

米盛, 重保 ; 比嘉, 照夫 ; Yonemori, Shigeyasu ; Higa, Teruo
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.121-128,  1988-12-05.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3900
概要: 2mm以下の粒状の軽石をパミスサンドと称することにし, パミスサンドを培地に利用してパパヤの養液栽培の可能性を試みた。また, パミスサンド栽培における栽培液濃度とわい化剤がパパヤの生育に及ぼす影響について検討した。1.培養液濃度はOKF-1 を500倍, 1,000倍, 2,000倍および3,000倍区に設定し, 生育試験を行なった結果, 濃度が最も高い500倍区が草丈, 葉数, 茎径および着花(果)とも良く濃度が低くなるにつれて生育の遅延, 着花数の減少が顕著に現れた。これらの結果からパパヤは基本栄養生長型の作物であることが明らかになった。2.スミ7,スリトーン, B-9およびCCCの4種類のわい化剤を用いてわい化試験を行なった結果, 全てのわい化剤にわい化効果が確認され, スミ7の5倍区が最も高いわい化効果があった。3.パミスサンドを培地にしたパパヤの養液栽培は十分可能であることが明らかとなり, パパヤの施設栽培における連作障害対策として新しい方向性が示唆された。
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the possibility of hydroponic cultivation of Papaya plants in aPumice Sandgrowth medium.PumiceSandis as defined a pumice rock ground to a fineness of no larger than 2mm. Separate applications of culture solution and growth retardant were utilized in this experiment. 1. The culture solution aspect of the experiment was carried out in four separate cultivation beds using OKF-1 fertilizer concentrate diluted 500,1000,2000 and 3000 times. Optimum observed solution was 500 which yielded the best resulte in plant length, diameter, leafing and flowering duration and size. Increased dilution resulted in growth delay. From these results it is evident that the Papaya plant is a basic vegetative growth plant. 2. The growth retardant aspect of the experiment was also conducted in four cultivation beds with four solutions. The optimum solution observed was the sprayed application of SUMI-7 diluted five times. 3. The possibility of hydroponic cultivation of Papaya plants in aPumice Sandmedium was wholly confirmed. Additionally, a new tendency for the prevention of replant failure was suggested for the long term protected hydroponic cultivation of Papaya.


比嘉, 照夫 ; 喜屋武, 清子 ; 米盛, 重保 ; Higa, Teruo ; Kiyan, Kiyoko ; Yonemori, Shigeyasu
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.9-15,  1979-12-11.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/4142
概要: ネットメロンの品質向上対策の一環として, リン酸-カリと蔗糖の葉面散布の効果について検討を行なった結果, 次の諸点が明らかとなった。1交配10日, 20日, 30日後の3回にわたって, リン酸-カリ500倍にクエン酸500倍加用の散布区は糖 度が著しく高くなり, 1%レベルで有意の差が認められた。2交配10日, 20日, 30日, 40日後の3回散布されたリン酸-カリ及び糖のクエン酸加用区も0.7度以上もの糖の増加が認められた。3交配20日, 25日, 30日, 35日, 40日後の5回にわたって散布されたリン酸-カリ及び糖のクエン酸加用区は, いずれも糖含量が低下し多用の結果は逆効果となることが認められた。4クエン酸を加用せず, リン酸-カリ単独散布の場合は5回散布区の糖度が高くなっておりクエン酸加用の効果が認められた。クエン酸の濃度については500倍と1000倍区の間では差は認められなかった。5果肉の厚さについては処理間に差は認められなかったが, 果重については処理区はやや減少することが認められた。6処理区は全般に葉が立ち気味となり, 受光体勢が改善され, 糖度の高い区程, 顕著であった。
As one of the methods to prevent how to make high-quality net melon, the folia supply by KH_2PO_4 and sucrose of the effect to the quality of net melon was investigated, The results obtained are briefly summarized as follows; 1. Folia supply of KH_2PO_4 by 500 times with citric acid of 500 times on 10,20,and 30 days after pollination, the sugar content of fruits became higher than the nontreatment. The signifcant of 1% level was recognized. 2. Three times of folia supply of KH_2PO_4 and sucrose with citric acid of the same concentration on 20,30,and 40 days after pollination, the sugar content increased more than 0,7 percent. 3. Five times of folia supply of same concentration on 20,25,30,35,and 40 days after pllination, the sugar content became reducing although the supply times were encreased. 4. In this case of mono supply of KH_2PO_4 without citric acid the sugar content became higher when given five times than three times. It means the effect of citric acid as carrier was proved. The effect of concentration of citric acid was not recognized betweem 500 times and 1000 times., 5. The thickness of fruit was not diffrent between each treatment and nontreatment. The weigh of fruit on traetment was less than slightly. 6. The leaves treated became setting up rightly compeard with nontreated leaves. The treated could received the sun shine easily which means the sugar content would be increased remarkably.