

野瀬, 昭博 ; 仲間, 操 ; 宮里, 清松 ; 村山, 盛一 ; Nose, Akihiro ; Nakama, Misao ; Miyazato, Kiyomatsu ; Murayama, Seiichi
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.1-10,  1989-12-05.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3870
概要: 作物のガス交換測定系において用いる低コスト情報処理システムを試作した。コストの低減を計るために,簡易型A/D変換器(ネオログ社,PCN-1209-1)を用い,出力用と入力用のGPIBをシステムから除外した。A/D変換器の入力特性から,本シス テムでは温度の測定にサーミスタ(φ=1.00mm, 宝工業KXK67-1)を用いた。しかし,3連の同化箱を用いて測定を行うのに必要な12本のサーミスタ価格を含めても,試作したシステムの価格は,既製品のA/D変換システムの1/3∿1/4であった。用いたサーミスタの出力電位と温度の関係は,0∿40℃で直線性を有していた(図4)。試作した情報処理システムを用いて,サトウキビ葉身の温度-光合成反応を測定した。得られた結果は高温域に至適温度を有するというC_4光合成特有のものであった。本測定において,試作したシステムを用い葉温を効率よく,かつ正確に制御することができた(図7)。
A simple data processing system for gas exchange measurement of crop plant was produced as a trial product in a laboratory low cost. In order to save the cost, a simple analog-digital (A/D) conversion board (Neolog, PCN-1209-01) was used, but two general purpose interface bus (GPIB) for computer date input and output were excluded in this system. On account of the input range of A/D board, thermister (φ1.00mm, Takara KXK-67) was used for temperature measurements. Including twelve thermisters necessary for a three assimilation chamber system, however, the cost for the trial product was only about one third to a quarter of the price for articles on the market. The thermister in the trial product gave a linear relation between temperature and electric potential in the 10℃ to 40℃ temperature range (Fig. 7). Using the above simple date processing system, photosynthesis-temperature response curves on sugar cane (Saccharamu officinarum, cv. NCo 310) leaf were examined. Curves obatinad in the experiment exhidited a typical response of C_4 photosynthesis in which the optimal was observed at high temperature of 35℃. In the examination, leaf temerature was controlled efficiently and accurately by the system (Fig. 7).


諸見里, 善一 ; 中川, 智秀 ; 田盛, 正雄 ; Moromizato, Zenichi ; Nakagawa, Toshihide ; Tamori, Masao
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.11-18,  1989-12-05.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3871
概要: Rhizoctonia solani Kuhnの菌核形成に及ぼす4種類の単色光及び近紫外光の影響を検討した。菌糸の伸長はC-14株の近紫外光区以外の区ではほとんど影響は見られなかった。一方, 菌核数はC-324株の近紫外光区で僅かに減少した が他の区では増加し, 特にC-324株でその傾向は著しかった。1シャーレ当たりに形成された菌核の総重量は両菌株とも近紫外線照射により増加し, 特にC-14株では60%増加した。菌核の成熟に伴う着色化はすべての照射区で抑制されたがこれはメラニン化を触媒するTyrosinaseの活性の低下と一致した。
Effects of four coloured and near-ultraviolet lights irradiation on sclerotial morphogenesis of two isolates of Rhizoctonia solani were examined. The hyphal linear growth of the isolates was not obviously affected by every light without in C-14 isolate by near-UV. On the other hand, the number of sclerotia was slightly decreased in C-324 isolate by near-UV while increased by other light in C-14 in particular. The total weight formed in a Petri dish was increased in two isolates by near-UV, especially about 60% in C-14. The pigmentation of sclerotia during maturation was inhibited by every light, which well agreed with the decrease of tyrosinase activity catalyzes melanization.


