

Yamagiwa, Kaishi
出版情報: Okinawan Journal of Island Studies.  3  pp.3-15,  2022-03.  Research Institute for Islands and Sustainability
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002017843


土岐, 知弘 ; Toki, Tomohiro
出版情報: 地球化学.  47  pp.53-69,  2017-02-22.  日本地球化学会 — The Geochemical Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/37651
概要: In this paper I provide an overview of previous studies of crustal fluids around the Ryukyu Islands and a summary of the interpreted origin and implications of the methane present in those fluids. The chemical compositions of crustal fluids around the Ryukyu Islands fall into two groups: one group with methane contents as high as 80%, and another with methane contents of about 60%. Methane in crustal fluids can originate either from basement rocks or from organic-rich layers overlying basement rocks. If the basement rocks of the Ryukyu Islands are the source rock of the methane in crustal fluids, there might be huge accumulations of natural gas around the Ryukyu Islands, requiring information about the areal extent and depth of such accumulations to quantify possible gas resources. On the other hand, organic-rich layers overlying basement can be also the origin of the methane in hydrothermal fluids in the southern Okinawa Trough. Thus, understanding the distribution of crustal fluids on land can lead to a better understanding of the distribution of crustal fluids below the nearby deep sea floor. Increasing our knowledge of the origin and distribution of crustal fluids will improve our understanding of mass flux in the Earth's crust.


Imo, S.T. ; Hirosawa, E. ; Sheikh, M.A. ; Fujimura, Hiroyuki ; Oomori, T. ; Miyagi, T. ; Uechi, Y. ; Yokota, T. ; Yasumura, S.
出版情報: 琉球大学21世紀プログラム「サンゴ礁島嶼系の生物多様性の総合解析」平成18年度成果発表会.  pp.none-,  2007-03-10.  琉球大学21世紀プログラム
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/667
概要: 琉球大学21世紀プログラム「サンゴ礁島嶼系の生物多様性の総合解析」平成18年度成果発表会(平成19年3月10日開催) 招待講演会会場:琉球大学50周年記念館1F,ポスター発表会場:琉球大学大学会館3F


立原, 一憲 ; Tachihara, Katsunori
出版情報: 2006-03.  立原一憲
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/16591
概要: 科研費番号: 15580169
%ホルマリンで固定後,研究室に持ち帰り,同定した。また,南風原ダムで毎月,ジルテラピアを採集し,体長と体重を計測後,生殖腺と耳石を摘出し,産卵期の推定と年齢査定を行った。また,ジルテラピアの仔稚魚の形態を記載した。離島の外来魚分布調査西表島:グッピーが新たに確認された。沖永良部島:カワスズメの生息が確認された。徳之島:カワスズメ,ジルテラピア,オイカワの生息が確認された。奄美大島:ジルテラピアが新たに確認された。種子島:カダヤシとプラティの生息を確認した。今年度までの調査で,琉球列島の外来魚の島ごとの分布地図がほぼ完成した。ジルテラピアの生活史合計2,642個体のジルテラピアを解析した結果,本種の産卵期は,4月をピークとする2〜8月であり,孕卵数(F)はF=1.5615x体長^< 1.4637>で示された。耳石輪紋による年齢査定の結果,本種の成長曲線は,雄:SL=214.4{1- exp[-0.16(t+1.45)]},雌:SL=97.5{1-exp[-0.61(t+0.08)]}で近似された。雌雄ともに最高齢は6歳であった。本種の孵化仔魚は,脊索長3.4mmで大きな卵黄をもち,頭部に付着器を有していた。日齢15(4.2mm)で眼が黒化し,日齢15(標準体長 6.2mm)で卵黄を完全に吸収し,日齢20(6.7mm)ですべての鰭条が定数に達した。
研究概要:Distribution patterns of the alien freshwater fishes in the Ryukyu Islands (Yonaguni, Iriomote, Ishigaki, Miyako, Minami-daito, Okinawa, Tokashiki, Kume, Zamami, Iheya, Izena, Okinoerabu, Tokunosima, Amami-ohsima, tanegashima Islands) were investigated from 2003 to 2005. Twenty-tow alien species were recognized in this study period. The zill tilapia, Tilapia zillii is a species intentionally introduced as bait for the Skipjack angling in Okinawa Prefecture. This species has recently been found to breed in natural rivers and pond of the Ryukyu Islands. The growth and life history of this species were studied between October 2004 to October 2005 at the Haebaru reservoir on Okinawa Island, Japan. Analysis of the marginal increment of 723 otoliths showed an annulus was formed between May to July. Maximum age was 6 years for both sexes, and patterns by the von Bertalanffy formula growth were described as Lt=214.4{1-exp[-0.16(t+1.45)] for males and Lt=97.5{1-exp[-0.61(t+0.08)] for females. The morphological development of Tilapia zillii was also described.


