

嘉数, 啓 ; Kakazu, Hiroshi
出版情報: 島嶼研究 — The journal of Island studies.  17  pp.167-194,  2016-08-31.  日本島嶼学会(JSIS) — The Japan Society of Island Studies(JSIS)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/36626
概要: 論文


嘉数, 啓 ; Kakazu, Hiroshi
出版情報: 島嶼研究 — The journal of Island studies.  17  pp.89-105,  2016-02-29.  日本島嶼学会(JSIS) — The Japan Society of Island Studies(JSIS)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/36625
概要: 論文


嘉数, 啓 ; Kakazu, Hiroshi
出版情報: 島嶼研究 — The journal of Island studies.  pp.79-100,  2015-03-31.  日本島嶼学会(JSIS) — The Japan Society of Island Studies(JSIS)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/36616
概要: 論文


嘉数, 啓 ; Kakazu, Hiroshi
出版情報: 島嶼研究 — The journal of Island studies.  pp.95-114,  2014-04.  日本島嶼学会(JSIS) — The Japan Society of Island Studies(JSIS)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/36615
概要: Nissology (island studies in Greek ) . which was originated in the first meeting of the International Small Island Studi es Association (ISISA) held in Okinawa in 1994. centered on the theme of "island matters. islands matter." is a new field of scientific investigation. Nissology is "a study of islands on their own terms." Since the establishment of the ISISA. various island-related organizations. studies program and journals have emerged. including the Japan Society of Island Studies (JSIS ). Institute of Island Studies. Islands and Small States Institute, Global Islands Network. Island Culture Research Centre and Kagoshima University Research Center for the Pacific Islands. Island study is very much about the implications of permeable borders. The nature of smallness, remoteness and insularity also suggest marginality, being on the edge, being out of sight and so out of mind. situations which can expose the weakness of mainstream ideas. orthodoxies and received wisdoms. while fomenting alternatives to the status quo. Any dominant paradigm is supposedly the weakest at its periphery. Consequently an approach to island studies requires what Gunnar Myrdal called a "multi- or transdisciplinary approach" which is more complex and comprehensive than the conventional approach to scientific discovery. Although the International Convention on the Law of the Sea defines an island as a "naturally formed area of land. surrounded by water." the definition of an island is always elusive and relative. Therefore it must be defined according to the purpose of research and policy. The National Oceanic Atmospheric Adm inistration's (NOAA) satellite-originated Global Shoreline Database shows that there are 180.498 islands (all pieces of land greater than 0.1km^2) with a total island population of 550 million or 10% of the world's total population. Of all islands listed in the database. less than 5% are supposed to be inhabited. Although these islands occupy only 2% of the Earth's land surface area. they account for 22% of the U.N. seats. The general characteristics of islands are illusive and relative. For instance. the Japanese islands named Takara Jima (Treasure Island) and Akuseki To (Evil Stone Island) are located side by side. Their names demonstrate the commonly-held but contradictory images of islands as both paradise and hell. or confinement (prison) and openness (utopia). Unique sociopolitico-economic development problems will arise when the "island" is associated with its smallness. isolation and its location at international borders. Given the above caveat. the general characteristics. merits and demerits of small islands from the standpoints of socioeconomic development can be summarized. In this study, we focus on the taxonomy of islands based on various characteristics of the world islands such as the size and shape. distance to the mainland. shoreline index. population. income. fauna and flora. endemic species. governance. world heritages and languages.


嘉数, 啓 ; Kakazu, Hiroshi
出版情報: 島嶼研究 — The journal of Island studies.  pp.113-117,  2013-09.  日本島嶼学会(JSIS) — The Japan Society of Island Studies(JSIS)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/36614
概要: 論文


嘉数, 啓 ; Kakazu, Hiroshi
出版情報: 島嶼研究 — The journal of Island studies.  pp.33-46,  2009-09-30.  日本島嶼学会(JSIS) — The Japan Society of Island Studies(JSIS)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/36611
概要: 論文