大屋, 一弘 ; 黒潮, 恵子 ; 外間, 安雄 ; Oya, Kazuhiro ; Kuroshio, Keiko ; Hokama, Yasuo
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.19-23,  1989-12-05.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3872
概要: 赤色土3,灰色台地土2,灰色台地土1,暗赤色土2計8ヵ所のサトウキビ畑(NCo : 310,株出)について土壌のpHとケイ酸含量,土壌の可溶性ケイ酸とサトウキビ葉のケイ酸含有率などの関係を調べた。供試土壌のpH(H_2O)は4.2∿ 8.1の範囲にあったが,全ケイ酸は56∿61%でpHによる相違は認められなかった。しかし土壌の可溶性ケイ酸は低pHで少なく,高pHで多くなる傾向にあった。さらに可溶性ケイ酸含量は赤色土(PH4.2∿5.0)で2∿5mg/100g,灰色台地土及び灰色低地土(PH8.0∿8.1)で42∿48mg/100g,暗赤色土(pH5.2∿6.5)で28∿92mg/100gと土壌の種類による著しい相違が認められた。サトウキビ葉身のケイ酸含有率は0.88∿4.97%の範囲にあった。土壌の可溶性ケイ酸含量との関係についてはある程度正の相関が伺えるが,詳しく論じるには調査件数が不十分と考えられた。
It was aimed to study silica status in Okinawan soils planted to cane crops, because silica has been found profitable to the growth of sugar cane elsewhere. To start with, soil pH, total and soluble silica in the soil, and silica contents of cane leaves were investegated on the respective composite samples collected from 8 cane fields covered 3 Red soils, 2 Gray Upland soils, 1 Gray Lowland soil, and 2 Dark Red soils of Oiknawa. Soil samples were collected from 0 to 15cm, and plant samples were from leaf blades of fully developed No. 1 to 4 leaves of the ratoon crop started from February in the year of investigation. Soluble silica in the soil was determined by extracting with pH 4.01N acetic acid buffer solution. Total silica of the soil ranged from 56 to 61%, showing no relation to the pH values that ranged from 4.02 to 8.1. On the other hand soluble silica ranged from 2 to 92mg/100g and its abandance was related to higher pH values. In addition the quantity in soluble silica was characterized to some extent by soil groups. The silica contents of the cane leaf blades ranged from 0.88 to 4.97%. It was deemed the number of investigated samples was not enough to discuss positive correlation between the soluble silica contents of the soil and the percent silica of the leaf bleades.


大屋, 一弘 ; 喜名, 景秀 ; Oya, Kazuhiro ; Kina, Keishu
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.25-31,  1989-12-05.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3873
概要: 暗赤色土サトウキビ畑におけるケイ酸に関する知見を得るため,宮古島8ヵ所,糸満市4ヵ所計12ヵ所の暗赤色土サトウキビ畑(1985年夏植え)について1986年6月∿12月にかけて土壌pH,土壌可溶性ケイ酸含量,サトウキビ葉身及び葉鞘のケ イ酸含有率などを調べた。結果は以下の通りであった。調査圃場では土壌pHがサトウキビ栽培の適性値(pH6.0∿7.0)にあるものは少なかった。土壌の可溶性ケイ酸は約6∿100/100gの範囲にあったが,6月より10月に減少しており,この減少の程度は酸性土壌で大きかった。また土壌のpH(H_2O及びKCl)と可溶性ケイ酸の間には統計的に有意(5%)な正の相関関係が認められた。サトウキビ葉身及び葉鞘のケイ酸含有率は両者とも6月から12月に向けて高くなる傾向がみられた。ケイ酸含有率において葉身と葉鞘に大きな差は見られなかったが,同含有率のばらつきは葉鞘で小さい傾向がみられた。土壌の可溶性ケイ酸含量とサトウキビ葉身・葉鞘のケイ酸含有率の間には多くの場合有意な正の相関関係が認められた。但し相関関係は6月の土壌可溶性ケイ酸含量対8月の葉身・葉鞘のケイ酸含有率及び10月の土壌可溶性ケイ酸含量対12月の葉身・葉鞘のケイ酸含有率でより大きくなる傾向があり,サトウキビ植物体におけるケイ酸の吸収移動には時間のかかることが伺われた。
Silicon in not regarded as essential nutrient element for the plant. The authors, however, think that this element may have some favorable effects on the grwoth and sugar production of the cane crop, for this crop absorbs a quantity of silica as its nature, and that it is necessary to study silica status in the soil in relation to sugarcane production. Soil pH, soluble silica in the soil as determined by exraction with a normal pH 4.0 acetic acid buffer solution, and percent silica in the cane leaf blade and sheath were investigated on 12 fields of Dark Red soil in 1986. The fields had been planted to sugarcane (NCo : 310) in late summer of the previous year, and covered 8 in Miyako-Jima Island and 4 in Itoman-City of Okinawa Island. Four