土肥, 直美 ; 石田, 肇 ; 泉水, 奏 ; 瑞慶覧, 朝盛 ; 高宮, 広士 ; 米田, 穣 ; 柴田, 康行 ; 加藤, 祐三 ; Doi, Naomi ; Ishida, Hajime ; Sensui, Noburu ; Zukeran, Chosei ; Takamiya, Hiroto ; Yoneda, Minoru ; Shibata, Yasuyuki ; Kato, Yuzo
出版情報: 2005-03.  土肥直美
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/16029
概要: 科研費番号: 14340274
要約(欧文):In this research, Doi N. investigated human skeletal remains excavated recently from Ryukyu islands. Skeletal morphology of medieval Gusuku age showed that the features of medieval Okinawans, like as distinct alveolar protrusion and dokichocrany, have close resemblances to those of the typical medieval Japanese. These features have never seen in the prehistoric Okinawans. These findings seemed to support the idea that chronological changes of skeletal morphology among the Okinawans were formed probably through the influence of medieval people from Japanese mainland. Ishida H. investigated dental morphology of Okinawans and discussed intra-populational variation and their affinities to surrounding areas. Takamiya H. analyzed plant and animal remains from archaeological sites, in the context of island prehistory. He introduced hypotheses on the origins of agriculture in the Okinawa archipelago and examined them based on archaeobotanical data. Yoneda M. analyzed stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes of collagen for series of human remains obtained from the Ryukyu islands, inducing Okinawa, Miyako, and Yaeyama islands. The results showed a significant diversity in the dietary habits on the Ryukyu islands both in space and time. While the results of the prehistoric and recent periods were best interpreted their protein sources to composed mainly of C3 and marine ecosystems, two populations in the Sakishima area of the Gusuku period showed clear evidence of C4 plants (e.g.foxtail millets) consumption and more strong dependence on marine protein, respectively. Kato Y. tried to devise the new method for estimating ages of archaeological sites in Ryukyu islands, by analyzing chemical components of pumice stones from archaeological sites in Ryukyu islands. Miyagi H. and Nishime A. prepared data base of human skeletal remains and archaeological sites from Ryukyu islands.


Sheikh, Mohammed A ; Oomori, Tamotsu ; Odo, Yoshitaka ; 大森, 保
出版情報: 琉球大学理学部紀要 — Bulletin of the College of Science. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.65-72,  2002-09.  琉球大学理学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/12167
概要: Seawater samples collected around Ryukyu Islands during the Nagasaki Maru expedition in September 22 to October 2, 2001 were analyzed for total PCBs and some nutrients. The PCBs were detected in all stations (W-1 to W-4), in concentrations ranging between 0.053-0.28 ngL^<-1>. The concentration of PCBs increased from surface water down to 600 m, thereafter decreasing with depth to 1200 m at W-4. At W-1, PCBs increased from surface water down to 55 m. Chromatogram patterns varied among the sampling stations, implying the possibility of having different compositions of PCBs. The trend of the nutrients such as phosphates (PO_4-P) and silicates (SiO_2-Si) showed a general increase with depth.