Kakazu, Hiroshi ; 嘉数, 啓
出版情報: 島嶼研究 — The journal of Island studies.  pp.53-85,  2008-03.  日本島嶼学会(JSIS) — The Japan Society of Island Studies(JSIS)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/36505
概要: 沖縄を含む太平洋島嶼地域にとって, 観光産業は対外受け取り総額の20-70%を占ある基幹産業であると同時に, 今後の成長産業でもある。観光は貴重な「外貨」を稼ぐ「サービス産業」であると同時に,「平和産業」,「文化産業」であり, これらの島嶼 地域のもつ, ユニークな自然, 気候風土, 文化, ニッチ市場, 人的資源をフルに活用しうる複合・連携型産業である。島嶼観光は, 水, 電気, 交通・通信, ゴミ処理施設などの生活インフラはむろんのこと, 島嶼の限られた, しかも壊れやすい自然環境資源と人々の「ホスピタリティ・マインド (社会的心理状態)」に大きく依存していることもあって, これらの観光資源の社会的キャリング・キャパシティが課題になって久しい。特に沖縄への入域観光客数は,「沖縄ブーム」の追い風を受けて, 復帰後の35年間に12倍, 県人口の4倍に達し, 予想以上のペースで成長していることから, 受け入れのキャパシティが問われている。沖縄県は今後10年間で, 一千万人 (県推計人口の7倍) の観光客受け入れを目論んでおり, 観光のもたらす経済効果と同時に, そのマイナス面も議論する時期にきている。果たして, 沖縄の自然環境, 生活インフラは, (水だけでも県民の3倍もの量を消費すると言われている) 一千万人の観光客を収容しうる環境容量があるかどうかが問われている。本論の目的は, 成長が持続する沖縄観光に焦点をあて, 島嶼観光の現実と課題, その持続可能性, キャリング・キャパシティについて, 利用可能なデータを駆使して検証する。特に沖縄観光のキャリング・キャパシティについて, 種々のアプローチを試みた。キャリング・キャパシティの制約要因の中で, 座間味村ですでに顕在化しているように, 水供給と環境汚染に加えて, 過度の財政支出が最も深刻な問題になることが考えられる。これらの問題を解決する手法も提示した。沖縄観光のキャリング・キャパシティについての測定は限定的ながらすでになされているが, しっかりした理論フレームの下での信頼できる膨大なデータ収集が要求されることから, 個人レベルでの研究には限界がある。ここで提示したデータとアプローチは, その初歩的な段階であり, 今後のフォローアップに期待したい。


Kakazu, Hiroshi ; 嘉数, 啓
出版情報: 島嶼研究 — The journal of Island studies.  pp.65-81,  2006-09.  日本島嶼学会(JSIS) — The Japan Society of Island Studies(JSIS)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/36589
概要: Network activities are particularly important in the context of small, remote island societies where the benefits from n etwork externalities are greater than one might think. The intensity of networking depends on several factors including: geographical location, culture, socio-economic interdependence, political affiliations and information and communication technology (ICT), all which are examined in this paper. This paper has focused on external and internal networking of Okinawa's islands as a case study. Externally, Okinawa's "Worldwide Uchinanchu" network, which was created by overseas emigrants from Okinawa, is unique because it is progressing beyond a mere network of Okinawan identity. Internally, this study reveals that the networking structure within Okinawa's inhabited islands has been changing dynamically, reflecting the islands' changing lifestyles and rapidly progressing information technology. It is important to realize that the seemingly irreversible trends of globalization and the ICT revolution have merits as well as demerits for small island societies. Globalization, on the one hand, has brought about the increasing integration of island societies into larger ones, thereby enlarging socio-economic opportunities for islands. On the other hand, it has increased their socio-economic vulnerability. The ICT revolution has also created new and wider opportunities for island societies where distance has been a "tyranny" imposing severe handicaps on islands' socio-economic activities. There are, however, mounting fears among islanders that the new ICT technology may create a "digital divide" by-passing small, remote islands.


嘉数, 啓 ; Kakazu, Hiroshi
出版情報: 島嶼研究 — The journal of Island studies.  pp.1-16,  2002-10-30.  日本島嶼学会(JSIS) — The Japan Society of Island Studies(JSIS)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/36610
概要: Issues of self-reliant development or ownership have been discussed ever since developing countries gained their politic al independence. The issues have been particularly keen in small, isolated island economies where resource bases are extremely limited. The paper examines key approaches to the issues such as balance of payments, industrial structure and environmental sustainability. The paper attempts to provide an answer to small islands' seemingly eternal questions: how can we achieve economic self-reliance? Or more specifically, how we can achieve sustainable development without relying heavily on external aid? Every onscientious planner now recognizes that the past process of economic development through deepening dependency on external aid is not only unsustainable in the long run, but also the process is inconsistent with the strategy of self-reliance. A diversified development model has been proposed for Okinawa. The model is intended to make full use of island's strategic location, natural and human resources capacity and capability, and aspirations. It would compete in global market because it is designed to harness island's comparative advantages in tourism through promoting tourism-related "niche" industries .


嘉数, 啓 ; Kakazu, Hiroshi
出版情報: 經濟と社會 : 沖縄経済学会機関誌.  9  pp.3-26,  1992-07-27.  沖縄経済学会 — The Okinawan Economic Association
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/36630
概要: 紀要論文