samples of soil, 0 to 15cm in depth, were also collected from each cane field in June and October, and 4 samples of fully developed No. 1 to 3 cane leaf blades and sheaths were also collected from each field in 2 month intervals from June to December, 1986. The soil pH values ranged from acid to alkaline, and those of only 2 fields were in the preferable range between pH 6.0 and 7.0. The contents of soluble silica in the soil ranged from 6 to 100mg/100g, and they tended to decrease from June to October. The degree of the decrease was more in the acid soils than that in the alkaline soils. There were significant positive correlations at the 5% level between the pH values with both water and a normal potassium chloride solution and the contents of soluble silica in the soil. Percent silica of the cane leaf blades and sheaths tended to increase from June to December. There were little difference in the percent silica between the cane leaf blades and sheaths. Percent of covariance in the percent silica of leaf sheaths leaf blades and sheaths. Percent of covariance in the percent silica of leaf sheaths appeared to be lesser than those of the leaf blades when compared among the samples from the same field. There were also significant positive correlations between the contents of soluble silica in soil and the percent silica of the cane leaf blades and sheaths in many cases. It was assumed that absorption and movement of silica would be slow in the cane plant, becuase the correlation coefficient as determined in consecutive months was indicative to show a time lag between the percent silica of the leaf blades and sheaths and the contents of soluble silica in the soil.


知念, 功 ; 宮城, 大 ; 伊藤, 敬史 ; 隈元, 俊和 ; 屋, 宏典 ; Chinen, Isao ; Miyagi, Masaru ; Ito, Takafumi ; Kumamoto, Tosikazu ; Oku, Hirosuke
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.33-49,  1989-12-05.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3874
概要: サトウキビ茎梢頭部には二種類のアミラーゼ,α-アミラーゼとβ-アミラーゼが存在した。本研究では前者のα-アミラーゼを高度に精製し諸性質を調べた。精製はα-シクロデキストリンセファロース6Bゲルを用いたアフィニィティーカラムクロマトグラフィー とセファデックスG-100カラムクロマトグラフィーにかけて行なった。その結果,さらに二種類のα-アミラーゼが存在する事がわかった。その両酵素のうち活性の高い酵素はポリアクリルアミドデスク電気泳動的に均一に精製された。同酵素はこの精製法で66,476.8倍に純化され,回収率は75.01%であった。精製酵素をSDS-ポリアクリルアミドゲル電気泳動法により分子量を求めた結果,約44,000であった。至適温度と至適pHはそれぞれ,65℃とpH5.0であった。また,可溶性澱粉に対するKm値とVmax値はそれぞれ,2.15mg/mlと146units/mgであった。本酵素は塩化カルシウムを1mM濃度で添加すると著しい熱安定性を示し,55℃で1時間加熱しても安定であった。基質特異性を調べた結果,いずれの基質でも主にマルトヘプタオース(G_7)を生成した。また澱粉分解物の変旋光を測定した結果,その生成物はα型である事がわかった。また,本酵素はα-アミラーゼ測定用着色基質に作用した。以上の事から本酵素の作用型式はエンド型で,主としてマルトヘプタオースを生成するα-アミラーゼであると推測された。精製を行なう際,セファデックスG-100カラムクロマトグラフィーで2つの活性ピークが見られた。今回は活性が高かったピークについて諸性質を調べた。しかし活性が低かったピークについても試験的に可溶性澱粉に作用させ,その生成糖の組成を調べてみた。その結果,本酵素は澱粉に作用させた場合マルトースのみを特異的に生成する事がわかった。
In the first place two types of starch-hydrolyzing enzyme were found to be in top part of mature sugar cane stalk. Because one of them was adsorbed to an α-cyclodextrin-Sepharose column, the other was passed through it. In this paper the former was purified and various properties of it were studied. Purification was carried out by affinity chromatography on epoxy activited Sepharose 6B substituted with α-cyclodextrin and then by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. As a result, two kinds of amylase showing affinity to α-cyclodextrin-Sepharose existed in the fraction. One of them had high activity and showed homogeneity by disk gel electrophoresis. But the other had low activity and