

菊地, 香 ; 仲地, 宗俊 ; 仲間, 勇栄 ; Kikuchi, Koh ; Nakachi, Soushun ; Nakama, Yuei
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  36  pp.13-19,  2002-06.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015546
概要: 論文


仲地, 宗俊 ; Nakachi, Soushun
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  34  pp.54-58,  1999-12.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015520
概要: 論文


仲地, 宗俊 ; Nakachi, Soushun
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.1-126,  1994-12-01.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3757
概要: 1. Objectives The inherent problems concerning the ownership and use of Japanese agricultural land have been an importan t issue throughout the course of modern Japanese history, while their structure and form have changed. Before the Second world War, there were three major problems concerning the relationship between ownership and use of agricultural land. The first problem was that a few landlord exploited the tenant farmers who actually farmed the land. The second was that agricultural land was managed as property of the Ie, family system grounded on patriarchy. The third was that farm size was generally very small. After the Second World War, the Japanese landlordism and the Ie system were finally abolished. The next attention was paid to the accumulation and transfer of agricultural land rights for the purpose of getting rid of small size farming and increasing farm size, especially since the Agricultural Foundation Law was enacted. However, the transfer of rights on agricultural land has not advanced as expected, and there is little hope for progress in the situation. An allergy to leasing agricultural land and the rapid rise in land prices during the period of high economic growth have generally been pointed out as the reasons for preventing the transfer of agricultural land rights. However, a more fundamental reason may be that land is essentially not produced as a commodity but is connected with human existence as a basis of maintaining life and production. From this standpoint, getting rid of small size farming is not only a matter of increasing farm size by transferring the rights of agricultural land but may be said to be required to establish a land use system based on diversity connected with human life, production, and agricultural land in each region. In Okinawa, the landlordism had not formed, and the Ie system had not developed before the Second World War. Agricultural land has been loaned for use more easily in Okinawa than in mainland Japan since the prewar days. Although Okinawa has been included in the Japanese capitalistic economic system, her land ownership and use have considerably been different from that in mainland Japan. What are the structure and process of the land ownership and use in Okinawa? Clarifying the answers to the above question will provide an understanding of the characteristics of the Okinawan agricultural structure as well as the life of the inhabitants of Okinawa. In addition, it may provide clues for solving the problems of ownership and use of agricultural land in Japanese Agriculture. The aim of the present study, therefore, is to analyze the structure of land ownership and use in Okinawa. 2. Methods of analysis The following methods were adopted for this study. The first was to analyze the problem from the view point of the social characteristics of farm households related to the ownership and use of agricultural land and management of production. Hitherto, the analysis of the ownership and use of agricultural land in Okinawa has used only a morphological approach. The social characteristics of farm households that live on the land and produce there have been neglected. Previous studies have pointed out smallness of farm size, low productivity, and backwardness as characteristics of Okinawan agriculture. They have not, however, analyzed the social characteristics of farm households and their relation to production. It is exceedingly important to approach the subject from the relationship between the life of the people and agricultural land for the purpose of analyzing the land ownership and use. The second was to analyze the ownership and use of agricultural land in Okinawa from an historical perspective. Land use customs had formed in Okinawa before the advent of private ownership of land, and they have continued to exist in an independent social and economic environment after the Second World War. In this sense, the land ownership and use in Okinawa are exceedingly historical


仲地, 宗俊 ; Nakachi, Soushun
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  22  pp.41-51,  1987-11.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015386
概要: 論文