馬場, 繁幸 ; 中須賀, 常雄 ; 佐藤, 一紘 ; Baba, Shigeyuki ; Nakasuga, Tsuneo ; Sato, Kazuhiro
出版情報: 1991-03.  馬場繁幸
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/18687
概要: 科研費番号: 63480063
uiera gymnorrhiza)、メヒルギ(Kandelia candel)、ヤエヤマヒルギ(Rhizophora stylosa)を主要な研究材料とし、研究実施計画に基づき研究を行った。その研究結果の概要は、次の通りである。1.ポリアクリルアミド垂直スラブ電気泳動法を用いたアイソザイムの染色方法、すなわちザイモグラム化法の改良に努め、染色を試みた16酵素種の中で、オヒルギ、メヒルギでは11酵素種、ヤエヤマヒルギでは10酵素種のザイモグラム化が可能となり、前年度まで以上に集団内の遣伝的変異の解析精度が向上した。2.解析精度が向上したので、ホスホグルコムターゼの遺伝子座と対立遺伝子が推定され、オヒルギではホスホグルコムターゼには2遺伝子座があり、石垣島の宮良川の集団、西表島の船浦湾と浦内川の2集団、沖縄島の億首川の集団の計4集団間の遺伝子の構成が異なっていること、特に沖縄島の集団は、石垣島および西表島の集団に比較し、遺伝子構成が大きく異なっていることが明らかにされた。3.メヒルギでは西表島のヤシ川の河口にはじまり、上流域に600m以上に渡って分布していた全ての個体 (229個体)の分布位置がマッピングされ、全個体のパーオキシダーゼの表現型を用いた家系分析が行なわれた。4.メヒルギの家系分析から、河川の流れや潮の干満による胎生種子の移動がこれまで以上に明らかにされ、しかも上流域、中流域、河口域での家系群の構成割合が異なっていたことから、胎生種子の移動がランダムに生じていないこと、小さな河川に沿った集団であっても、交配がランダムに行われていないことが明らかにされた。5.外部形態(主に葉の外部形態)の変異が明らかにされたが、マングローブ樹種でも、外部形態の変異の解析より以上に、アイソザイムを用いた遺伝的変異の解析が、より有効であることが明らかにされた。
研究概要(英文):The word "mangrove" usually points out constituent plants growing in the intertidal zones and the estuaries in tropics and sub-tropics. Therefore, "mangrove" includes more than one hundred plant species. Mangroves, that means mangrove plant species, are widely distributed in intertidal zones and estuaries in tropics and sub-tropics. Only seven major components of mangroves are distributed in Ryukyu islands, because the location of the islands is near the northern limit of their distributions. The most of studies concerning with mangroves have been done in the fields of ecology, plant taxonomy, silviculture and so on, but few in the genetical studies. An attempt of this study was made to get and to examine the possibility of application of population genetics of some mangrove tree species distributing in Ryukyu islands. For the analysis of genetic diversities of mangroves, the methods of electrophoresis with discontinuous, vertical slab gel were applied, then those were modified successfully to apply to mangroves. 16 enzyme species were tries to stain, but 11 zymogrames of 16 enzyme species were gotten for Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Kandelia candel, and 10 of those were gotten for Rhizophora stylosa. Two phosphoglucomutase loci of B. gymnorrhiza were detected, and five alleles of those two loci were suspected. Genetic components of B. gymnorrhiza were compared among four populations, one in Okinawa islands, one in Ishigaki island and two in Iriomote island. The components of those were different, but the differentiations correlated with topographic distances among them. Kin-ship analysis of K. candel were carried out for using peroxidase phenotypes of 229 individuals distributing along Yashi river in Iriomote island, then dispersion dynamics of those viviparous seeds were clearly explained. More detailed studies should be carried out with analysis of many more enzyme species, individuals and sites of mangroves in Ryukyu islands, because this study is the first one of the genetic diversities and population genetics in Japan.


Eguchi, Yukinori ; Takei, Hiroshi ; Maehira, Fusako ; Nakada, Fukuichi ; lnoue, Fumihide
出版情報: 琉球大学医学会雑誌 : 医学部紀要 = Ryukyu medical journal.  6  pp.207-213,  1983.  琉球大学医学部 — Faculty of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015750
概要: A case of hemoglobin E trait was detected from screening the population, 813 residents, of Henza Island, Okinawa Prefect ure. The subject was an eight year old female and the abnormality has not yet been detected in other members of the family so far examined. Electrophoretic mobility of the abnormal hemoglobin component by cellulose acetate membrane electrophoresis was almost identical to that of hemoglobin A_2 and the amount of the abnormal component was 36.1 % of that of total hemoglobin. Beta chain abnormality was examined by peptide map technique and the substitution of glutamic acid at the position $ \beta $-26 by lysine was confirmed by the amino acid analyses of the purified tryptic peptides.


by Shannon McCune
出版情報: Newton Abbot : David & Charles , Harrisburg : Stackpole Books, 1975
シリーズ名: The Islands series
所蔵情報: loading…
目次情報: 続きを見る
An approach to Okinawa
The land of the Ryukyus
The Liu-chiu Kingdom
The last hundred years
The traditional way of life
Modernization of the economy
Politics and people
Human resources
The changing life of the people
Development of tourism
The Naha-Koza urban area
Okinawa and the offshore islands
The southern Ryukyu islands
An approach to Okinawa
The land of the Ryukyus
The Liu-chiu Kingdom