was obtained in very small amounts. So further studies of the former were achieved. The purity was 66,477 times and the recovery was 75%. The molecular weight was estimated to be about 69,000 by disk gel electrophoresis. The optimum temperature and pH volues were 65℃ and 5.0,respectively. The Km and Vmax values for soluble starch were 2.15mg/ml and 146 units/mg/min. The amylase indicated remarkable thermostability when 1mM calcium chloride was present. In other words, it was stable at 55℃ for one hour. The enzyme cleaved considerably soluble starch, amylopectin, amylose, dextrin, and glycogen, but wheat starch, rice starch, cassava starch, sweet potato starch, potato starch, in less extent than the formers. Oligosaccharide composition of products from theses starches was determined by high performance liquid chromatography. No difference in tendency of the composition was detected among the starches. But maltoheptaose (G_7) was mainly produced from each starch. Maltooctaose (G_8), maltohexaose (G_6) maltopentaose (G_5), maltotetraose (G_4), maltotriose (G_3) and maltose (G_2) were also formed in less content than the former. Optical rotation of decomposition products from soluble starch was determined, but the result was not clear. But the enzyme was adsorbed to α-cylodextrin Sepharose, hydrolyzed synthetic substrate (amylose azure), which has been used as a substrate of α-amylase, and was inhibited by α-amylase inhibitor from Triticum aestivlm, therefore it was decided to be α-amylase producing α-type oligosaccharides from various starches. Two kinds of α-amylase was found to be in this fraction in the purification as stated above. One of them showing minor activity was found to produce only maltose (G_2) from soluble starch by HPLC.


当山, 清善 ; 石原, 昌信 ; Toyama, Seizen ; Isihara, Masanobu
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.51-57,  1989-12-05.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3875
概要: 生甘藷組織の崩壊・液状化に関与する酵素系を解明する目的で,Asp.saitoiの産生する酵素とTrichoderma属起源セルラーゼ剤による生甘藷組織の酵素分解性と各種成分の変化について調べた。Asp.saitoi酵素及びセルラーゼによる生 甘藷組織の分解性は極めて低い値であったが,両酵素を同時に添加すると酵素反応時間の経過とともに著しく分解性が高められた。酵素反応液中のガラクツロン酸量を測定した結果,Asp.saitoi酵素ではガラクツロン酸が多く生成されたが,セルラーゼではガラクツロン酸生成量は少なかった。全ガラクツロン酸量は,セルラーゼ標品単独で作用させた系においてもAsp.saitoi酵素を加えた時と近似した値を示した。両酵素が存在してもペクチン質物の分解において相剩的効果は認められなかった。酵素反応液中の還元糖量及び全糖量は,両酵素を同時に加えた時に最も高い値を示した。生甘藷組織中のセルロースはセルラーゼ添加で良好に分解されたが,両酵素を加えると分解速度が増大した。
Enzymatic degradation of sweet-potato tuber-tissue was investigated with commercial cellulase preparation, Meicelase, and the enzyme from Aspergillus saitoi. The tuber-tissue-degrading activity of enzyme was expressed by measuring the amount of residual tissues after degradation. Asp. saitoi enzyme or Meicelase showed a lower activity against the tuber-tissues. With the combined action of two enzymes, however, the tuber-tissues were readily degraded to release glucose and galacturonic acid. The free galacturonic acid was increased during incubation period by the addition of Asp. saitoi enzyme to tuber-tissues and not by that of Meicelase. The combined action of Asp. saitoi enzyme and Meicelase could not accelerate the degradation of pectic substance in the tuber-tissues. Meicelase was found to degrade cellulosic materials in the tuber-tissues, producing high-molecular-weight pectic substances. When Asp. saitoi enzyme and Meicelase were added to the tuber-tissues, reducing sugar and total sugar were increased significantly.