菊地, 香 ; 仲地, 宗俊 ; 仲間, 勇栄 ; Kikuchi, Koh ; Nakachi, Soushun ; Nakama, Yuei
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.33-41,  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3619
概要: 本稿では,集約的な野菜産地であり,主としてキャベツ産地として確立しているA県B市の事例を取り上げ,現在の作付けが経営的に適作であるのかを検証した。また,土壌条件についても考察を行い,経済的な面だけではなく土壌の面からも事例地が適切な作付けを 行っているのかを検討を行った。分析からえら得たことをまとめると次の3点があげられる。第1に,B市においてはキャベツや大根といったアブラナ科の品目を中心とした作付けが中心であり,かなりの期間連作されていることがわかった。第2に,現在のキャベツや大根といったアブラナ科の品目を中心とした作付けよりも,アブラナ科以外の品目を経営の中に取り入れたほうが,連作障害の回避にもつながることが把握できた。第3に,各集落別にみると現在の作付け形態を維持するために改善が毎年必要となる土壌であり,土壌条件からみると非常に不安定な作付けがなされていることがわかった。
This paper used B City of A Prefecture, a city that has been an intensive vegetable producing area for mainly cabbage, as an example to investigate whether the current cropping systems are suited to the management. In addition to consideration given to the economic factors, consideration of the soil requirements was also made and investigation of the area as to the suitability of cropping systems was carried. 1) Production in City B focuses mainly on Brassicaceae varieties such as cabbage and Japanese radish. The crops have been cultivated continuously for a long period. 2) It was found that varieties of crops other than the current Brassicaseae varieties should be selected to avoid the damage brought about by continuous cultivation. 3) Looking at different small villages, in order to maintain the present cropping systems, soil improvement must be carried out yearly. By looking at the soil condition, it was found that very unstable cropping has been taking place.


仲間, 勇栄 ; 仲地, 宗俊 ; 菊地, 香 ; Nakama, Yuei ; Nakachi, Soushun ; Kikuchi, Koh
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.55-72,  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3621
概要: The University of the Ryukyus, lead by the Faculty of Agriculture, relocated from its Shuri Campus to its new Senbaru Ca mpus in March of 1979. Twenty-three years have past since the university relocated to its present location. The Senbaru Campus (104ha) straddles the three administration districts of Ginowan City, Nakagusku Village and Nishihara Town. prior to the relocation the area was mainly the community fores of Nishihara Town. The history of the community fores of Nishihara Town and its relationship with the local people are largely unknown. By knowing the history of the campus foest and in turn passing that knowkedge on to the students will have a great educational effect and help to increase the environmental awareness of the students. Based on historical documents and person-to-person interviews from the viewpoint of the livelihood of the people, the following will try to trace the history of the Senbaru Campus forest using the Tanabaru settlement (located on the south side of the Senbaru Campus) as an example. The present Senbaru Campus of the university of the Ryukyus was known as the Tanabaru Mountain Forest / Tanabaru Mountain District in the modern era of the Ryukyu Dynasty. The timers exclusively used for the royal capital, Shuri, were purveyed from the wooded mountain. There was also a tea plantation within the campus area that was under direct control of the monarchy. The plantation produced Japanese and Chinese Teas and served them to the nation (royal families and privileged classes). Together with the tea bushes, Curringhamia lanceolata, sued for ships masts, and Podocarpus macrophyllus, and oak used for construction were also grown. Most of the woode mountain area changed its ownership appellation to the community forest ofNishihara Village at the time following the land consolidation and national land grant from the 32 to 39 of Meiji (1899-1906) and the subsequent process of establishing towns and villages. Even after the transfer of ownership to Nishihara Village, the community forest was managed under the fores ranger system of the Ryukyu Dynastry. The main work of a forest ranger was to prevent the cutting down of trees without permission. Of the trees that grew in the community forest, a large majority were Pinus luchuensis (Ryukyu Pine tree). As was the common practice in the Ryukyu Dynasty, the people of the area freely entered the community forest to collect fallon wood (for firewood ) other than forbidden trees, fruit and berries, and to cut grass ot feed cattle, horses and goats. According to the person-to-person interviews that were conducted in the southern area of the campus, Tanahara settlement, the plants of the fores were used for food, medicine, timber, green manure, livestock feed, dyeing, divine rites, and recreatin etc. The wilderness around the community forest was used in the various villages as Kayamoh. The Imperata cylindrical taken from the Kayamoh was used as thatch on the roofs in the villages. Within Senbaru Campus, remnants (wells, graveyards etc.) of the people who took up temporary domicile in the fores, including the rangers can be seen. Close to teh Faculty of Agriculture there is sacred place called Shiijimata Utaki that people of Tanabaru settlement still visit twice a year to pray. In the process of transferring the Ryukyu Dynasty wooded mountain to the Nishihara Town public forest, various local people in the forest, the present Senbaru Campus, carved their livelihoods out. The campus with the vivid history of these people's mountain should be recognized once more and we must assume responsibility to reflect this awareness on future campus life for those learning at the highest academic institute in Okinawa.


