawa, and Kume-jima Public Corporation for Products, which handles goods exclusively made on the island of Kume-jima were studied. These organizations contribute to the development and expansion of the market, however the studies revealed various problems exist.\nThese organizations have different shares of space, but they are interdependent. The makers of special products on remote islands are very small for Okinawa Prefectural Public Corporation for Products and the quality, design, and stable supply of products are not reliable. Kume-jima Public Corporation, which plays a role of a wholesaler, can deal with each small maker on the island so that the quality, design, and stable supply of goods will be maintained. Then, Okinawa Prefectural Public Corporation, which is the largest business partner for Kume-jima Public Corporation, can expand the market for Kume-jima, which otherwise will be difficult for Kume-jima Public Corporation. In other words, a wholesaler of remote islands functions as a collector of products and examiner for quality control, and the Prefectural organization functions as an expander of the market. They need each other to be successful.


宮内, 久光 ; 下里, 潤 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu ; Shimozato, Jun
出版情報: 島嶼研究.  pp.57-75,  日本島嶼学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3268
概要: This study has been conducted on the island of Hamahiga, Katsuren-cho, Okinawa Prefecture in Japan since the latter half of the 1950's to observe the dynamics of population and to determine various factors that have caused changes and differences among different settlements on the island in relation to the changes in the industrial structure. The construction of Hamahiga Bridge in 1997 connected the island and the main island of Okinawa, which resulted in an increased number of households and population of Hamahiga island. The residents of the island who have moved in after the completion of Hamahiga Bridge were interviewed to confirm their attributes, occupations, types or category of moving in, and types of houses. The results of our studies may be summarized as follows:\n(1)The island of Hamahiga was designated as a source of supply of vegetables for the United States military installations in Okinawa in the 1950's. A horticulture cooperative society, which collectively shipped all vegetables including watermelon, green pepper, and onion for individual farmers to the military bases, was established in each settlement on the island. However, less expensive vegetables have been imported to Okinawa from Taiwan since the 1960's and replaced the most of Hamahiga-made vegetables for the U.S. military bases. The farmers on Hamahiga inevitably faced difficulties due to the reclined demand for their vegetables and being small sized farmers. Many farmers also did not have sugarcane fields to compensate decreased demand for other vegetables. Therefore, many farmers had to turn to other sources of income such as construction labor in the central district of the main island of Okinawa.\n(2)As a result, the population of Hamahiga Island decreased approximately 20% every five (5) years in the 1960's, 1970's and 1980's. The downsizing of the population was especially obvious in the settlement of Higa-district where most of the residents depended on farming to make their livings. Besides, the residents of Higa-district were known for emigration to other countries and did not traditionally have strong attachment to the island or desire to keep their houses on the island. Thus, these economical and mental factors resulted in a relatively greater number of households to move out of the island of Hamahiga in those days. On the contrary, the populations of both Hama settlement and Kaneku settlements were relatively well maintained since a number of residents were engaged in fishery.\n(3)The outflow of population from the island of Hamahiga has slowed down since the 1980's, however it varied from one settlement to another. Young residents of Hama-district have been engaging with seaweed (called Mozuku) farming since the latter half of the 1970's. The business of seaweed farming has been successful and profitable especially since 1980. The fishery industry has grown to support the fishermen on the island financially, which promoted participation of young generations into this industry since economic stability was promised and sustained development was expected.\n(4)Upon the completion of Hamahiga Bridge in 1997 connecting the island and the main island of Okinawa, former residents of the island began to return to Hamahiga. At least one resident was added to approximately 1/4 of all households on Hamahiga during the five years period following the construction of Hamahiga Bridge. The bridge evidently made it possible for the residents of Hamahiga to go to work on the main island of Okinawa on daily basis enhancing its population increase.\n(5)The interview of the households in the settlements of Hama-district and Higa-district whose family members moved in showed opposite results. Many of the residents in Hama who returned to the settlement were relatively young and they came back with their wives and children, whereas residents who came back to Higa-district were mainly older people with or without their wives.


宮内, 久光 ; Miyauchi, Hisamitsu
出版情報: 島嶼研究.  pp.21-43,  日本島嶼学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3269
概要: The first purpose of this study is to find out the number of hours that residents of remote islands can stay in the near by major cities, and to determine possibilities for the islanders to engage in their daily living activities more readily during their one day trip to a nearby major city. The second purpose is to analyze factors which can affect the number of hours that the residents of remote islands can stay in the nearby major cities. The residents of 255 remote islands were studied. The result of this study may be summarized as follows :\n(1) The calculation of hours that the remote island residents can stay in a nearby major city with local government revealed that 87.6% of them were able to stay in the cities for their purposes. In other words, many remote islands are located within a distance that makes the residents eligible to receive financial benefit or service in the city and return home in one day. However, the residents of 33 remote islands were unable to go to the nearby major cities and return in one day. It is strongly recommended that convenient transportation be provided for these islanders to and from the remote islands.\n(2) Many remote islands are within the jurisdiction of a nearby major city's administration, and islanders can readily visit the nearby major cities and return home in one day. However, the amount of time they are able to spend in the cities is limited. There exists a big disparity among different remote islands. Only a few remote islands are known to have residents who can afford to work in nearby major cities while living on their remote islands. In many cases they do not have enough time or money to keep their job in the major cities and live on the remote islands. Therefore, many remote islands are considered to be residential areas of the nearby major cities workers.\n(3) The most vital factor influencing islanders' time spent in the nearby major cities seems to be the ferry schedule to and from the remote islands. In many cases, a limited number of ferry trips between the remote islands and the nearby major cities is one of the main factors limiting their time spent in the nearby cities. If the ferry leaves the nearby cities at or before 17:00 hours daily, many residents of the remote islands cannot afford to stay there for a long time. Another case is when the ferry leaves the ports of the remote islands and the nearby cities simultaneously, which also makes it difficult for the islanders to spend a lot of time in the nearby major cities.\n(4) Another factor to influence the length of stay for the residents of the remote islands in the nearby major cities is the island's remote geographic location. The length of their stay in the major cities is largely decided by the distance between the islands and the cities. The population of the remote islands and the location of the islands in relation to the nearby cities are other important factors. Other significant factors include the population of the nearby major cities with their own administrative government and the existence of coral reefs around the remote islands.