石原, 昌信 ; 石垣, 勝己 ; 当山, 清善 ; Ishihara, Masanobu ; Ishigaki, Katsumi ; Toyama, Seizen
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.59-65,  1989-12-05.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3876
概要: 粉砕バガスの酵素分解反応を行ない,酵素分解生成物の紫外部吸収値とフェノール化合物について調べた。酵素分解生成物をNaOH溶液で前処理すると280nm吸収値が著しく増加した。NaOH処理した酵素分解生成物にはフェルラ酸以外のフェノール化合物は 認められなかった。酵素分解生成物中のフェルラ酸をペーパークロマトグラフィーにより他成分と分離するには試料をNaOHで前処理する必要があった。バガス中のフェノール化合物量とバガスの酵素分解性との間には相関性が認められた。酵素分解生成物はゲル濾過により高分子及び低分子画分に分画され,両画分にはフェルラ酸と糖が存在した。高分子画分の糖成分はグルコース,キシロース及びアラビノースであった。
The ultraviolet absorbance of the supernatant and the water soluble phenolic compounds released were determined after treating sugar-cane bagasse with a commercial cellulase preparation,Meicelase. When the supernatant was treated with NaOH solution at 120℃ for 30min, the absorption value at 280nm was increased. Ferulic acid, the only phenolic compound detected, was extracted with ethylacetate from the supernatant which was treated with NaOH. Ferulic acid which was released from bagasse during enzyme reaction could be separated from the other substances by paperchromatography. when sugar-cane bagasse was treated with NaOH, the degradability of the residues by cellulase preparation was strongly correlated with the amount of phenolic compound released by the alkali. Gel filtration of the enzyme hydrolysate on Toyopear HW 40 gave low-and high-molecular-weight fractions, both of which appeared to contain phenolic-complexes. The high-molicular-weight fraction obtained by gel filtration contained glucose, xylose and arabinose.


仲宗根, 洋子 ; 志茂, 守孝 ; 玉城, 典子 ; 細山田, 義行 ; Nakasone, Yoko ; Simo, Moritaka ; Tamashiro, Noriko ; Hosoyamada, YoshiYuki
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.67-72,  1989-12-05.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3877
概要: 黒糖成分の,等級によって表示される品質への影響を明らかにすることを目的として,工場から直接得た黒糖を実験材料に用いて,その成分を分析すると共に,多変量解析の一つのパス解析によって9変数(成分)間相互の因果関係を調べた。その結果,黒糖成分は次 のような平均的含量を示した。 : K : 12776±2502,Ca;2055±347,Mg;1279±222,Na;204±81,P;149±77,Fe;77±40,Mn;13.02±6.9,Zn;10.17±8.2,ショ糖;87±3.5,還元糖;3.04±1.1,灰分;4.2±0.7,色価;47±21。黒糖成分間相互の因果関係をパス係数によって調べた結果,品質については,その70%がFig.1に示した8因子(成分)によって決定されていることがわかった。更に,ショ糖および鉄は品質に対して強い影響力をもっており, それぞれの影響力は還元糖やMgの3倍に及んだ。Mn, Ca, Kおよび色価は品質に何ら影響力を有しなかった。ショ糖に対しては色価, MnおよびMgが, また色価に対してはMn, CaおよびFeが, 大きな影響力をもつ成分であった。
Thirty one samples of Kokuto, a non-centrifugal sugar consisting of sucrose and molasses, were collected from the Kokuto mills in Okinawa and their chemical and physical properties were examined in relation to the quality of the product. It was found that minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus were contained in Kokuto in the decreasing order of content, independent of the processing method and the grade of quality. The average of each constituent was as follows : K : 12776±2502,Ca : 2055±347,Mg 1279±222,Na : 204±81,P : 149±77,Fe : 77±40,Mn : 13.02±6.9,Zn : 10.17±8.2,sucrose : 87±3.5,reducing sugar : 3.04±1.1,ash : 4.2±0.7,color value : 47±21. The quality was found to be affected by the content of iron, sucrose, reducing sugar, and magnesium, where their path coefficients were -0.48,0.48,0.17,and -0.13,respectively. The determination coefficient of the quality with model in Fig. 1 was 0.71. From the path coefficients of the constituents shown in Fig. 1,outstanding effects as follow were obtained : the effects of color value (0.63), Mn (0.39) and Mg (-0.39) on sucrose; those of Mn (0.52), Ca (0.47) and Fe (-0.40) on color value; and those of Mg (0.60) and Ca (0.37) on reducing sugar. These results indicate that each constituent or property mentioned above can be important parameter for evaluating sugar quality, sucrose content, color value, and reducing sugar content as follows : the content of iron and sucrose for quality evaluation, color value and the content of Mn and Mg for sucrose content, the content of Mn, Ca, and Fe for color value, and the content of Mg and Ca for reducing sugar content.