新本, 光孝 ; 新里, 孝和 ; 安里, 練雄 ; 石垣, 長健 ; 呉, 立潮 ; Aramoto, Mitsunori ; Shinzato, Takakazu ; Asato, Isao ; Ishigaki, Choken ; Wu, Lichao
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.9-14,  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3329
概要: 本研究は、亜熱帯沖縄における天然林の資源植物学的研究の一環として、亜熱帯・沖縄県の主要島嶼の沖縄島、宮古島、石垣島、西表島を対象に既応の著書・文献を用いて分布植物のデータベース化をはかるために森林植物を中心とした全ての在来植物の分布種及び外 来種を明らかにするために行ったものである。琉球列島全体の分布植物は、琉球植物目録(FRSAI、1994)で238科、1688属、5,473種で最も多く、Flora of Okinawa and Southern Ryukyu Island (FOSRI、1976)で239科、1,061属、2,560種、琉球列島維管束植物集覧(FRSAI、1997)、200科、949属、2,275種、琉球植物誌(FR、1975)182科、863属、2,142種の順であった。全体的に総分布種は文献間に差異があり、その主な要因は外来種の分布の取り扱いによるものと思料される。在来植物の種の構成は沖縄島FR 1,451、FRSAI 1,445、CLVFR 1,404、宮古島FR 640、FRSAI 656、CLVFR 633、石垣島FR 1,099、FRSAI 1,132、CLVFR 1,119、西表島FR 1,151、FRSAI 1,139、CLVFR 1,142で各島嶼とも分布種に大きな差異はなかった。また、島嶼別の在来種は沖縄島>西表島>石垣島>宮古島の順であった。宮古島が最も少ないのは、同島の大部分が隆起サンゴ礁の石灰岩でおおわれ、平坦な島であるため、分布植物において山地性植物の森林植物が他島に比べて少ないものと思料される。島嶼別固有植物はいずれの文献も沖縄島に多くの固有植物が分布しVJOO 16種、FR 15種、CLVFR 33種であった。ついで西表島で多くVJOO 13種、FR 10種、CLVFR 9種、宮古島、石垣島では1~3種であった。
Within the frame work of a series of plant resource studies on the natural forests in the subtropical Okinawa, the present study was undertaken to clarify the distribution of forest plant for both indigenous and exotic species on the Ryukyu Islands, especially for the 4 main Islands, i.e. Okinawa, Miyako, Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands in the Ryukyus based on the database of the five reference books. The considerable difference was found for the total number of species among the references. The plants distributed in the entire Ryukyu Islands were 238 families, 1,688 genera and 5,473 species based on Flora of the Ryukyus, Southern of Amami Island (FRSAI), which had the highest number of species, while Flora of Okinawa and Southern Ryukyu Island (FOSRI, 1976) recorded 239 families, 1,061 genera and 2,560 species. According to Check List Vascular Flora of the Ryukyu Islands (CLVFR), 200 families, 949 genera and 2,275 species were present. Flora of the Ryukyus (FR) recorded the least species with a total of 182 families, 863 genera and 2,142 species. The methods of the handling of plant distribution to the exotic species may be responsible for the obvious differences in the main factor on the total number of species among these references. For the composition of the indigenous species, in Okinawa Island, 1,451 (FR), 1,445 (FRSAI) and 1,404 (CLVFR) species were recorded; 1,099 (FR), 1,132 (FRSAI) and 1,119 (CLVFR) species in Ishigaki Island; 1,151 (FR), 1,139 (FRSAI) and 1,142 (CLVFR) species in Iriomote Island. No obvious differences were found among the 3 references. Moreover, for the abovementioned indigenous species, the order of species number were Okinawa > Iriomote > Ishigaki > Miyako. As for the least value of indigenous species in Miyako Island, it is thought that the greater part of the Island is covered with the limestone of the upheaval coral reef, and the mountainous forest plant is less than other Islands because of its smooth landform on the Island. Each reference recorded a lot of endemic plants in the Okinawa Island, with 16 species recorded in VJOO, 15 species in FR, and 33 species in CLVFR, while Iriomote Island had the second highest value for endemic plants with 13 species recorded in VJOO, 10 species in FR and 9 species in CLVFR. In Miyako or Ishigaki Islands, few endemic plants were present with a range of 1-3 only.