

泉, 裕巳 ; Izumi, Hiromi
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  36  pp.43-43,  2002-06.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015549
概要: 論文


泉, 裕巳 ; Izumi, Hiromi
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  35  pp.1-1,  2001-06.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015535
概要: 論文


川満, 芳信 ; 上原, 直子 ; 泉, 裕巳 ; Kawamitsu, Yoshinobu ; Uehara, Naoko ; Izumi, Hiromi
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  34  pp.18-22,  2000-06.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015526
概要: In this paper, we measured the effect of photon flux density, leaf temperature, and CO_2 concentration on the photosynth etic rate, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate in the leaf of cycad (Cycas revolute Thunb.), and optimum environmental conditions and air cleaning effect as a indoor appreciation plant were examined. The maximum value of photosynthetic rate at high photon flux density was 4.2 μmol m^<-2>s^<-1>, and there was the optimum temperature of photosynthetic rate at 28-30℃, and it has comparatively been stabilized between 23 to 31℃. The photosynthetic rate was increased rectilinear, even if the CO_2 concentration was increased to near 800ppm, and it tended to saturate afterwards. The A/Ci Curve was rectilinear in the range of measured CO_2 concentration. It was suggested that the leaf of Cycad is efficiently fixed CO_2, when the CO_2 concentration in the room is high. Since the leaf respired the oxygen simultaneously, it works for the air cleaning of the room.


泉, 裕巳 ; Izumi, Hiromi
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  33  pp.1-1,  1999-06.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015505
概要: 論文


泉, 裕巳 ; Izumi, Hiromi
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  32  pp.1-1,  1998-06.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015478
概要: 論文


泉, 裕巳 ; Izumi, Hiromi
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  32  pp.75-79,  1998-06.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015486
概要: 論文


泉, 裕巳 ; Izumi, Hiromi
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  31  pp.1-1,  1996-08.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015449
概要: 論文


泉, 裕巳 ; Izumi, Hiromi
出版情報: 沖縄農業.  28  pp.1-1,  1993-12.  沖縄農業研究会 — Okinawa Agriculture Research Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/0002015410
概要: 論文