山城, 三郎 ; Yamashiro, Saburo
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.73-87,  1989-12-05.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3878
概要: 本研究は,ポット試験によってサトウキビに対するかんがい開始時期について検討するものである。上記の目的を達成するために,サトウキビの蒸散流速,蒸散量,土壌水分および土壌の水分張力(pF)を測定し,これらの相互関係について調べた。さらに,蒸散流 速および蒸散量の時間変化と気象要因との関係についても検討した。その結果,蒸散流速,蒸散量,土壌水分および土壌の水分張力の変動からサトウキビに対するかんがい開始の時期としては土壌の水分張力がpF3.7∿pF3.8になった場合が適当であることがわかった。蒸散流速はこのpF値付近においてはほぼ一定の値となった。また,蒸散流速および蒸散量の時間変化と気象要因の関係から,蒸散流速は蒸散量の指標として,十分役立つことがわかった。このようにして蒸散流速をモニタリングすることによって,サトウキビがいつ水分欠乏をきたし,いつかんがいすべきであるかを知ることが可能である。
This study was done in order to investigate when to irrigate for sugar cane. The sugar cane which was used in this test was planted in pots. To attain this purpose, sap flow velocity and transpiration of sugar cane, soil moisture and soil moisture tension were measured. I investigated the relationship bitween them. Between sap flow velocity, the mean value of hourly transpiration rate and weather were also investigated. It became clear that a daily monitoring of sap flow velocity, transpiration rate, soil moisture content and soil moisture tension indicated that sugar cane needs to be irrigated whenever the soil moesture tension reaches a pF value between 3.7 and 3.8. From these pF value, the sap flow velocity became nearly constant. From the observation made, it seemed clear that both the sap flow velocity and the transpiration rate were equally influenced by the weather. It also appeared evident that sap flow velocity could serve quite well as an index of transpiration rate. Thus by monitoring sap flow velocity, it could be possible to tell when the sugar cane plants are experiencing water stress and thus requireing further water application.


國府田, 佳弘 ; 秋永, 孝義 ; Kohda, Yoshihiro ; Akinaga, Takayoshi ; Sutrisno
出版情報: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 — The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus.  pp.89-97,  1989-12-05.  琉球大学農学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/3879
概要: キャッサバは東南アジアあるいは南米などで重要な食料あるいは飼料とされているが,タンパク質含量が低く栄養価は高くない。筆者らはその栄養価を高めるために,加熱押出し加工によって多孔質物質を作りこれを固体発酵させて高タンパク質含量の飼料を製造する 技法について報じてきたが,本報ではその加工特性及び生成物の性状に及ぼす加工温度と材料の含水量の影響について検討した。即ち,キャッサバ粉を10,13,16,及び19各%の含水量に調質し,バレル温度140,160及び180各℃で1軸イクストルーダで加熱押出し,生成物の膨化率,吸水量,外相,剪断強度などの性質と,加工時のトルク,圧力,及び噴出速度を求めて,それらの間に次の関係があることを見出した。(1)試料の含水量とバレル温度は生成物の性状に有意な関係を持っていたが,主要因は含水量であった。(2)試料の含水量が13∿16%の範囲ではバレル温度140∿160℃の時に優れた外観の生成物が得られた。(3)本実験に用いたイクストルーダでは含水量が制限因子であり,温度は加工時の所要トルクとバレル内圧力には関係しているものの生成速度との関係は見られなかった。以上を総合してキャッサバのイクストルーダ加工には含水量13∿16%の材料を用いるのが適当と判断した。
Cassava flour was hydrated to 10,13,16 and 19% (w. b.) of moisture content and extruded at 140°, 160°and 180℃ of barrel temperature on constant screw speed of 150rpm. The effect of feed moisture content and process temperature on product properties (product appearances, moisture content, expansion ratio, bulk density, water absorpsion, shearing strength) and extrusion process characteristics (product rate, torque and pressure) were determined. The analysis showed that the interaction of the process temperature and feed moisture content significantly correlated with all extrudate properties, but on the other hand, the individual analysis indicated that only feed moisture content correlated with product properties. The physical appearence clearly showed that the good extrudate produced at process temperature of 140°-160℃ for feed moisture content of 13-16% (w. b.). The analysis also described that there were inter correlation between product properties. The feed moisture content was critical parameter on the operation of the extruder used in this experiment, and analysis showed that interaction with process temperature related to torque and pressure, but no relation with product rate. For all level of process temperature, the safe operation conducted for feed moisture content of 13-16% (w. b.).