福仲, 憲 ; 安谷屋, 隆司 ; 仲地, 宗俊 ; Fukunaka, Ken ; Adaniya, Takashi ; Nakachi, Soushun
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.51-60,  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3664
概要: 以上,1985年以降の地域別の土地利用について,土地利用方式及び経営方式の推移を検討した。この結果,この10年間にそれぞれの地域が独自の展開を見せていることが明らかになった。1985年から94年にかけての農業の動向を,土地利用に関する視点か ら地域別に整理すると次のようになる。耕地利用率は,沖縄県平均で1985年の106.1%から94年には17.9ポイント低下して88.2%になっているのに対して,大東地域では11.2ポイント低下して96.4%,宮古地域は15.4ポイント低下して100.8%となっており,低下の度合いが県平均より小さいとともに耕地利用率が県平均を上回っている。一方,八重山地域では23.5ポイント低下して88.6%となっており,耕地利用率は県平均と同じ水準であるが,低下の度合いは県平均をかなり上回っている。耕地利用率が低下するということは資源としての土地が生産的に利用されていないということを意味する。したがって,現実の農業経営もしくは農業生産がどのような方向にあるかは,耕地面積と作付延べ面積の変化もあわせて検討する必要がある。1985年から94年の間に耕地面積は大東地域で0.3%,宮古地域で3.4%,八重山地域で9.8%それぞれ増加している。他方,作付延べ面積は大東地域で10.1%,宮古地域で10.3%,八重山地域で13.2%減少しており,両者の動向には乖離がみられる。このことをさらに農家1戸当たりの要素としてとらえると次のようになる。まず,農家1戸当たり耕地面積の動向では,1985年から94年の間に,大東地域は4.7%の縮小となっているのに対し,宮古地域では25.2%,八重山地域では28.5%とそれぞれ拡大している。また,農家1戸当たり作付延べ面積では,大東地域で14.6%の縮小となっているのに対し,宮古地域では9.0%,八重山地域では1.5%とそれぞれ拡大している。
We considered the land use in Okinawa Island and the peripheral islands in the Sci. Bull. Fac. Agr., Univ. Ryukyus, No.44. We are concerned with the land use in the Daito islands, the Miyako islands and the Yaeyama islands in this paper. The viewpoints of consideration are the types of land utilization, the farming systems as classified by the composition of gross agricultural output of crops and livestock, and their changes. The period of consideration is from 1985 to 1994 in order to keep correlation with the previous paper. We observed that the cropping rates fell in 1994 compared with 1985 in all the three island groups. For example, the degree of the depression was 11.2 points in the Daito islands, 15.4 points in the Miyako islands and 23.5 points in the Yeyama islands. It means that land resources were not utilized productively. Three causes were given for this background. First, the price of domestic agricultural products floundered at a low level due to an unfavorable economic situation, a strong yen and the weak dollar, that was progressing rapidly. Second, wage levels rose and it was difficult to find labor for farm management. Third, the floundering prices of agricultural products and the rise of wage levels combined to make farm management less profitable. In particular, crops such as sugar cane and pineapple, which require more land, were heavily influenced. For such changing conditions, it is necessary to expand the cultivated land area and to improve productivity. However, the cropping area of crops requiring more land decreased compared with an increase in cropping area of intensive crops. Accordingly, though the possibility of expansion of agricultural land existed, it seemed that cultivated area was not able to expand because of the lag in technology and cropping system improvements.