泉, 裕巳 ; Izumi, Hiromi
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.87-151,  1982-12-01.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/4029
概要: サトウキビの収穫, 輸送, 加工などの機械化を図るためには, 形状や物性値を明らかにすることが必要である。本章では, サトウキビNCo 376の形状, 物性を知るためにいくつかの基礎的な実験を行なった。測定結果は次のとおりであった。1.茎稈 の含水率は登熟期に入ると低下し始め, 特に梢頭部にその傾向が著しかった。糖度と含水率(たとえば基部)との間には, r=-0.94の相関が認められた。2.貫入抵抗と含水率とは, 生育に伴って含水率が著しく減少する部位では, 高い相関を示している。貫入抵抗は, サトウキビ収穫機のデバイダや送りロールの設計にも有効な情報となる。3.圧縮試験により圧縮弾性率を求めたところ, 表皮の付いた基部で105kgf/cm^2,髄部で73kgf/cm^2,横断面方向に抜いた髄部で22.5kgf/cm^2であった。4.曲げ試験により弾性率を求めたところ, 茎稈上部で3.13×10^3kgf/cm^2,中部で2.25×10^3kgf/cm^2,基部で2.20×10^3kgf/cm^2であった。5.茎稈基部のポアソン比の測定を試みて, 表皮付きで0.344,髄部で0.467を得た。上述の物性値は, サトウキビNCo 376の平均的な値であり, サトウキビの品種はもとより, 生育条件によってかなり変動するが, 一応の指標とみなしうる。以上, 主としてNCo 376の物性値について報告したが, 先にも述べたように沖縄県においては, この品種の栽培が漸増している。また, 最多品種であるNCo 310はこれより軟らかいので, 沖縄県に適した収穫機の設計においては十分に有用であると考える。
Sugar cane cultivation occupies most important part of agriculture in Okinawa as main crop. However, the most part of working procedure while sugar cane cultivation relies upon manual work. This fact became a cause of decrease of farmer's income according to increase of wages of the farm work. Especially, harvesting work is not only complicated and the heaviest work but also concentrated in limitted short term. That is, how to save labor of the harvesting work is the most important subject in modernization of sugar cane cultivation. In order to solve this problem, several imported big harvesters were tried to introduce into Okinawa. However, those big machines could be used in only limitted area for the sake of complicated feature of the farm field or inconsolidated field conditions, and were not practical in Okinawa. In this point of view, this study was started intending to develop a harvester which can be used in the most fields in Okinawa. The harvester which can be used in the fields with special condition in Okinawa should be a smaller machine with high performance. So, it is essential to make clear fundamental conditions to develop a smaller and effective machine, when we intend to develope a sugar cane harvester useful in Okinawa. For this purpose, in the Chapter 2 in this study, physical properties of the sugar cane, which is the object of the harvesting, were tested. Namely, several characteristics and strength of the sugar cane under mechanical treatment were measured. These characteristics are important factors affecting structure, materials, and mechanism of the machine when canes are harvested, that is, whe the canes are raised, cut and treated mechanically. It is difficult to apply usual cutting theory of other crops to the sugar cane as the physical property of the cane is much different from that of other crops. So, at first, discussing on the cutting theory, it was made clear that rotating blade was more suitable than straight motion blade in the case of sugar cane harvesting. In the Chapter 3,in order to know value of torque in actual cutting work, several factors affecting statical cutting resistance of the fixed blade were studied, and the following results concerning cane cutting characteristics were obtained.
1. Cutting velocity heavily affected to the relation between wedge angle of the blade and cutting resistance, namely, deformation and failure. 2. In the low speed cutting (2.2mm/min) test, a fine positive correlation was found between average diameter of the cane and cutting resistance. The resistance increased proportionally to the diameter, and was 16-35mm of diameter. This relationship satisfied the following equation. Y=3.702X+9.967 ………………(4.1) 3. In the high speed (4.6m/sec) cutting test, correlation between each factors showed very high value as 0.96 between penetrating resistance and cutting resistance, and 0.94 between penetrating resistance and cutting energy. 4. Multiregression between wedge angle of the blade (K), cutting angle (C), diameter of the cane (D) and moisture content (M) was analized concernig cutting characteristics, and the following multiregression equation was obtained. E=0.12D-0.044M+0.017K+1.727 ………………(4.13) This means wedge angle affects more to the cutting energy than cutting angle as for shape of the blade. 5. The highest effect the cutting energy in the high speed test was the diameter of the cane, and increase of the wedge angle also increased the cutting energy, whereas increase of the moisture decreased cutting energy. 6. Multiregression equation concerning cutting resistanse was given by the following equation. R=3.757D-2.522M+0.176K-0.316C+156.536 ………………(4.17) This means increase of the cutting angle decrease the cutting resistance. 7. In the range of 15°-26° of the cutting angle, canes did not slip even in the case of free cutting. 8. Cutting characteristics in the high speed test relied upon rather the diameter and moisture content of the ca


國府田, 佳弘 ; 山本, 宏樹 ; 秋永, 孝義 ; 泉, 裕巳 ; 上野, 正実 ; Kohda, Yoshihiro ; Yamamoto, Hiroki ; Akinaga, Takayoshi ; Izumi, Hiromi ; Ueno, Masami
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.161-167,  1982-12-01.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/4031
概要: 小麦粉ドウの熱レオロジー的挙動を求めるために, 軟質及び硬質の小麦粉のドウの各種温度及び振動数における動的粘性及び弾性を求め, 次の挙動を明らかにした。1.小麦粉ドウの動的粘弾性値は温度変化に対して極小値を持つ2本の折れ線群で表現でき, そ の極小値を示す温度は軟質小麦で20℃, 硬質小麦で25℃であった。2.これらの線は平行移動によって重ね合すことができ, 小麦粉ドウが熱レオロジー的に単純であることがわかった。3.移動量を定量的に表現し, 粘弾性値を温度, 振動数に対して一般的に表現し, 温度-速度の相互変換が可能であることを示した。
In order to know thermorheological behavior of wheat flour dough, dynamic viscoelasticity of the soft and hard wheat at several temperature and oscillation speeds were measured. Results were as follows. 1. Viscoelastic values of the dough showed the minimum value at a temperature, and were plotted on folded lines. Temperature at the minimum value of the soft wheat dough was 20 C, and that of the hard wheat dough was 25 C. 2. It was found that the wheat dough was thermorheologically simple, because those lines could be superposed each other by parallel movement. 3. Quantitative expression of the viscoelasticity of those doughs was generalized concerning the temperature and oscillation speed. This made possible to exchange temperature and oscillation speed each other.