福仲, 憲 ; 安谷屋, 隆司 ; 仲地, 宗俊 ; Fukunaka, Ken ; Adaniya, Takashi ; Nakachi, Soushun
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.167-175,  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3706
概要: The number of farm households decreased by 18% from 1985 to 1994 in Okinawa, particularly in Okinawa Island and the peri pheral islands. Cultivated land area increased from 1985 to 1992,but changed and decreased afterwards; the decreased rate was 1.1% in 1994 as compared to 1985. As we noted, there was a situation of decreasing farm households and cultivated land area. However, the decreased rate of cultivated land area was smaller than that of the number of farm households. In consequence, the cultivated area per farm household expanded. The growth rates of these expansion were higher in Okinawa Island and the peripheral islands than in the Miyako Islands and the Yaeyama Islands. However, the expansion of the farm size did not cause changes in productivity and techniques essentially. The reason is that the farm size per farm household in Okinawa Island and the peripheral islands were originally small. As for cropping rate of farm, it has been falling greatly in Okinawa Island, particularly in the central and southern parts. In the northern part of Okinawa Island, the cultivated land area of sugar cane decreased, while vegetables and flowers increased. As a result, the decreasing degree of cropping rate of farm in the northern part was smaller than in the central and southern parts. The changes of sugar cane prices and economic conditions connected to the land use situation, made the difference in the constitution and the development of agriculture in each region. Sugar cane as extensive cropping, and vegetables and flowers as intensive cropping, commonly in each region are managed separately. It is necessary to improve land use systems for realizing a high degree of land productivity.
沖縄の農業は1985年以降, 農家数が減少傾向にあるなかで, 耕地面積は92年までは増加の傾向にあり, 農家1戸当たり耕地面積は拡大している。地域別に見ると, 沖縄本島地域及び周辺離島地域で伸びが大きいが, もともと零細規模の地域であったために, 結果として経営耕地規模の拡大が生産力・技術的に質的な変革を生じるまでの契機となっていない。特に, 沖縄本島地域についていえば土地改良が遅れているため, 未整備の耕地条件における規模拡大となる。したがって, 機械化をはじめとする技術革新においても零細分散的条件に対応した小規模集約的農業となって, 耕地規模の拡大に伴う農業技術のスケーメルリットを発揮しうる条件を欠落している。個別経営レベルの事例では比較的規模の大きい施設型の集約的経営をみることはできる。しかし, 土地利用型の自由市場商品作物の生産おいては大規模流通, あるいは計画的流通に対応した規模の大きい経営を地域的に集積された状況をみることはできない。したがって, これらの地域において, 高度な集約的土地利用型農業を展開するためには, 単なる量的流動化や土地条件の整備ではなく, 高度集約的利用を前提とした質的条件の改善が必要となっている。粗生産額の推移も, 地域間で異なる動きがみられる。すなわち, 本島北部地域は, 1985年から94年にかけてサトウキビの粗生産額が56.7%減少しているにもかかわらず総粗生産額はほぼ85年と同じ水準を維持している。したがって, サトウキビに代わる作目が出現したものといえよう。これに対し, 沖縄本島中南部地域は, サトウキビが57.7%減少し, 総粗生産額も21.4%減少していることからサトウキビの後退に代わる作目が出現しなかったことを示している。沖縄本島周辺離島では, サトウキビが36.4%減少しているにもかかわらず総粗生産額は9%伸びていることから, それに代わる作目の出現があったものとみられる。耕地の利用状況から農業の変化をみると, 耕地利用率は沖縄本島地域で大きく低下し, 特に, 中南部地域では耕地面積の大幅な減少を伴う厳しいものとなっている。北部地域では, サトウキビが減少しているが野菜や花きは増加している。中南部地域では野菜も減少している。沖縄本島地域のサトウキビの作付面積の減少は, 大幅でその速度が早い。この地域においてサトウキビが急速に減少したのは, 零細な規模と兼業とが結合した経営形態が多く存在したことと, 零細で分散した土地条件に適合した経済性のある技術体系と分業化の体制の確立が後れたことにある。このような状況に対応してサトウキビ単作からサトウキビ +アルファの複合化による土地利用の高度化の方向が求められる。このような土地利用の高度化を実現するためには, 地域独自の自然環境(風土・離島性)に規定されるところの技術体系(耕地体系・機械化体系)と作付方式が, 労働組織の再編と土地利用調整等と一体となった変革により, 地域独自の土地利用方式, さらには経営方式(生産組織)として確立される必要がある。このような土地利用方式が変革されるためには, さらに, 流通条件を含む地域の社会的条件の改善整備も必要である。したがって, 地域の諸条件に対応した, 各々の地域に独自の土地利用方式(システム)を如何に確立するのかが課題である。